Earlier today, we highlighted a rumour that had been generating a lot of discussion on social media courtesy of the "Jeff Grubb's Game Mess" podcast, where the host said he'd heard Hi-Fi RUSH hadn't made as much money as expected (he later provided further clarification about this in a follow-up tweet).
This has really been gaining significant traction throughout the day, to the point where it's even attracted the attention of Xbox's Aaron Greenberg, who felt the need to respond. Here's what he had to say:
As you can see, the VP of Xbox Games Marketing is keen to stress the positives here, and it's great to know that Team Xbox saw the Tango Gameworks title as a "break out hit", as we'd love to see a sequel in the future!
We'll throw our Hi-Fi RUSH review down below - if you haven't played it yet, we highly recommend it.
What do you make of Aaron's comments about Hi-Fi RUSH? Let us know!
Comments 123
Yep given zero marketing outside of gaming media, so just word-of-mouth and articles it was high in the Steam charts - and many of us played it via Game Pass.
So I've no doubt they're pretty happy with the result - if they weren't, they'd have advertised it a bit more heavily as any non-enthusiasts who don't read gaming media wouldn't have even known it existed...
Kind of what I figured. To be honest most of the negative news surrounding xbox recently is just piling on for view/clicks. They have created this narrative that everything is doom and gloom because people tune in to that.
yes thats PR speak from an Exec but more creditable than youtuber rumour gossip
Didn't deny it though.
What do you make of Aaron's comments about Hi-Fi RUSH here?Let us know
I think you should just ignore Greenberg(VP) and go with your unsubstantiated rumours from Jeff Grubb, stick to your guns fellas 😉😅.
This guy definitely has more credibility than Jeff but it's still just PR talk. Just wait for Bethesda to reply to let us know if it's been a financial success for them, the more this story inflates the more likely Bethesda will actually comment.
And that's why you should never listen to "insiders" is the lesson we should all take from this. With games sales or psvr2 sales. They are only doing it for clicks
Unless you get sales metrics from a publisher, they are about as useful as a underwater no smoking sign or a chocolate fireguard
@Sakai Jumping to Jeff's defence, he's been right about SO many things in the past. He was the first one to leak the existence of a "Mass Effect Legendary Collection", for example.
These guys don't always get everything right, but I've been very surprised just how accurate some of them have proved over the past few years, and Jeff is a good example.
I wouldn't say you should never listen to "insiders", but obviously rumours should never be taken too seriously.
When in doubt, don't believe Jez Corden. But also don't believe the execuspeak either. There's a reason Xbox doesn't publish sales numbers anymore.
"Don't judge us by sales, judge us by gamepass subscribers" just means they don't want anyone to see the sales. If something sold millions of copies they'd be bragging about it.
Like I said in the previous post it was a RUMOUR
@FraserG possibly, but don't forget a broken clock is correct twice a day.
It can be interesting to hear rumours about upcoming games, but only a publisher would know the sales numbers or sales targets, not Jeff Grub. He is in the business of clicks
He didn't just say it was not making money, he said MS is putting pressure on games to make money since halo infinite "failed." If they wanted to make money to lost revenue from infinite, they wouldn't shadow drop it with no physical release. Grubb was just talking out of his ass, and gaming journalists couldn't wait to pile on.
Always like that with Xbox. People invent news, Xbox has to clarify. I'm tired of it. The worst part? It seens Xbox community always buys it, just look at people here, negative news of Xbox have more than 200 comments, positive news don't come even close to that. Hi-Fi Rush was a hit on all platforms, and people still come saying this.
One of two things WILL HAPPEN to game pass. Either the price will at minimum double (basically to play 99% of content being on quality level of game boy titles) or will fail into obscurity due to developers realize they are leaving sales on the table.
So far, it's neck and neck with MP Remastered for me as GOTY. However, totk will probably trump everything else for me come may 12th. But it's seriously giving all other games a run for thier money.
I like Grubb, but he was absolutely bodied.
Well as long as the bosses are happy.
No, no no! Don't go ruining the fun of those that want to bash Xbox Game Pass, by saying a game has done well, or that the execs are more than happy, straight after an anonymous rumour that the game was a flop. Now, those that do want to have a pop at Xbox will have to ignore this report so as to suit their agenda.
Oh, well, I guess that's what they'll have to do now. They'll just have to ignore anything Aaron Greenberg has said in favour of a rumour. Spoil sport...
Just another friday in the 'Xbox doomed, PS Better' land.
Thing is, @UltimateOtaku91, it's not as straightforward as sale of the game. It's also about those that have joined Game Pass, and those that were teetering on the edge of leaving GP but opted to pay for one more months subscription to give the game a go. Xbox is not only about sales these days. If anything, Game Pass subscriptions are even more important. Working out whether a game has been a success is not so easy to establish now, I would think...
I've said it before, Xbox dedicated sites shouldn't play the Xbox bad- PS good game. Most of these "news" are orchestrated from anti MS people.
@Fiendish-Beaver Yeah that's what I was thinking, there's a lot of factors especially for first party games. It's probably more simple for third party games as Microsoft just pay them a lump sum for going onto gamepass, but for their own studios how do they divide up the revenue to the studios. For example an extra 2 million people may sub to gamepass when redfall release but a million of those might of subbed for other games instead.
I certainly think it is more challenging for them to establish what is,. and what isn't a success, now, @UltimateOtaku91...
This leads me to believe that Grubbs source was likely just some employee that personally only cares about sales figures, but nothing that we should be concerned about.
@Moonglow I've been saying that since Launch. It seems like a switch title if you ask me. I know Microsoft brings some of their smaller titles over to switch so maybe down the road.
@Fiendish-Beaver Depends what Microsoft deems a success, for playstation and nintendo it's high sales figures, for Microsoft it's the amount of players on gamepass playing those games they were well chuffed with the amount of forza horizon 5 players and deservedly so as that game was a success. Maybe they are comparing Hi-Fi rush to that and it fails in comparison, but it's a different type of game so surely understand that not every xbox first party game is going to be as successful.
@Sakai problem is that Grubb is right way more often than not. By a high margin. This is not a broken clock thing.
As I said on the other thread before Microsoft replied, it is a rumour coming from the biggest blabbermouth in the video games industry. He's the most ambiguous thing ever. He's only specific about obvious things that everybody knows like Nintendo developing new hardware and Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony re-releasing games. When he talks about his sources it honestly feels like they don't exist at all. He talks about tons of things, some are true, indeed.
The rumour quickly triggered 200 comments. These days, anything that is negative about Xbox is a worldwide explosion.
When Xbox games reach millions of players they usually post it and there are a lot of them on Xbox and PC, it doesn't matter if gamers are playing on Game Pass or not. Subscriptions are as important or more than game sales. Game Pass is a resounding success.
northofthewall wrote:
That's what Aaron must think. Xbox is firing on all cylinders this generation and yet the death of Xbox is around the corner according to the resident PS fans... Negative rumours and FUD are assumed as true and good news are downplayed.
@FraserG As you say his track record is pretty darn good.
The fact that Microsoft themselves have commented back to him just goes to show he carries some weight behind what he does.
So jeff grubb was just a parasite, destroying reputations.
Whether its guys on social media or websites like this, the fact is that "Xbox bad" is what get clicks. Playstation fans click it, Xbox fans click it, it's what is gonna get peddled because apparently it's what people want.
@Moonglow "let's just say a little birdie told me about you"
this is what insiders do.
@Belkan Video games media and journalism is full of parasites like Jeff Grubb these days. It's why I stopped paying attention to most of the noise.
@Belkan He says things like, "I can't confirm but I think that it might be possible that...".
@Amigator Couldn't agree more. It's just clickbait for fanboys, and the Sony fanbase is notoriously toxic, so they rush to jump on anti-xbox bandwagons.
And now Jeff has turned his attention towards playstation, apparently showcase is in may/June, I've heard that before.
@Tharsman I will take your word for it, because I have no way of confirming or denying it. Even the link Otaku posted has a big edit saying "people say he is no longer reliable" and a big list of things he got wrong. At least we can all agree that he was completely wrong this time
I am playing Sunset Overdrive these Days and you can feel Hi Fi Rush took some inspiration from this excellent game .
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@Banjo- gaming community wouldn't be interesting and fun without insiders, would it?
@Belkan @NEStalgia Why don't we become "insiders" and start making money, too? After gaming all our lives we can guess just as much.
@Banjo- well my good sir, I don't want to be tagged as "parasite".
@ShadowofTwilight30 PS5 has sold around 32 million units and PSVR2 has sold 270 - 300’000. That adoption rate is horrific. I’ll stand by my belief that PSVR2 is and will be a flop. VR is a niche until the tech gets way better.
Be fair I’ve been an Xbox since the original Xbox and they deserve a bit of a bashing of late.
I mean last year 2022 was the first time in my whole Xbox history day one original console I had ever see it that bad AAA games wise.
This year is nearly 4 months gone and nothing has popped up yet that is stellar and don’t forget all the big three Redfall, Forza and Starfield were meant to be before end of June 2023. and I predicated the real release days of those games last June in 2022 I’m so far one month on out Starfield. Forza TBA.
Now let’s see how good Redfall is in May, that will be a telling point for me.
@Dezzy70 Xbox absolutely deserve some of the criticism they get, I’m with you, they seem to need a kick up the arse. I wouldn’t expect Redfall to be stellar, that game looks average at best to me, I hope I’m wrong. Let’s be honest Redfall isn’t going to sway opinion.
This whole thing goes well beyond "Xbox vs Playstation" or any nonsense like that. It's infected the entirety of the video games conversation and "news cycle", and is generally negative for ALL platforms and groups. It's actually been preying on Xbox less than Nintendo and PS simply because XB hasn't really been profitable in the news cycles. The rumormongering of Grubb and his ilk, both pro and con, mostly con, are always on every platform. The fact that they always seem to be wherever the current trending hot spot is says a lot about why they do what they do.
These guys aren't "Insiders" they're not "leakers" they're not employees of these companies, their spouses cousin's uncle's don't work at these companies, they hear things on the internet and the pull "tips" sent to them and they run with whatever will get the most eyeballs because they are tabloids and it is a bane on the whole industry rarely doing anything but leaking internal projects in planning, or making up rumors that gain traction as truth, and these guys have legions of loyal followers who subscribe to their "truth" like they're the Jerry Fallwell of gaming.
They're right some of the time. They're right the same way Miss Cleo and Dionne Warwick were right. They're suitably vague so that many statements based on the tiniest whispers of information can be reinterpreted to be right at a whim, and when it's false we get limp walkbacks like Grubb's "Oh, I didn't mean anything by it, it was just a passing comment, but I don't really know what the metrics mean, it was just part of a larger discussion as an example, it's just a thing I heard"
Of course he knew what he was doing. Of course he wanted to make people worry about HFR. Because "not xbox" is socially trending, and that's traffic and traffic is money. If he carefully vetted information, explained that he spent half an hour talking about a thing he heard and doesn't know anything about or where it came from or what it means as part of an opinion soap box on game sales on xbox, he'd have five subscribers and wouldn't be able to sell Manscaping and Marvel gaming chairs. Fanning flames of controversy gets money. Unfortunately everything in games media including this network is 100% in on that model now, and even major non-gaming news publications are mostly there.
"Everything that's fit to print" has changed into "everything that fans the flames, real or imagined." Doesn't matter if it's Xbox or PSVR2, or Switch, or Sony's streaming handheld, or Game Pass, or anything, these guys are anywhere there's controversy to whisper thoughts into the public mind. It's really destroyed any real meaning to gaming news.
@Banjo- We know too much. We're not "insiders" we're analysts now. We get to wear our Patcher hats with pride, being wrong all day every day and getting 6 figures and a swanky power tie for it. Which, sadly, is several walks of life above the mere "insiders" that repeat things they hear rather than analyzing the reality wrongly!
@NEStalgia I have to say that's a brilliant post, articulated 100 times better than I ever could
Hi-Fi Rush is easily my game of the year so far. It just proves not every game needs to be a AAA multiplayer game with endless marketing gimmicks backing it to succeed.
And that is the issue we have waited very patiently for Redfall and something from Xbox and yes I hope I am wrong as well but I’m thinking Redfall will be average ish.
And I know it’s not all about consoles sales but that’s one of the reasons sale have really slowed down. Something like 343K less this March 2023 than last March 2022. Game pass sales probably aren’t great either I bet.
The brand needs dam great and amazing games, momentum and some great advertising PR.
Look at Nintendo, Mario movie followed by TOTK.
Sony do their advertising PR well and even though may only drop spider man 2 this year. You can be sure the whole world will know about.
All this pushes brand momentum and gets the general public excited and on board and loads of buzz around the brand name.
Xbox has definitely flattened and even dropped as of today compared to this time last year.
@Banjo- Yeah, I guess I'm my own insider, it's no wonder I have so little respect for most sources these days.
I watch/listen to a lot of these podcasts (jeff grubb included) and it is kind of wild how they cover these types of stories.
When the story is xbox announces a ridiculous number people have played a game like Grounded they will acknowledge that player count is the key statistic that xbox cares about. But then a metacritic score or sales chart comes out and they jump on the Xbox is dying conversation and declare xbox isn't meeting their own expectations. They clearly know that player count is the stat xbox is chasing but they feel the need to go back to the old console/game sales every single month.
Of course far superior 😊
Always with glitches.
Just like a first party Xbox series x game fps we have been waiting a long time for running at 30fps on series x. I think called Redfall.
Well they got half the name right “fall” because that’s all it will do come the reviews in a week 😂
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@Banjo- Xbox has been firing on all cylinders this generation? We’ve had 2 AAA first party exclusive games out of them in 3 years…one still not finished. They released ZERO new AAA games in the second year of the generation. The first Bethesda game is about to release unfinished. Xbox owned multiplatform games are performing better on other platforms. Console sales have slowed down drastically. As a result GP subs have slowed down drastically on console. And same issues that have plagued Xbox for generations still plagued them - delays, lack of marketing.
If all that is Xbox firing on all cylinders well…good luck to us all. Spending isn’t firing on all cylinders for me - producing content is. We’re still waiting for gameplay to even be shown from the vast majority of games announced years ago…let alone getting release dates.
I really wouldn’t discredit grub so easily…there’s no smoke without fire, and he’s been on the ball with quite a few things. Most recently Kojima working with Xbox. MS next moves with the console and gamepass will reveal the truth.
@Sakai People been saying he is not reliable mostly because he was sure Prime Remaster would show up in some event by the end of last year, but ended up being shadow-dropped 2 months later without an announcement.
Dude was so certain it was going to be announced, that he bet he would cut his hair, and he ended up following through with that.
I say the following tongue in cheek, given the game ended shadow-dropping two months later, maybe Nintendo rigged him for failure by taking the announcement out of the presentation and releasing it without an announcement.
@NEStalgia Jeff Grubb, grubbs every information he can.
@Dezzy70 don't worry about redfall friend, arkane will surely put 60fps in a later date. Who knows maybe they will put 4k60fps. Even better 120fps at 4k
@Sebatrox I think 343i should focus on single campaign halos rather than multiplayer.
@Dezzy70 the switch is actually the joke, but nintendo gets away with everything. the loyalty and leniency that this corporation has from people because of what they did 3 decades ago is astonishing.
@Sebatrox right? i don't know how much more zeldas and mario manchilds can take! they play these games more than kids do and they're still not tired yet!? LOL . i was tired of zelda and mario when i got my first ps2! haha
pokemon is understandable because its like a live-service or yearly maddens in a way
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@Dezzy70 nah im on a different drug called the blue pill from the matrix lol
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@Dezzy70 forspoken got low reviews. Hifi rush destroyed it entirely. Period. The last of us PC port even though it got updated still bombarded.
It’s not about the others.
It’s about how Microsoft so far are handling AAA games within their studios and releases.
I mean it’s not a massive deal but to have a game like Redfall release on the worlds most power console, which I believe it is, without a 60fps mode goes to show, they are either managed badly or Xbox are becoming complacent or dare I say it arrogant to its loyal customers.
We have been waiting ages for their own AAA games and it should be polished to hell and offer a 60fps mode.
My real theory the studios are stretched to far
Nintendo and Sony, but more Nintendo studios produce a game for one console, Sony one if PS5 or two if cross generation and also they stick to the focus and produce very good to amazing single player games.
Arkane bless them, are developing a game for series s and x, pc and cloud based systems.
Single player and co op. I think Xbox stretch their studios focus very wide which of course takes more development time and issues.
If Redfall was just series x only, no other device or cloud it would definitely release 60fps and probably look even better.
Microsoft strategy is release in every format and if it is AAA mediocre and no 60fps on release it’s fine. Which to me means you don’t get the best the game could be for the series x.
Definitely don’t care much for Jim and since the series console release for Phil.
When Phil first came in on the xbox one, brilliant.
Now he is nothing to me, a stage presence and mouth piece.
I have been day one with every Xbox console.
Halo on the original Xbox got me hooked on Xbox back in the day. Amazing.
Then 360, then 360 slim all day one, the glory days.
Xbox one day one. Series x day one.
I’m no fake just a pissed Xbox fan that airs his fews on here. Well not really an Xbox fan now, they may get me to totally back if they get their act together. But maybe the path Xbox is taking is not my gaming path, so far it hasn’t been this generation really. It’s been very low apart from FH5 and little up for HiFi rush.
Also I have GPU until May 2025. Stacked it with a deal at the time.
@Dezzy70 Just ignore them mate, there's more and more hate on here lately towards Playstation and Nintendo, this site wasn't this bad a year ago.
Fact is Nintendo hasn't sold 120 million units on luck, it has some of the best metacritic scoring games and it's games are always winning awards in different categories. Nintendo are also releasing exclusives at a more consistent rate compared to Playstation and Xbox, I mean look at this year January was Fire Emblem Engage, February was Kirby and Metroid Prime Remastered, March was Bayonetta Origins, April is Advance Wars, Fire Emblem DLC and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC, May is Zelda TOTK and in July we have Pikmin 4. From Playstation and Xbox we have had.....
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has sold over 52 million, that alone is insane and no other game can achieve that being on one system, same with splatoon 3 and Smash Bros Ultimate with insane sales. Nintnedo's games are just pure fun, Mario is more iconic than any franchise playstation or xbox have period, Even the film has broke all records for a game based film in just two weeks. They hate the fact that even Pokémon is bigger than any franchise they have.
Yet people seem to bash the switch non stop, it's just jealousy and a coping mechanism.
Bring on May when Zelda TOTK comes out, me and you will be having a blast.
@Sebatrox I agree with you with there, third party support is pathetic on the switch, that's why I fully believe that switch owners should also get an PS5/Xbox series console as well to enjoy the big third party games.
But it's still not a reason to bash the switch you can't deny it's success and like you said that's just for its exclusives, imagine if Nintendo did actually make a powerful console that had the big third party games, they would be the market leader not sony.
@Dezzy70 it's precisely why we don't blame them for bad games. Like I said they WILL update their games for better performance.
@Dezzy70 don’t waste your breath as @ultimateotaku91 says. There’s a few here you can’t have a genuine discussion with. They are so pro Xbox everyone with a concern or different view is a troll. I’ve seen you and people like themighyant called trolls! It makes the site sadly rather unpleasant but the mods seem to not care.
It’s clear that you care about MS but there’s nothing wrong in having legitimate concerns about where they are currently.
@Sebatrox It was mainly the other two bashing the switch, and yes I agree but it's impressive how fast they can get first party games out. Only thing I dislike about Nintendo is the amount of ports from the WiiU/Wii.
@UltimateOtaku91 my friend, it's not that people bash switch. It's because switch was meant for kids..... Well that's my perspective towards switch.
@Belkan That's just an assumption though, they had an info graph a few years ago that showed more adults played the switch than kids, whilst yes I agree it's definitely a more child/family system than Playstation/Xbox but Adults play those games too. Nintendo also a getting more older rated games as well such as Bayonetta, Metroid, Xenoblade chronicles 3, Shin megami tensei 5, Astral Chain etc those are not games for children. Whilst games like Mario, Pokémon and Kirby are definitely more child friendly games. Also I'd say Zelda is definitely not a children's game due to its combat and difficulty, but maybe it's the art style that gives you that impression. That would be like saying Crash Bandicoot, Banjo and Ratchet and Clank are children's games also.
@Sebatrox There's definitely way more kids playing the switch than playstation/xbox for sure but Adults have just as much fun with it.
Maybe PlayStation and Xbox should get more child/family friendly games, that would increase their sales and gamepass growth, revive banjo and make a Mario party style game with crash bandicoot etc make a smash bros style game with xbox characters or make a fun shooter that's not hyper realistic.
I don't believe the rumours; but if they are true, there's a simple fix: wait six months and release the game for switch.
@Dezzy70 I have been playing on Nintendo all my life so I know how awesome Nintendo was. Switch is the most disappointing Nintendo console (I never count Virtual Boy because it wasn't released here), not just the hardware but the software. I understand how you love it but I'll never understand how you pretend that Switch is the best thing ever while bashing Xbox constantly. You defend Switch as hardware but you say that Series X, the best engineered console ever that is also backwards compatible free of charge, is a joke? It's fine what you think but it's based on a few Nintendo games that you think are the best thing you have seen like the sequel to the most boring Zelda game and I say this as the biggest Zelda fan on this thread.
Can't you see that other people think that Microsoft is doing great this generation? At the very least, can't you see that for other players Xbox is not as awful as you firmly believe?
You post that Xbox sales and subscriptions are plummeting every time I read you but how do you know that subscriptions are low? Stock issues affect the high-end consoles and PS5 ramped production up. Even so, PS5 is 1.6x ahead worldwide, not 2x and remember that Xbox is not Series S|X but also Windows (Windows Store and Steam) and Cloud. Console numbers aren't that important, only for Nintendo that only sells software for Switch and whose subscription service is only available for Switch.
@Bleachedsmiles Because Xbox has the best hardware. Right, it doesn't have a lot of exclusive AAA games this year but 2023 releases are great, nevertheless. Starfield and Forza are coming, not to mention that the future will bring tons of games from the huge amount of studios it has now. I don't think that PS5 has many AAA games worth getting the console for, to be honest.
nomither6 wrote:
Exactly my thoughts.
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@JayJ Exactly. Problem is, Xbox media are playing the fair game and constantly post these articles. It's getting tiresome by now.
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You forget you have to love Phil and the gang and the company.
Dare you complain about the investment you have made buying a series x and game pass and the fact they have not kept on promise and produced nothing in 2022 AAA game wise and 2023 hasn’t been great so far. Messed up Halo.
And hardly used the series x 12tflop.
I think that is called customer disappointment and dissatisfaction. Is that not allowed.
True we are not allowed to be multi console owners and moan about our investment that is not turning out that great.
No point if you can’t produce top end AAA games to me and use the power of the 12tflop console I purchased.
I have worked Xbox out now, mediocre AAA games at best across as many devices as possible and game pass.
We will never see the true power of the series x and game’s developed from the ground up for the series x.
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Said it before, will say it again now, mediocrity is the default state of modern AAA gaming, and that goes for Sony’s darlings such as Last of Us and the rebooted God of War series.
If you’re so shallow a gamer that all you care about is AAA, I don’t think Xbox is for you.
@Belkan @UltimateOtaku91 @Sebatrox you guys are funny.
Roblox is one of the most Xbox games, who do think is playing it? Adults?
You think only adults play sports games? You know because a 10 yeah couldn’t possible figure out the mechanics of it.
Only adults play Fall Guys? Rocket League? Minecraft?
I’d also point to that meme about who really plays Pokémon vs COD. But I’m an adult who plays Pokémon but my friends son a 10 year old that plays COD.
The issue that both the Switch and Xbox have is perception. But that perspective is something the you the person out on the system. I can argue the Series S is meant for kids just as well as the Switch which has games like Fitness Boxing and RingFit Adventure was meant for stay home moms. By the way Ringfit is a very popular game in Switch. Again I don’t think it’s the “kids” making that game popular.
Sony doesn’t have this problem . They’ve managed to skirt around a stereotype for their platform.
But don’t think just because you don’t see it on the surface the system lacks that audience. Open the book and you’ll find some surprising things.
@Banjo- asking to wait is not ‘firing on all cylinders’ though is it… it’s us playing our favourite Xbox game - the waiting game. Hopefully they do actually show their potential soon - we’re already 3 years in! Which is crazy to think about really.
To be clear, I don’t think either current gen console is ‘firing on all cylinders yet’ other than the matrix demo I’ve seen nothing of the potential of either platform…which is why it’s a cheek that talks are already pointing towards midgen refreshes
@Dezzy70 Didn't you say you sold your Xbox? Or did you buy another one? I cant keep up anymore lol
@mousieone @Sebatrox "Never heard anything like that about Xbox" that's what my comment was aimed at about xbox making more games to get kids attention, game like banjo, skylanders and crash bandicoot, and maybe a new ip that's based off a popular franchise that's down with the kids these days. Yes kids do play roblox and sports games on xbox but that's against the norm, id wager if you ask a child what console they want 9/10 would say a switch or if they were high school age (teenager) then maybe playstation/xbox for call of duty, GTA online and fifa etc
Fact is more kids aged between 5-11 would of heard of Pokémon, Mario and Splatoon, but not of God of war, Banjo, Sackboy or Gears of War etc
That's why Nintendo stereotypically gets labelled as a kids console which at the same time is also untrue as more adults play it, but also definitely gets more younger players than xbox/playstation.
@Sebatrox @UltimateOtaku91 9/10 would say the play Switch because of the country not the age range. Most countries including the UK it’s PS vs Switch; Xbox is a non-factor period. That’s not an age thing.. I love the system but the reality is outside of the US; most have no idea what it is.
Yes millions have heat of Mario and Pokémon. But those a culturally phenomenons. There is anime to Pokémon. Either way None are accurate deputations of age and what people actually play.
But the problem is still the perception the player has. And no amount of games Xbox and Nintendo makes is going to change this.
People still think Xbox is the shooter box but the reality is PlayStation is where most play shooters these days. And Xbox right now is the machine for people that like the racing genre not shooters.
Perhaps my point is more clear now, the reality is one thing but peoples minds are locked into the 360 vs Wii era. Unfortunately.
@mousieone I'm also a fan of whatever Nintendo make so I know first hand that Nintendo isn't just for kids. I think sometimes it's down to what people perceive as for kids, are they looking at the games art style and just assuming its kiddish which if so then that's ridiculous. I also get that a lot at work as I play pokemon and some guys laugh saying it's a kids game or something they would of played 20 years ago. It's just the Casuals perceptions.
@mousieone "Most countries including the UK it’s PS vs Switch; Xbox is a non-factor period"
What do you mean by this buddy?
@Sebatrox @UltimateOtaku91 exactly my point. No amount games MS makes is going to change what people perceptions are. This is more a problem for a marketing team to fix. Which is a problem period at Microsoft ._.
@Sakai o.O I really detest “buddy”, you make a habit of calling most ladies you speak to “buddy”. Anyway that’s MS problem. MS needs to market their product outside the Americas better.
The UK games industry is the most competitive console market in the world. Over the last 10 years, Xbox, PS and Nintendo have all led the market at one point.
Last year, Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch all had over 30% market share each (GfK data)
In terms of PS4 vs Xbox One, 57% of sales were for PS4 and 43% for Xbox One. On PS5 vs Xbox Series it's pretty much the same (56% vs 44%). It's close"
Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/Chris_Dring/status/1636394786235064321
@Sebatrox Nintendo has been given a huge win with MS promising to bring COD to the Switch, or more likely its successor. It'll boost its sales I think for sure.
@Sakai and I can quote this him to
For the first quarter of the year in the UK, game console sales are up over 24%. This is entirely down to PS5 (which was in short supply last year). Sony's new console accounted for over 50% of all game consoles sold during Q1 this year in the UK (GfK data)
So? The realty is there is a limitation to the data and to how much Dring can actually share.
But you can’t tell me that a company that does something like this https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2023/01/gigantic-ps5-marketing-campaign-brings-games-into-the-real-world
Doesn’t have more of an impact. Really when’s the last time MS has done anything like it? The closest was the Persona 5 Royal campaign but I think MS gave Atlus the marketing budget and they are the ones that did it.
Again I love the brand but it has a marketing issue. That’s all I’m saying. I don’t think day to day kids would be as aware. Adults are a different story and the conversation is about kids.
@Amigator Yeah I agree, this site has become too centered around industry drama.
@mousieone I was just pointing out the UK is far from PS v Switch, and in the UK the xbox is far from a Non-factor. Even during the ps4 dominating generation, it was very close. It always is.
I am from Newcastle (same as Jim Ryan) and its awesome our games market is so close. Competition is great for consumers like me and you.
I have 2 kids, a boy and girl, and they are more interested in mobile and pc, and hardly ever play on my PS5, Switch or Xbox. Roblox and Minecraft are the go to games. I'm not sure consoles are that interesting to their generation
@Sakai I understand that but my point is that comparing what a child sees as an option is hard because for most kids in the world, Xbox is a non entity to begin with. It does t matter how many games you make for them if you don’t market to them.
@mousieone kids know xbox, and its for one simple reason, Roblox. That game is huge for kids, I don't see the appeal myself.
I would love to know why it's not on PlayStation and Nintendo. Maybe Microsoft could do some marketing centred around that?
@Sakai I mentioned that earlier in my discussion with the others. ._. It’s marketing problem not a content issue…
@NintendoByNature Spiderman 2 will win GOTY. Nailed on!!
@Banjo- mate, Xbox has had 2 exclusives in over 2 years!! There are 3 that we know of in the pipeline, Redfall, Starfield an Forza. We can pretty much say wat Forza will be like, the other two we live in hope.
Bethesda is now owned and is essential Microsoft. Microsoft is worth over $2 trillion. They don't have to worry if HiFi Rush raked in money
Hi-Fi Rush isn't the type of game I'd expect to sell 'millions' - its more 'niche'. I wouldn't expect it to sell Hardware or Subscriptions either - I can't see many desperate to buy a Series S/X or Subscribe to Game Pass just to play Hi-Fi Rush.
I doubt it would have sold more than 1m in a month on Consoles if it wasn't on GP. Similar to 'Returnal' which despite rave reviews, only sold just over half a million in the first few months.
Its the type of game that 'adds' to a service, adds to the list of Unique Selling Points of Xbox/Game Pass, but not a system/subscription seller on its own merit - like Halo, Forza, Gears or Starfield for example. No doubt it has 'high' engagement amongst the several 'million' that have played it so far and it did 'sell' quite well on Steam too but I expect that its a game many will 'try' at some point on Game Pass over the 'years' and keep bringing players to it when 'other' big games attract more players into Game Pass...
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