The upcoming live action Gears movie has its writer on board, as production on the video game adaptation continues. Jon Spaihts, co-writer on 'Dune' and Marvel's 'Doctor Strange', will be leading the script.
The Gears of War social channels have reposted the news as well, stating that the collaboration is "a hell of an honor" and that Spaihts is a Gears fan himself - which is good to see.
The movie was first announced in November of last year, with Netflix committing to two adaptations for Xbox's blockbuster franchise. If all goes according to plan, an "adult animated series" will follow the movie, with the potential for even more projects after that.
In the gaming world, developer The Coalition is reportedly moving well into development on the series' sixth iteration, with Gears 5 now almost four years on from its release - back in September 2019.
What do you make of this news? Let us know if this sounds like an ideal collab to you!
Comments 33
Is this a good thing?? …. The recent marvel output has not exactly been great
@LordFunkalot I would say…. No, a Marvel writer and Netflix, a recipe for disaster. Look what they did to The Witcher and Resident Evil, both utter garbage.
I have no faith that they’ll do Gears justice especially in the current climate.
@LordFunkalot lol Did you read the article? He only wrote the first Doctor Strange and has nothing to do with any other marvel property. He also wrote Dune and the upcoming part 2. This is good news.
@Fenbops I mean at the same time Netflix has plenty of gems, besides he also wrote Dune which wasn't exactly a bad movie.
@Jslade Lol we’ll have to wait and see. In all seriousness I’m hoping it will be good.
@uptownsoul not sure many offers are around for them too, but i would like them to buy the rights to Batman and rocksteady, but not sure how that licensing works out. Might not be able to. Plus if they do Sony will cry foul and claim they can’t afford to bring it to PS+ day one. Same circles from here on out. Spider-man 2 will be largely the same on PS5 but that isn’t such a bad thing. However the bland open world you largely swing over could be done a touch better and make more worthwhile side missions.
Does this mean i finally get my most wanted Xbox game? A collection of Gears 1-3 on Unreal engine 5 with all the bells and whistles and online multiplayer. That is a wish game for me and i would log 100’s of hours into. I have close to 180 hours of gears 5 multiplayer. The story of Gears 5 is eh, so so, but was my favorite multiplayer by far, super good for my play style.
Netflix is usually very dedicated to screwing things up so eh.
@Green-Bandit I really hope that Microsoft never gets into the messy environment of license games. It would bring no actual real benefit to them. Having to share profits with the company who actually own the IP, contracts that consistently change, and more games that are finite on gamepass.
@AverageGamer it would be a major draw to GP, but i see your points and i am sure it’s not easy to buy or get a license IP exclusive in today’s gaming world where being on multiple platforms to reach profitability is so important. I am not all that much for super hero games, but the Batman games are more action packed and less empty to me than the spider-man game, not trying to take away the great job insomniac did with Spider-Man, but those types of games are hard for me to dive into.
Well I hope he didn't write the last Doctor Strange film as it was utter garbage. Not sure if this is a good thing or not.
@Green-Bandit It won’t be a draw. It be a major negative. Let say if MS makes a deal with WB to license Batman and publish 3 new games over the course of say 10 years. After those 10 years, it either renew their contract or lose all publishing right to the games… Meaning not a only did they waste 10 years developing games, but game pass also loses those 3 games.
This is why Gamepass only have 2 Forza games. You can’t buy FH 2-3 and FM5-7, and they aren’t available on Gamepass. Cause the license to those cars and song in those games expired. FH 4 and 5 will also eventually be removed from GamePass as well.
A game’s delisting pokes a hole in the Xbox Game Pass promise. This is why they are buying studio and focusing on owning IP instead of just relying on 3rd party titles and renting IP. They want to be self sufficient.
@LordFunkalot I still don’t get what people are finding wrong with recent Marvel stuff. Hawk eye was enjoyable, Loki and Wandavision was great, Moon Knight was fantastic. It was finally nice to see some good fashion hand to hand combat with Shang chi. Loved what they did with werewolf by night. Spider Man No way home was straight nostalgia. Sure black Widow and eternals wasn’t great, and She hulk was… never mind about she hulk. Ms. Marvel would have been great if I was a 15 year old girl, and not a 26 year old man.
There a lot more shows and movie. But people are acting like everything was pure trash. Marvel stuff still have been overall good, and better than most tv shows and movies we get.
@uptownsoul i agree, Sony already bought into Marvel and has better relationships there. Which is great, cause Sony seems to be worried they are finished now that GP is getting COD day one. Or so they tell the courts so. Maybe MS don’t need to create Spider-man , they can just have it when PS is out of business. I am merely going off of what Jim Ryan is crying to the courts. Personally i like my PS5 and was actually looking forward to a PS6. Guess COD is that powerful, and here i thought the super hero was spider-man and not Ghost.
@Floki that makes total sense, yeah it’s a bummer about Forza and not being able to stick around, but yeah that don’t seem like a good investment for Batman. Thanks for a well explained example, i knew the license thing was a tricky business.
@uptownsoul i know you know i was just teasing and having fun, PlayStation is never going out of business in my lifetime, making their claims looks silly in court, hence that was my joke. I understand sony not liking the ABK deal, but it will not put PS out of business, PS is the most recognizable brand in all of the world of gaming, Nintendo being second. Phil Spencer is hardly the only guy switching to mobile, Sony is focusing on mobile and to a lesser extent Nintendo tried it, mobile dwarfs console gaming money wise, all 3 want a slice of that cash and why wouldn’t they? MS is hardly struggling to have a reason for consoles, they sell plenty and while not as much as sony, that is hardly a reason to leave the business with their support from MS now as in past decades they didn’t have. But let’s be honest, console money is down slightly gen to gen, and Mobile and PC is up and up, so it makes sense for the Big 3 to want to be in those areas. Younger kids prefer their phones and tablets, is it a lesser experience to us hardcore guys, yes, but that don’t seem to bother the younger gamers and Sony needs to not lock itself into only $500 dollar consoles and $70 dollar games as that can only reach so many players, they do a good job with that, but they could expand their reach and make way more and they are and will. Same for MS. Again i was only teasing ya cause i know you get a rise in thinking MS is a nothing burger and will be gone or continue to suck, but the truth is they are making moves to shake up their sleepy Xbox one gen, and they are making big strides in their strategy, will it work out? Time will tell, but they are playing the long game and they are being on all devices as that will give players choices and them more money. While the future of gaming is changing, the Big 3 are healthy and making great moves that benefit all of us. Before you disagree with me if you plan to, remember Sony has a PC department now and have 10 service games in development, so yes even the market leader is doing some big changes as i have labeled here. In less than 10 years you will see PS+ get more and more games on it sooner and sooner as subscription will continue to grow, and having COD on a subscription is just the beginning of what that future looks like.
@uptownsoul MS already has next gen hardware in development and has said they will be in console gaming as long as console gamers want consoles. But i ain’t going down that rabbit hole with you cause deep down you know you are wrong and say things to make xbox seem whatever you deem them fit. You think Jim Ryan is crying in court cause he thinks MS is just going to go software only and give all the players to PS and Nintendo, come on man, you are smarter than that. Better yet you think the courts don’t see MS in the hardware game, then why they are asking them for their next gen plans with all these studios? Tencent don’t get blocked on deals cause it don’t own hardware. So what will you say when MS release a next gen Xbox, will you eat crow and say you are wrong or continue to troll? Honest question.
@Green-Bandit Another great example is all the marvel games we now don’t have access to, and is forever lost to time.
@uptownsoul Sony is rumored to be making a Pro model, which i am excited for, and will trade my PS5 in for it. But Profit and loss is a game Sony plays on Hardware as well, consoles outside of Nintendo are sold for a loss. But may i remind you how much microsoft is worth, 2 TRILLION dollars, they bought ABK for more money than Sony is worth, they are not upset about making console hardware, they see how to make money going forward and truthfully they should feel dumb for taking this long, but they have it figured out now and the games and studios are starting to pile up for them. Sony needs gaming to be profitable, and i hope it is for them cause we need competition. But MS is far from not making hardware, i look forward to seeing what Pro models for both companies could look like. I like more power, so i will buy both.
@uptownsoul Microsoft cancels long term projects & hardware quite a bit (especially when the funding can't be justified like Beam/Mixer, Nokia phones, VR, etc)... Xbox hardware is increasing falling into that same category.
Care to list all the divisions sony has closed and sold? All companies throw away things that they see as not a profitable area for them. MS makes money on Xbox, and continues to invest in it, and i mean invest 69 billion and 8-9 Billion for Bethesda.May i ask are you scared of MS and what they might be able to achieve, just hate them and want them to fail so sony has no competition, or just a casual Xbox fan that could care less if they do well or not? Not sure what your agenda on this site is, cause it’s rarely to ever anything positive about Xbox. Just asking cause if you are just a Sony only fan, this is a waste of our time, if you would like to see MS and Xbox do well then let’s continue.
@uptownsoul Xbox made $16.28 billion in 2021, and $15.56 billion in 2022. sony in 2022 made 8.8 billion more than Xbox, so somehow you think MS is leaving hardware on Xbox making that type of money? I mean no offense, but thats straight dumb. All 3 are making good money. All hardware is sold at a loss, outside of Nintendo. They aren’t pivoting they are grabbing more money in their strategy of being on more screens, is it looked at for Sony to be pivoting on their PC and mobile strategy, no it’s called getting the games in the hands of more players. Jim Ryan admitted that selling 100 million PS’s isn’t enough to keep up with the rising cost of AAA games and that those games need to be in more places, like PC and mobile, so if anything Sony was late to what MS has been doing. Sorry but it comes off as trolling more than you actually using common sense.
@uptownsoul Mostly true, minus MS leaving the hardware business. You have to sell at a small loss and late in the gen it gets more to a break even, but controllers and software make the profit up. I know how this works and has worked for 20 years. You will know you were trolling and wrong when they release new hardware. In the meantime how about that Hellblade 2 facial demo? Looks incredible!!!
@uptownsoul that’s what’s makes me nervous, maybe it looks so good cause it don’t have a lot of action. Cause it looks crazy outstanding, and Unreal 5 is a monster engine and Xbox built in a lot of functions to maximize the engine, VR shaders, RDNA 2.0 etc etc, so they should get good gains on it, however the last minute decision to do that, threw off their dev kits and made for a rocky road out of the gate, but those issues are largely behind and now the gains of those should start to show up. I am excited, as a hardcore gears of war fan, Gears 6 should look outstanding on Series X and PC. 2023 and beyond we should see some games that we didn’t think we would see.
@uptownsoul if anyone will I believe in the coalition, they are really good with UE. They should be able to hit it really hard with Gears 6 and the rumored smaller project they are working on. I mean not UE5 but look at Forza tech on Series X, 4K 60 with raytracing, that is some impressive tech.
A@uptownsoul Miles Morales is still one of the better looking games out at the moment and it looked great, Forza and Spider-man 2 will look insane this year. 2023 is going to be good. I hope they can bring RT to Diablo 4 later, cause i am a diablo fanatic. But if they don’t it won’t stop me from loving it for 300 plus hours or more HAHA
@uptownsoul https://gamerant.com/microsoft-tenth-gen-xbox-console-in-development/
That did not take long to age very very bad for you. Next time you want to play profit/loss with a 2 TRILLION dollar company, may i ask you to ask them first. Assuming makes people look bad.
@uptownsoul cause everything moved elsewhere, why does any company shut something down, it’s a dud. Apple, Google, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft all shut down stuff if it makes sense, but at Xbox’s worse, Xbox one launch, they sold 50 plus million units, ask the Wii-U if they would have liked those numbers. Granted Xbox is last in consoles sales, but that don’t mean they don’t do well enough to be around. I see what you are doing and thats not eating your crow, but i won’t let you off that easily, so do you prefer your bird medium, medium rare or well done? You talked junk, and it got debunked in hours. This ain’t about me or companies getting rid of products, it’s you saying they are out of the hardware game. Are they? I couldn’t tell!!
Leaves me yet again asking why are you on a Xbox site clearly wishing Xbox was to leave the hardware business? Trolling, i mean i have no reason to believe otherwise. You should be happy to see Xbox competing and giving us options. Instead you are playing a fake accountant with THEIR money, saying they are gone. I am on Push Sqaure if you enjoy my company, you don’t need to be on here, i own all 3 consoles and want them all to have hardware for years to come. I am perfectly happy to talk Sony’s victories on push if you want. Such as i can’t wait for Last of Us multiplayer. Come chat about that with me.
Show me how much their hardware loses them vs the profits they make from having it. Thats what companies look at, look at the PC market, sell the hardware for a loss to sell windows and other software and accessories, MS knows the hardware to software margins, better than anyone. They are worth 2 trillion, they make money with xbox services and all of sudden you have the inside track that they are done, all the while they are making new hardware, i mean really? Go tell Jim Ryan they are out of the hardware game, he will take the COD deal. What’s the difference from Activision to Microsoft to him if there’s no Xbox to compete and spilt sales with?
@uptownsoul i don’t worship anything video game related. But you talked non sense, i showed you that it was non sense and you still won’t admit to being wrong. The end of this is Xbox Hardware is here to stay as Phil and many others at MS has said and yet YOU of all people know they are looking to cut it. When we all know you need the hardware to sell the high profit software and services. This is exactly what’s wrong with the internet chat forums, people can say things based on nothing and when all the evidence is there they don’t say, gee i guess i was wrong, looks like they are still doing it. With you you are doubling down against the odds saying they could cancel it. MS is easy to hate on, and you picked a silly example about hardware profit and ran with it, i showed how much money Xbox has made in the last 2 years. All i want to close on is, dude i know you are smarter than this, talk about stuff that is fun about the industry, that makes the site happy to own that certain game or hardware, not some dumb made up profit/loss ratio that MS is leaving the hardware game when they are doing everything but that.
@uptownsoul ‘I'm doing nothing more than a profit/loss analysis on Xbox's hardware, nothing more nothing less’
You didn’t do a analysis, you said something everyone over the age of 9 knows, hardware is sold at a loss or near loss in the beginning and the profit comes from the games and services, over time companies make the console cheaper to take less of a loss. This is nothing new and you weren’t saying nothing no one knows.
@uptownsoul i have i said they were duds that consumers quite buying, Xbox isn’t something that consumers aren’t buying, there is zero reason to shut down a profitable brand that they have made investment in to stay competitive. MS shut all their phones down cause they had no marketshare and software support left in them to compete against iOS and android, Mixer just didn’t take off. But my point is all companies shut things down when they are next to dead , Xbox hardware is selling and so is the services attached to them.
@uptownsoul well for the time being and next 10 plus years you are wrong, cause Xbox series X successor is already in the works along side PS6. You know what you could do for your next analyst how much money does Sony make off the PS5 user that buys hardware and one copy of FIFA a year. Not much!
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