If you've ever viewed a comment below one of the official Xbox social account posts on either Twitter or Facebook, you might have seen the occasional reply suggesting certain other consoles are better.
While it's mostly just fans of these other systems trolling, the company (or at least the person who runs the official Xbox account) has used it as an opportunity to share the following message: the best console is the one you enjoy playing.
The tweet has blown up with more than 100k Likes now. In recent years we've seen Xbox take an increasingly friendlier approach to the competition. For example, the head of Xbox Phil Spencer is always praising Nintendo and Sony on certain milestones. Most recently, he's even shared his initial thoughts on Valve's Steam Deck - congratulating the team.
What are your own thoughts about Xbox's latest tweet? Would you agree the best console is the one you enjoy playing the most? Share your own thoughts down in the comments.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 105
So many chavs (who I feel aren’t actually hardcore gamers, which is fine, but they’ve just gone with the crowd) push these PS5 is better comments just to get a rise out of Xbox players or even Xbox social Media; so that was actually a great response to it all.
Xbox has been a class act since Spencer. ❤️
@K1LLEGAL Of course the chavs aren’t hardcore gamers, they’re just more concerned about getting their crates of Stella and playing FIFA, while deciding the next sovereign ring they’ll buy from Argos.
I have found the Sony fans to be quite toxic and nasty compared to Xbox ones. And they are generally very stupid constantly going on about no games etc, they have no arguments to make so always resort to insults and lies.
I'm very glad the Xbox Series is doing very well this gen, having played the PS5 it was definitely the right choice for me!
And the Switch still outsells both of the new systems anyway.
I also put many media outlets in the same class as Sony fans as they endlessly bow down to PlayStation, and criticise Xbox. But then again Xbox doesn't threaten media outlets with bans if they give negative reviews.
Even with Jim Ryan's comments this week about how only huge AAA high review scoring high selling games matter and are the only games people care about, the fans still defend him and Sony.
@S1ayeR74 all three have pockets of toxic fanboys. PS fanbase is just overall larger (at least for now) so their toxic section is just more prominent. But it exists across all unfortunately. I wish all would just enjoy gaming.
Lol its ironic as on playstations twitter you get xbots putting "xbox is better"
People go on twitter to troll and make people triggered and by the looks of it, it works
@Royalblues tbf as someone who owns all three consoles I'd say each fan base is the same, you should see the comments whenever a playstation game wins game of the year, or when the ps5 design came out, xbox trolls were out in droves bashing playstation. Infact out of playstation, xbox and nintendo I'd say Nintendo is the more friendly community
@UltimateOtaku91 cough Rashford cough
I loved that tweet. PS5 is better people act like it's some huge deal that they like PS more than Xbox, as if that's an achievement.
@UltimateOtaku91 "Nintendo is the more friendly community"
I agree. Nintendo is a distant 3rd place for me amongst the big three, but overall, the community is pretty solid. They just go on, happily doing their Nintendo things.
@Jaxx420 No that's not been my experience, I have seen a lot more toxicity and insults and lies from the Sony fanbase. And that's in the media and on social media.
@Carck you could say the same about saying halo or gears is crap, you would get hated on by xbox trolls, its the same about any major franchise. On nintendo life I'm constantly moaning about the amount of ports Nintendo are releasing but I never get hated on or trolled. Yet on here I stated that E3 wasn't that great yet got hated on.
@Carck you just notice playstations more as its community is bigger, but xbox will get a larger following this gen so eventually you will see it more and more from xbox trolls
@UltimateOtaku91 I looked through most E3 related articles on Pure Xbox and nowhere did I see comments of people hating on you for your opinion. You wrote a lot of comments in this article, yet the replies were still decent. You even got roughly a dozen likes on your first comment: https://www.purexbox.com/news/2021/06/poll_how_would_you_grade_xbox_and_bethesdas_e3_2021_showcase
I've said this before and I'll say it again, once something becomes too popular it will attract a lot of toxic users. Nintendo Life is toxic. Push Square is toxic (I literally left Push Square because the comment sections were getting out of hand). Pure Xbox is not toxic because it's not as popular as those sites, yet. Same with PlayStation and Xbox, and just like you said, Xbox will become more toxic over time the more popular it gets. That's just how things are.
But no, Pure Xbox is nowhere close to being as bad as Push Square or Nintendo Life. And when it does become that bad, you'll know that as you will not see me here anymore.
@SplooshDmg Excellent post! I wholeheartedly agree with you. If you're going to state an unpopular opinion, then you absolutely know what the responses to you will be like. Otherwise you're just exhibiting extreme naivete.
There's definitely a difference between acknowledging a video game and feeling opinionated about it. I've seen so many people on other sites stating that Bethesda games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls are terrible series, but I just can't see how that is the case when these franchises have had such a huge impact on the gaming industry. It's one thing if you don't like them (or because you've now become biased due to Microsoft acquiring ZeniMax) and another to acknowledge the games' influence as a whole.
Take another example: Bloober Team's horror games. There's a fair amount of individuals who think these are the worst horror games ever because there's not much gameplay in them. But that just means that those games aren't for you, it doesn't mean that they're bad. There's absolutely an audience for Bloober Team's titles simply because they do things differently with their horror games.
I mean, I can go on and on about this. One last example: Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Some people think it's bad because it's too big, but once again there are others who like a huge open world like that. Different strokes for different folks, doesn't mean that the games are bad.
Technically, the best console is Series X but let the insecure fanboys live in their bubble 😂.
Pretty much sums it all up. I own both and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. Just based on the consoles themselves, maybe one could say the Series X is better, but they are both so similar for the most part that it just comes down to which ecosystem and games you like better. Obviously also where your friends play if you play multiplayer games.
I honestly feel sony fanboys have got worse since the new consoles have come out. There blind devotion to sony means they are perfectly happy to be charged for ps5 upgrades
@LtSarge @SplooshDmg I agree and I hate when people are rude behind the safety of their anonymous computers.
@BlueOcean and your previous comment was a perfect example.....
Seriously though all 3, consoles are the "best" having the best open world game I've ever played and games that are just pure fun to play (nintnedo) the best narrative games and JRPG's I've ever played (sony) and the best first person shooters and sandbox multiplayers (xbox).
All three systems bring things to the table and I feel sorry for those who just settle for the one as they are seriously missing out.
@UltimateOtaku91 I said technically and what I said is true because Series X is technically the best but it seems that you don't like Xbox much. If we talk games, it's subjective and none of them is the best.
@Residentsteve01 I'd say from the year 2023 is where things get exciting from xbox in terms of their new first party games so I'd definitely get one by then if I was you, but in the mean time yeah just stick with the ps5 and maybe get a switch lol
@BlueOcean sure specs wise it's the best but I don't define a consoles greatness by its specs, also xbox are growing on me since I got my series S and will be on it all next week when Cris Tales comes out but il admit it's not my preferred console at the moment
@UltimateOtaku91 That's what I said "technically" 😊. Also, Xbox has the best controller according to most gamers and, actually, Nintendo copied it, just a reminder. Is it an Xbox controller? No, it's a Nintendo controller 😁.
And Sony also copied the shape and size to design the DualSense. PC players usually go for an Xbox controller, too.
Software is a different story and entirely subjective. Some Xbox games are great, some Sony games are great and some of Nintendo's games are my favourite games ever (old games, mind you).
@Residentsteve01 il let that switch comment slide lol
But yeah I suppose after the flop of cyberpunk I'm sure developers are wary of releasing unfurnished games riddled with bugs.
Sony Ponies are the absolute worst..
@BlueOcean I like the bigger controllers so the xbox controller is good for me just wish it was cheaper considering its missing a battery and gyro, and I like the idea of design lab.
@UltimateOtaku91 Well it's a bit cheaper than Sony's and I bought the battery pack with rewards points. The Design Lab is awesome. I'm waiting for a possible Elite Controller Series 3 to replace my Series 1. I have a PS4, I don't have a PS5 but I've heard that the DualSense is huge and heavy.
@Royalblues I have a love-hate relationship with Nintendo LOL.
These children don't deserve any attention. Just let them have their fits and lets move on.
@BlueOcean series controllers are a shade heavier than the dualsense
@redd214 280g DualSense, 241g Series X controller according to Google, I just checked.
@BlueOcean 287g ::shrugs
Either way im holding both in hand right now and as far as weight its really indistinguishable in practice. DS is def. a little wider and "chunkier" I'd say.
Ps5 iS BetTeR. Nice sentiment with Xbox’s response but I’d have just ignored them. Every fandom has idiots, but I feel Sony has more or definitely the loudest with their superiority complex.
@UltimateOtaku91 if you like bigger controllers you would like the Dual Sense’s size, it’s a little bigger than the series x one. But it’s marginal. (Source: have both in front of me)
“ as someone who owns all three consoles I'd say each fan base is the same”
I’m in the same position and I totally agree. In every fan base it’s the scum that rises to the top. It’s maybe more noticeable as PlayStation and Nintendo are more popular which unfortunately seems to attract more idiots (see also-film, music, sports). But I struggle to see one fan base as worse than the other.
EDIT-“All three systems bring things to the table and I feel sorry for those who just settle for the one as they are seriously missing out.”
Also, 100% agree with this.
@BlueOcean @redd214 is correct series x controller is marginally heavier with batteries. But there’s basically nothing in it on size and weight. DualSense is a little bigger, but again it’s marginal.
They’re both excellent controllers and I have no issue jumping back and forth between them. I do like the DualSense haptics, adaptive triggers and touch pad (when developers utilise it with shortcuts)
@electrolite77 100% there’s lifeless tw@ts for all platforms. I have ignored the same number of users here Push Square and Nintendo Life. Perhaps there are marginally more on PS but that is also expected with a larger market share.
Bunch of kids crying over their favorite console.
@UltimateOtaku91 funny that I made a comment about not liking Metroid elsewhere, and someone preceded to tell me I’m not a real Nintendo fan because I like AC, FE, and Pokemon but a real Nintendo fans like Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. Where as I have straight stated on this board that I didn’t care for Halo, no one said anything to that. Just like you bemoaning those franchises on NL. Also there is a big difference with the how something is said, and what is said. It’s the how that makes the difference. Anyway, All of this is hyperbole and anecdotal. I could chalk a lot of to having more mods on NL or just there being too many responses to notice one, where as here less people it’s easier to notice.
What I will say and stand by is that the largest player base is naturally going to have the largest amount of… “childish behavior”. I found a good portion of players seem to not really game they just want to be one what they think is the “winning side” and bulk of these twits live on Twitter ironically. PlayStation has the biggest fanbase ergo the biggest twits, but during the 360 era I’m sure it was the Xbots crying louder
It’s really shame idiots like that exists.
When we buy one or the other console, don't we all decide which one is 'better' for us?
'For us' is the key distinction. I don't have any problem with such statements in general as long as there is some attempt to remember it's merely subjective opinion and not speaking truths
But there is a bigger problem highlighted by the comments tread. Namely, that although it's clear these guys were going beyond polite opinion by posting 'PS5 is better' on the Xbox twitter account and were most certainly guilty of trolling, I don't think calling them a bunch of chavs, kids, losers or non-hardcore gamers (as many in this tread are doing) is entirely called for either.
Instead of cat-calling, please lift them up in there potential like the Xbox team's comment did, instead of joining them at their current level. Otherwise we just remain in 'eye for a eye' territory.
@redd214 Oh I checked here:
They say 241g. I just weighed mine and it's 239g, 296g with batteries. With batteries the weight is similar to DualSense but DualSense is slightly larger. I haven't tried the DualSense but the Series X controller feels balanced and light in my hands. At the end of the day, it's obvious that Nintendo and Sony copied the Xbox controller design and that's a compliment.
@Royalblues Basically, as we mature we can't be in love with Nintendo any longer 😉. But some people are children forever. I don't mean cartoonish games, I love them.
Let me just say that on Push Square some people say that digital PS5 is an inferior console... I haven't experienced anyone in the Xbox community bashing Series S (which I have and love). I'm not surprised, though. It's the 21 century and people still act territorial and display tribal behaviour. Sidenote: I have both PS5 and Series S and I love both consoles.
@Royalblues @BlueOcean That's kind of a diminutive and judgemental way of looking at things. It's like saying that any well-adjusted adult shouldn't watch cartoons or read comics.
@gollumb82 fair enough point. It is this weird Tribalism that seems to only exist in the bubble that is the console space. You don’t see Subaru fanboys going to great lengths to insult the intelligence of Honda owners. No one starts Twitter wars over Dyson vs Bissell. But in the console space there, unlike other product, there has to be a winner and a loser. When in fact because it’s product, noone has to lose and everyone can make money.
@S1ayeR74 I’m glad I’m not the only person who read Jim Ryan’s comments that way. Returnal and Astro Bot are the only Sony games so far that make me want a PS5, and neither of those seem like they’re Jim Ryan’s ideal portfolio going forward.
Time will tell, but I don’t think $70 “blockbusters” are the future, and he sounds like a moron saying it is. Sony’s diverse output was always a strength of Playstation, but he doesn’t see it that way.
“ Please, let's not let this devolve into a fanboy war.”
I totally agree with you here but it’s difficult to square it with this comment…
“adult Nintendo fans are just people who are unwilling to accept the fact that they are growing up and have responsibilities.”
That is harsh to say the least and exactly the kind of wild generation that stokes the fanboy wars. There’s nothing more adult than playing what you want to play and we really should have left all that ‘those games are for kids’ stuff in the early 90s. All fan bases have their zealots and idiots cheering for the multinational corporation that just sees them as walking money.
Ditto. I've had my PS5 since April and the only game that has so far seemed next gen is Astro's Playroom. My daughter can tell you all about it The only game(s) I've bought on PS5 is the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. The rest (Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Returnal, Ratchet) are of no interest to me. Once I'm done with ME LE I'll be playing PS4 games.
Not the case on Xbox, where Game Pass will keep me playing new games all the time (mostly indies and BC games, but that's what I love about it).
I understand that side of it. I’d lay the blame for that with that very small set of adults that represents a tiny portion of the fan base more than Nintendo personally, but then I have no issue with you choosing not to play their games. It’s the labelling of (and I quote) “adult Nintendo fans” that’s extremely misguided. That is actually a very large number of people. If others like something different to you, that’s all it is. It’s not that they are “unwilling to accept the fact that they are growing up and have responsibilities.”
Yeah, as a Nintendo fan I don’t enjoy being told that it’s a problem being a fan of them as an adult.
Funny thing, though, is that these feuds are as old as gaming. I remember when I had a Commodore 64 (yes, I'm that old) Atari and C64 fans were bashing their competitor's hardware just like PS and Xbox fans are doing now. I suppose it cannot be helped.
Can't people like both? They're both really good consoles. Both have their pros and cons. The biggest difference between the two is the controller. The PS5 controller is soo different to what has gone before. But for online shooters the elite series 2 is the best. I'd love a controller combining both, cross everything the elite series 3 will do it.
I’m the same vintage as you. In the U.K. it was C64 v Spectrum owners (I had an Amstrad CPC and was stuck in the middle), then Amiga vs ST, Megadrive v SNES. IMO 360 v PS3 was pretty bad (have a look at the Eurogamer ‘Face Off’ articles from that generation and read the comments-urgh) and it carried on from there. Unfortunately there’s a set of people attached to Gaming who either need to validate their choices by belittling others choices, or simply get weirdly patriotic about a plastic box sold by a money-chasing multinational corporation.
@gollumb82 @electrolite77 Hmm well I’m not that much younger as my first system was a launch NES so my mom would have to stop taking me to my aunts house because I hogged the Atari.
And I guess it can’t be helped but the internet and social media makes it so much worse.
@Sakisa there's no problem liking nintendo games as an adult, infact they have quite a few games that are for older audiences plus the only ones that don't censor anime games.
Labelling nintendo as a child's system is ludicrous, God forbid any xbox or playstation players play games like ratchet and clank, LBP, banjo, Roblox, sonic and Minecraft
@BrazillianCara @Sakisa @UltimateOtaku91 Nah, I don't mean that. It's everything that I have explained before, it has nothing to do with the style of the games but with Nintendo. If you want to know what I mean you can read my reflections in the comments section:
Banjo is my favourite video game character so you can see that I'm an adult that still loves that kind of stuff. Perhaps you were replying to @Royalblues.
@electrolite77 @mousieone
Couldn't agree more. Nice to know there's more gaming dinosaurs like me here
I class myself as a gamer. I have no real allegiance to any company. I have a switch that I love and a series X I love. PS5 can wait not because I don't want one but because it hasn't got anything I want to play on it. I sold my PS4 for the same reasons. I have game pass and digital purchases on Xbox and love Nintendo first party stuff. That being said I honestly hate all "Communities". Following a direct you get all the scum coming out bashing Nintendo because that game they want isn't coming. The same with Xbox over E3 (Despite the strong showing and studios they now own.) My current gaming is on my Vita of all things. Put frobisher says on for a bit and hooked again. I just love video games full stop. That's the way it should be...
@SplooshDmg "You'd never see an ad like that today"
I mean, Sony did do a video of two people handing a game to each other in order to mock the Xbox One.
Quite frankly, in my decade or so of watching idiots fight online and stan for companies that don't care about them, I've found the Sony fans to be the most insufferable, and recently the Nintendo fanbase has been bumped up to second.
This is mostly down to how they constantly attack other platforms. "no gaems, wrong stick position, underpowered hardware, third place, no masterpieces" Every single bit of news is about crushing their opponents, not enjoying their platform of choice, and it's kinda sad.
(and heaven forbid they not be the market leader. The PS3 days were absolutely wild)
Both are fantastic consoles however it’s the PS exclusives that puts PS ahead. They really are the most amazing games with gripping stories and incredible gameplay. TLOU 1 an 2, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Demon’s Souls, Uncharted, Days Gone, etc, all incredible an, other tha maybe GTA an Red Dead untouched by other games.
@BlueOcean thanks for the link, glad you're enjoying it!
I've been a Nintendo loyalist since 1985 and Sony has always been my secondary systems. This gen though, Xbox is making big moves. Their decisions seem to be targeted right at the long time, hardcore gaming crowd while it appears Sony is experimenting with appeasing fringe groups. I went Xbox Series X as my primary console this gen. I am not regretting it. The system already has more of my type of content than I'll ever have time to play and the future looks extremely bright. The library contains a perfect blend of old and new so I can bounce around between nostalgic legends like Perfect Dark and modern marvels like Forza and Sea of Thieves. Creative epics like Psychonauts and deep RPG's like all that is to come from Bethesda. It doesn't just have offerings from every genre, it has the best that every genre has to offer. That is a testament to some very good decisions made by their leadership. They are winning over the hearts of gamers who had previously viewed them as the new bullies on the block, and I believe that will translate into new customers and serious $$$.
And...you can like more than one console. They are all good in different ways, different games. PC games of course too.
Seeing all these comments prove once again controversy equals clicks. Personally, I like games ans dont care about what platform they are on. But for me right now Sony is in a game drought (Im waiting on hzd2 and gow2) while xbox got plenty Im interested in out already or coming soon. Theres some games on the Switch I want to buy but Im holding off until I wrap a couple off. Tldr: I like games, I play them when I want.
@Jaxx420 agree with this. Best to sit outside the circles as most gamers do and just enjoy the games. I've jumped in the comments on both PushSquare and PureXbox to defend Xbox and PlayStation but largely ignore it all now. I don't event check video game news as often because of the toxicity and poor media coverage. Just get lost in the games now. Just play where you wanna play and what you wanna play.
Both consoles are great, the Switch is awesome, PC gaming is great too (although I can't get hold of a new graphics card which is where the new consoles are helping). And fingers crossed the Steam Deck will be cool too. Especially considering you can supposedly use GamePass on it
Just be a gamer and play whatever the f**k you want!
Best answer from Xbox team.
Playing since the Commodore 64 and NES and owned almost all systems ever released, including arcade cabs, neogeo, CPS1, CPS2, etc, etc.
Its a waste of time to even try arguing with the Sony fanbase. They have always been the most arrogant trendy imbeciles since PS2 era.
Most have started video games with Ratchet & Clank or GTA 3 and have no idea of what they are talking about.
just ignore.
@thenewguy Not really related to this article, but I just have to say that I'm finding it very weird how PS users in general aren't concerned about a potential drought on PS5. Sony has released most of their games in recent years and because they take 3-4 years to make we won't be seeing any new games for quite some time after God of War 2 and Horizon 2.
Sure maybe Insomniac will release Spider-Man 2 in 2023, but are people honestly going to wait the entire year only to play a 10 hour open world game that's largely the same as previous iterations? Meanwhile, Xbox users will get a steady slew of titles releasing throughout the entire year thanks to Game Pass, including at least one first-party title each quarter. As a person who plays on both PlayStation and Xbox, I just find PS5's upcoming lineup rather concerning. There's just not a lot of exclusives and not a lot of variety either.
@Carck "no need to be a duck about it"
This got a pretty loud chuckle out of me, thanks! 😄
I've never heard "being a duck about something" but I'm gonna abusethe hell out of it now lol
@gollumb82 C64 gang!
@LtSarge you say that yet most of xbox's exclusives are still atleast 2 years away, whilst on ps5 there has been returnal, Demon souls, miles morales, ratchet and clank, astro playroom and destruction all stars so far, which is more than xbox series S/X and the medium doesn't even count anymore as its coming to ps5 this year. So that just leaves flight simulator so far?
Also playstation have Kena Bridge of spirits, horizon, god of war, gran turismo 7, stray, solar Ash, project athia, trails of cold steel 5, sifu and babylons fall plus timed exclusives such as final fantasy 16, deathloop and ghostwire Tokyo.
And then there's whatever Sony have yet to announce which I'm pretty sure they have unannounced games, so if anything over the next couple years it's xbox players who are in drought in terms of exclusives. In terms of some third party games and indies coming to gamepass then sure if you have gamepass you will have games to play.
@LtSarge Now Im just ranting but whatever. My friends who have a PS5 literally have no arguments against what you're saying. Sony should be concerned about 1st party drought, expensive games, expensive and cumbersome gameupgrades, serious competition from xbox and to some degree Nintendo and Valve later down the line. PS two biggest blockbusters will also drop on ps4. Seriously, I have no idea what they're doing over there. Lol.
I must admit I chuckled when a friend of mine who's been constantly on the lookout for a PS5 since launch finally got a hold on one, and the first game he fired up was Rocket League which he has been playing for years on PS4. Like, what was the point of stressing so much to get one? I personally can't follow that logic.
Series S is my first Xbox ever and I consider it to be a very rewarding experience. I convinced one friend to get one too and he have barely touched hos ps5 since except to play 2k.
@UltimateOtaku91 Xbox got FH5, Flight Simulator and Halo Infinite this year which are all games people tend to play for a long time, perhaps even the whole generation. This year and next they have 24 new games, some exclusive, coming straight to gamepass day one. Sony cant compete with that, most games they have released so far that you mentioned are done in 5-15 hours.
Most "fanboys" spend more time defending their blind loyalty to a plastic gadget than actually using it.
Defeats the object of what they are trying to achieve.
@thenewguy so if I'm not interested in flying around aimlessly or racers then xbox in terms of exclusives offer me just halo this year?
I was just pointing out that so far and over the next year in terms of exclusives and timed exclusives sony are definitely not in a drought and have more new games to play than anyone else no matter how long it takes to complete them, whilst xbox are relying on third party games coming day one to gamepass. Its in a couple years time when xbox fully gets into full swing with its exclusives.
@SplooshDmg You had my like at “Twitter is a horrible place” lol
I believe someone already mentioned it, but did you purposely forget about FH5, Halo Infinite(massive games) The Gunk, Psychonauts 2 etc, plus the myriads of games on GP day one.
Everyone can see a mile off you prefer Sony, but that should never get in the way of objectivity in a civilised discussion....
@UltimateOtaku91 what games youre interested in is your business.
@Sol4ris no I was just trying to point out that in no way are playstation players in a drought and it's the complete opposite......
Plus I was talking about exclusives not games in general as most of the games coming day one to gamepass are also coming to playstation the same day and psychonauts 2 is also on playstation.
@UltimateOtaku91 but on playstation if you buy, 3 of those 3rd party games then that will cost the same as game pass for a year and sony cant compete with that.
@thenewguy yeah I know and that's playstation players problem but the games are still there to play, hence no drought
@UltimateOtaku91 First of all, I find it interesting how when we're talking about first-party games, you genuinely have a hard time looking at both PlayStation and Xbox objectively, letting stuff like "I don't like flying or racing games, so those games don't count" affect you. Others have already pointed this out so I'm not going to go deeper into this. But do know that there's no discussion to be had if you're going to be biased and omit titles just because you don't like them.
Second, you don't have a long-term perspective. Notice how I mentioned 2023 in my comment. Which first-party PlayStation titles will come out in 2023 and onward? Both Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch released The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima respectively last year, so it's going to be a while before we see anything from them again. Sony Bend released Days Gone in 2019, Insomniac released Miles Morales last year and Ratchet & Clank this year, Bluepoint released Demon's Souls last year, Housemarque released Returnal this year, meaning it will also take some time for all of these studios to come out with new games. And God of War 2 as well as Horizon 2 are coming out in 2022. So what does 2023 and onward leave us with in terms of first-party PS games?
This is the problem with relying only on a handful of studios that take numerous years to develop games. Face it, PS users are going to experience a drought in first-party titles from 2023 and onward. Meanwhile, Microsoft has already laid out its plans for every coming year (i.e. at least one first-party game every quarter) and because we know that they have more studios than Sony, as well as are still acquiring more studios, Xbox users will objectively receive more games and receive them periodically. It doesn't look like that will be the case with PlayStation.
@LtSarge well said. From now on whenever O starts complaining Ill just refer to what you wrote. Lol. Cheers!
@LtSarge I agree and the same can be said with xbox, in a couple of years when all these games are ready xbox will have a very very strong 2023/2024 but then another drought will begin whilst we wait a few years for those studios next games. Exactly the same now as xbox are currently in a drought for first party exclusives with only an hand full confirmed before 2023. Sony also rely on other third parties to give them exclusives aswell such as persona and atelier games aswell as other jrpgs. And also we don't knkw what playstation have in development they could have 10 games for all we know
Then again maybe because I own a switch, ps5 and series S I would never eveb notice a drought as I'd always have something every month from atleast on of them
@UltimateOtaku91 Bit off topic but it sounds like Kena is a (yet another) timed exclusive too and so should luckily be coming to Series X eventually
Being a current owner of a ps5 I have to say it's *****. The UI is atrocious. It's hard work to find stuff. There's no folders or themes so it's a way step back from even PS4. There not a single game worth playing on a ps5.
I'm trying to gain a series X at present.
At least the UI makes sense.
@UltimateOtaku91 You're not getting it though. We're only experiencing a drought now with Xbox because we haven't reached the point where first-party games are coming out at a steady pace. Once they do, they will come out without any years with droughts. That's the whole point of these acquisitions, so that Microsoft can have studios release games in a periodic manner every year.
For example, let's say studio A releases its game in 2021. Studio B releases its game in 2022, studio C in 2023 and studio D in 2024. By the time 2025 roles by, studio A will be ready to release its next game, in 2026 studio B is ready to release its next game and so on. In order for this plan to work, Microsoft is going to need a lot of studios, which is why they're acquiring so many.
In short: Microsoft is buying a lot of studios and allocating their releases to different years in order to avoid droughts. When some of the studios have released their games, others are preparing to release theirs during the coming years and while they do that, the previous studios are working on getting out their next games in the years that come after. This is the core difference between Microsoft's and Sony's strategies in terms of game releases. Sure PS5 got a lot of exclusives during its first year. What about the coming years though? Sony hasn't said anything about that, while Microsoft has made it clear we can expect a lot of first-party titles every year.
@LtSarge yeah so that would mean around 3-4 proper exclusives per year? which is what playstation are averaging now if not more and nintendo release around 7-8 exclusives every year.
@K1LLEGAL that's good that you will get to play it, looks beautiful so far
@UltimateOtaku91 I literally just presented an argument to you that PlayStation will experience droughts in 2023 and onward (which you even agreed with) and then wrote why Microsoft won't experience droughts. And now you're saying that there's no difference between PlayStation and Xbox first-party releases? You keep changing you stance in every comment.
PlayStation isn't going to be releasing the same amount of first-party games they've been releasing this past year every year. Most PlayStation studios have released their games now, which means we won't see games from them for years to come. In other words, no we won't see "3-4 proper exclusives" from PlayStation in 2023. That year is 100% going to be a drought year for PlayStation users.
The point is that Microsoft will have a consistent schedule of first-party releases, while Sony will have some good years and some bad ones with first-party releases. Personally, I'd rather have a platform that gets consistent releases instead of irregular ones.
@LtSarge how do you 100% know that the year 2023 will be a drought year for playstation? I can't see sony going a whole year without releasing 3-4 exclusives (doesn't have to be blockbusters) especially with likely third party exclusives such as persona 6 and babylons fall. Also playstations studios work on multiple games at once, guerilla are working on multiple projects.
@LtSarge yup once Xbox hits that treadmill of “at least 1 first-party every quarter” there should be no stopping them! Benefit of having so many studios.
I kind of liken it to the MCU where Marvel had 1 or 2 (or 0) releases a year but it ramped up until they were hitting 3 or 4 (until Covid).
@LtSarge @UltimateOtaku91 Do exclusives have inherently more entertainment value?
@UltimateOtaku91 Mate go back and read what I said in an earlier post. Literally most PlayStation studios have already released their games. Which 3-4 studios are you proposing are ready to release games in 2023?
@K1LLEGAL Exactly, and that's why I want Microsoft to keep acquiring studios so that I can purely invest in the Xbox platform and get first-party releases on a constant basis. As long as they keep pumping out games, I won't have time for games on other platforms anyway so it works out for me.
@Richnj that's a good point, more exclusives doesn't mean more entertainment if those exclusives are rubbish/below par
I find more entertainment from rpgs than shooters whilst others are the opposite, just depends on the person's preferences, a company could release 7 exclusives one year but 6 of those could be types of games they don't enjoy, hence being a drought for them whilst being a good year for others. But for one Person to say that sony will definitely have a drought in 2023 is just taking a wild guess
@LtSarge so naughty dogs next Two games that are in development, insomniac games spiderman sequel, san Diego have a game in development also and SIE Bend
Plus guarantee atlus have persona 6 for playstation due around that time.
And then I suppose there will be some decent indie games around that time
@LtSarge that would be great for Xbox to get to that point. For me, I will always have to have a Nintendo console to go alongside it though as well. But if Xbox can reduce my need for a PS that would be great. I can wait out all the timed exclusives. There are usually one or two games on PS that get me in the end though (insomniac is fantastic).
I have even started holding out hope for more Japanese-style games to come to Xbox now. I don’t even mind waiting years - hoping for Persona and Trails and FFVII Remake. The Switch can do the rest.
@UltimateOtaku91 True, Naughty Dog does have two teams so the other one could release a game in 2023 but it's not likely due to a lot of the senior staff leaving the company: https://kotaku.com/as-naughty-dog-crunches-on-the-last-of-us-ii-developer-1842289962
"After the brutal development cycles of Uncharted 4 and Uncharted Lost Legacy, Naughty Dog has found itself with little choice but to hire a disproportionately high number of juniors and contractors for The Last of Us II, even if that perpetuates many of the problems that caused senior staff to leave."
This means that it's going to take a lot longer now for them to develop games due to less expertise. On top of that: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/04/sony_bend_was_at_one_point_working_on_a_new_uncharted
"the developer was divided into two teams: one was assigned to The Last of Us’ multiplayer game which was officially acknowledged by Naughty Dog over a year ago, the other started work on a new Uncharted."
Naughty Dog had to even call in Sony Bend to help out with the multiplayer. So the way I see it, development for Naughty Dog games has drastically increased now. And while we're talking about Sony Bend, they released Days Gone in 2019, has one team working on TLOU multiplayer and the other was working on an Uncharted game that has been scrapped now. In other words, we won't be seeing a new game from them anytime soon.
The situation with the San Diego studio is very unclear. They've been allegedly working with Naughty Dog (again another case of Naughty Dog needing external help) but they seem to have an ongoing project, so it might come out or not in 2023: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/11/sonys_secret_san_diego_studio_probably_hasnt_closed
Insomniac is very likely to release another Spider-Man game in 2023, so that's the only studio I can agree with you on. So that leaves one maybe two first-party titles for 2023. And no, I'm not including third-party titles because we're specifically discussing first-party games.
Here's the thing: people keep saying that you buy PlayStation systems for their exclusives. Yet they won't have many exclusives coming out during certain years. So what's the point in buying a PS5 then? If you remove them, then you might as well just invest into the Xbox platform and receive many more exclusives on a constant basis. PS5 owners who have played all the exclusives up until now will only have 1-2 exclusives to look forward to throughout an entire year. Does that sound good for a system that's "all about the exclusives"?
@SplooshDmg this is where people are different and why some don't go for Microsofts games, if you're happy playing the same game for three years then yeah games like halo, Grounded, horizon, sea of thieves, drakes hollow, state of decay and the other vast array of multiplayer experiences Microsoft focus on then that's fine, but there's others like me who like single player games especially action/adventure and Rpgs/JRPG's (which most take 40 plus hours) playing a game I can never complete just alludes the achievement for me. So far on my series S I'm focusing on single player games but can see there are more multiplayer games available.
I'd say if you want action/adventure and rpgs/jrpgs then playstation is for you whilst if you prefer online multiplayer games and sandbox online games then xbox if for you
But I chose to get the series S this gen for gamepass single players and Bethesda so I may have some waiting to do
@SplooshDmg well I have been gaming all day aswell lol and tbh I don't know why I've wasted my time either, my original reply was to someone saying playstation players have a drought with no games to play so I replied why that was simply not true then it drifted from there with other people's replies.
And yeah xbox hopefully will have a lot of single player games coming (that's not halo or gears) that in going to be looking forward to. What I'm looking forward to most from xbox at the moment is avabel and my first foray into Fable with the new entry. And obviously what Bethesda come up with
@SplooshDmg Yeah I know. The reason why I keep bringing up this topic is because the whole "at least one first-party title every quarter" are Microsoft's words, not mine: https://www.purexbox.com/news/2021/06/xbox_wants_to_release_a_new_first-party_game_every_quarter
The reason for this is obvious: Microsoft needs to keep pumping out new games in order for Game Pass to stay competitive. They want to give people reasons to stay subscribed to the service and the reasons are partially games with content updates like you mentioned and partially new games in general. But Sony doesn't have this need because they aren't focusing on a service like Microsoft is. As a result, we're getting more games on Xbox than ever before thanks to the existence of Game Pass.
That's what brought me to my original comment about how PlayStation users should be concerned about upcoming first-party titles. People may not remember this, but there was also a strong drought for PS4 as well, specifically between 2014 and 2016, in terms of first-party games. Then all these games started coming out one after the other from 2017 and onward. Right now we're reaching the end of this onslaught of first-party titles and are going to see a drought coming to PlayStation very soon because that's the approach Sony has taken now: Hollywood-like blockbusters that take numerous years to develop. Microsoft on the other hand has a stronger focus on variety, from small games like the Battletoads reboot to blockbusters like Halo Infinite. That's why we're going to see a lot of various first-party titles on Xbox compared to PlayStation on a consistent basis.
Y'all need to cut out all of the backpatting out about how nice you are when I'm already seeing more vicious posts in this comments section than anything on NL or PS, lol.
I see a lot of people say Sony fanboys are toxic here but quite honestly i see that kind of toxicity in all the fanbases, playstation, xbox, nintendo and even for publishers like capcom or ubisoft for example
It's not just games either, film and t.v are just as bad
I also see some post about how the other sister sites are toxic too (it's why i stopped using push square to be honest) but the thing is having individual sites based around just one of tje platforms unfortunately invites and cultures that kind of thing and the only defense are the mods who act as a shield to remove it
The sad thing is that you can see the seeds of it here in this very comment section, people only saying playstation fans do it while ignoring the fact xbox fans do it just as much is the start of it because you're being blind to the problems in your own house while criticising the exact same problems in the other and the issue will never go away until everyone admits that ALL groups are guilty of it
At the end of the day we are gamers, whatever plastic box we have under our t.v is unimportant all that matters is we play and enjoy the games we love and we should have a safe place to share it
"While it's mostly just fans of these other systems trolling"
This is what people don't seem to get... It's not fans from other systems trolling, they are just trolls in general trying to upset people. There are just as many "Xbox is better" on PS tweets.
I've seen the same people post in both Xbox and PS tweets saying "Xbox is better" and "PS5 is better" or "Xbox > Gaystation" etc.
So the people here acting like all Sony fanboys are just toxic, take a look in the mirror.
@scarecrowknife I mean, that's certainly an opinion.
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