We've heard various reports as of late that 'Gears 6' is in development of some kind - with journalist Jeff Grubb claiming that the dev team has dropped two other projects recently in favour of working on the next Gears game. Well, a new job listing posted by Microsoft certainly lends credence to those reports.
The Xbox owner is advertising for a "Senior Gameplay Designer" role at The Coalition; the Canadian development team behind Gears of War. Here's a snippet of what the role is seeking from candidates, along with the team's overall mantra:
Senior Gameplay Designer - Gears Of War - The Coalition
"The Coalition is seeking a skilled and experienced gameplay designer to help create AAA game experiences.
We are the official home of the Gears of War franchise, and our objective is to forge the future of the IP and push the limits of Microsoft’s entertainment platforms and devices. Our team is comprised of deep creative and technical talent from across our industry and beyond, working cohesively to delight our fan base and pass expectations of what is possible."
That certainly sounds like full speed ahead on Gears of War to us, even if such a hire suggests we're probably a ways out from launch even in 2023. Given that Gears 5 released back in 2019, it's looking like we're in for a bit of a wait for the next Gears of War game.
The Coalition hasn't been entirely quiet since 2019 though. Alongside supporting Gears 5, the studio also worked with Gears series creators Epic Games on The Matrix Awakens demo in 2021 - a small-scale project created to showcase what Unreal Engine 5 is capable of.
Are you feeling ready for Gears 6 yet? Let us know your thoughts on this down below!
[source careers.microsoft.com]
Comments 24
I have no doubts it’ll be a fun game but they need to do some serious work on the story for me for it to ever be incredible. 5 was such a mess in that regard, I don’t care about any of the characters.
@Kaloudz I'll be intrigued to see what you think of them all once you've played them, without the baggage of history. Keep us posted.
Gears 6 should have almost been ready to launch end of this year or early 2024.
But it won’t be, it all takes so long over at the Xbox house party.
I might be in the minority on this but I really like 4 and 5. Yes, 4 'played it safe' and 5 had some story choices I didn't like (especially the unnecessary and idiotic forced decision at the end) but I'm still hyped for 6, few third person shooters are as fun just from a pure gameplay perspective.
Can't wait. I effing love Gears! Putting a chainsaw to someone is one of the most satisfying things in gaming. That and headshots will always be the best.
@Gamer83 I enjoyed 4 more than 5. 5 just didn’t feel like Gears, not just because of the poor story but I think jumping on the ‘open world’ bandwagon was a mistake for the franchise.
Agree about the open world. I love exploring and don't mind open-ended environments but to me Gears has always been about the moment-to-moment set piece shootouts so I do hope in 6, if they go 'open' again they cut down on the scale a bit.
I'd say play them all, even Judgment. The latter is much different than the numbered games, has more of an arcade feel to it, but the shooting galleries are still fun.
@Kaloudz I don't want to influence your judgement, i'd say give them all a go. All of them are good enough games and you may feel differently to others.
Gears 1-3 is a pretty self contained trilogy. Judgement is a spin off prequel and 4&5 start a new, we assume, trilogy.
@Kaloudz you should definitely play 4 and 5. I really like 4 actually. 5 divides fans more but it’s definitely worth a play-through. They’re all good games, with 1 and 2 being exceptional imo.
You definitely want to play Judgement, @Kaloudz. I don't know where the it's not Gears comments come from, but that definitely isn't the case. Judgment is good fun, it's just constructed differently. What it does have is a mechanic that I particularly liked, which was that you could switch up the way you approach each mission (it'll give you different objectives, harder enemies, or time constraints, for example). It's the only one in the franchise that does this, which to my mind, is a shame. Also, Judgement fills in some backstory that is pretty interesting, and one of the characters that is in the game, returns in Gears 5, so it will help with some context when it comes to that game.
Finally, what I would say, is I personally think Gears is at its best when played on the hardest difficulty you can manage. No doubt that some parts will really test your patience on Insane or Inconceivable, but the challenge is really satisfying once conquered. At the very least, I would recommend going through on Hardcore. Obviously, the main thing is to enjoy yourself, but I think the increased difficulty adds much to the game...
I don't get that this is 'specifically' for a Gears '6' game. The fact that they are 'home' to Gears is more about their Studio, but they could also do what Obsidian do and release 'other' projects that may not necessarily 'fit' with the Gears Universe.
They have 'tried' to branch out a bit with Gears Tactics for example - a 'different' genre of game and maybe a 'Senior Game Designer' could take 'Gears' in another 'direction' or help 'flesh' out those '2' other projects as they may have 'stalled' due to struggling with the 'Game Design' - maybe too much like Gears and want a 'new' designer in to take their 'ideas' and build new Games that don't feel like a 'reskinned' Gears game for example.
That UE5 'demo' they did was extremely 'gears' in vibe which maybe why it was put on Hold and why they may feel they want a Senior Game Designer to come in from 'outside' to bring something 'new' to the table...
I'd absolutely love to see a Gears Tactics 2. It was such a good fit for the franchise. Indeed, they could either follow on from the first game, or use more familiar characters for a game. I'd take either (or both!)...
@Gamer83 4 is one of my favourites and 5 the least but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. I've bought all of them despite being on Game Pass.
@Fiendish-Beaver +1. Gears Tactics was amazing I’d love a sequel.
I kind of wish they would add some sort of stamina bar in for gears. The gameplay loop of bum rushing and wall jumping is just not that great. They should play with that a bit, maybe active reloads give a % boost to speeding up stamina recovery- stuff like that. The story is okay, I think most people have the opinion that a revival of the darker vibes of Gears would be welcomed. The franchise was born on that "mad world" vibe.
@Dezzy70 Part of that is the involvement coalition has with Unreal Engine 5, they for sure have held back on Gears 6 development to better understand and work the kinks out of UE5. Not making excuses or anything like that, cause i know you know i am a HUGE Gears fan and yes for the record i still want 1-3 ultimate collection. Ultimate part one is still one of my favorite games on Xbox. So we might get Gears 6 a little later than we like, but i have a feeling it will be worth it and maybe the best looking game of the Gen or for sure a top contender. Hivebusters alone was one of the best looking for its time in my opinion. Coalition is a top tier studio, i am going to give them the pass here as I think they want to show why they are considered the top of the game of UE engines.
They are definitely one of Xbox top studios without a doubt.
Yes Hivebusters is still a bit of a showcase even nowadays.
Just hope the coalition deliver big style with gears 6, I’m sure they will.
@Kaloudz I think you are thinking of Gears TACTICS not Judgement. Judgement is a bit different but it's far closer to a normal Gears game than that.
You can't run? What about that uber cinematic Roadie Run? It's what made me run out and buy an X360 + gears. No joke
Hivebusters is best 👌💚
Yeah, prequel story.
Of course, if you can play an XCOM style of game, @Kaloudz, then I would also recommend playing through Gears Tactics too, as that game has some juicy back story involving the parents of one of the later characters, some detailed lore on the Locust, and is a great game in and of itself (though I think Normal is the hardest difficulty to play that game for a first run as it is not easy!). It plays very differently to the FPS games, but is still, to my mind, a pretty vital entry. At the very least, you might want to watch all the cutscenes on YouTube, though as you have already started your Gears run, you may as well leave the game, or the cutscenes, until after you finish Gears 5...
Gears 2 is prob my fav closely followed by Gears 1.
I really didn’t enjoy 4 or 5 with the hardware we have now there’s no excuse not to make it truly open world.
That's cool, @Kaloudz, XCOM-like games aren't for everyone. The cutscenes are definitely worth watching though, and it might be worth doing it immediately before playing Gears 4, or after you have completely finished them all. There are some goings on in that game that are relevant to 4 and 5.
And yes, there was a Funko Pop game, but it isn't something that I have played. I'm not even sure it still exists. I'd hazard a guess that it isn't relevant to the Gears universe, but that would just be a guess...
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