I really liked The Medium and finished it for the second time a day ago just to get the last two achievements I missed first time around.
I think they have much promise and really look forward to their next game. I also don't get the hate their currently receiving, seems to have sprung up since they released The Medium.
Got mine the other day. Easy to setup and sounds good, though I haven't tried Dolby Atmos yet. But I did have a connection issue within the first hour. My Series X disconnected the headphones and the controller, and the bluetooth sync button on the xbox completely stopped working so I couldn't reconnect them. I had to turn the power off but then it wouldn't turn back on. So I unplugged the power cord for a few hours and that seems to have done the trick. I don't know man, I'm beginning to have more problems with it.
I started this, I'm about to reach the police station, so not that far in. But I've stopped and haven't gone back in a while. I do want to finish it... But I'm have trouble caring about the narrative. I guess I just don't care about trans issues and it is actually a turn off.
@InterceptorAlpha can't say I've had that problem.... Until now.
I decided to turn the X on now and see if it would work. It did. Just had to resync the controller. So I checked to see if it updated overnight. It didn't, even though it checked for one at 3am. Weird, never had a problem with automatic updates before. So I started the update. Everything going well until I got an Error Code: E100 00000703 80910002 and had to restart the console. Once back on it finished the update and seems to be working fine now.
I wonder if it got stuck in some kind of update loop last night and that was why it was hot as hell this morning?
But a part from one or two hard restarts I've had to do since I got it, one having to do with the controller, this was the worst experience I've had with it so far. It has been pretty smooth sailing otherwise.
Went to turn on my Series X this morning with the controller. Wouldn't turn on but the controller light was on. So got up and turned it on manually. The xbox light was on but no picture on the tv. Then I noticed the xbox was pretty damn hot, hotter than when I've been playing all day. Hot. So I unplugged the power cord and haven't tried it again yet. I wonder if it had anything to do with the update, because I do have it on always on.
Today I've played State of Decay 2 for the monthly reward quest. I ended up playing for a few hours and enjoyed it enough I got 20 achievements before taking out the two plague hearts.
Also started Tell Me Why.
Tomorrow... I'm not too sure. Oh, I know, the Guilty Gear Strive open beta, gotta give that a try.
I started to play Carrion and it didn't pop the daily Game Pass quest either. But as soon as I unlocked an in-game achievement it triggered the weekly achievement quest, plus the others, including the Control one. Weird.
Yeah, the playing the daily Game Pass game and starting Control quests ain't popping for me. Logging into the mobile app and download 5 games by app did pop for me though.
That looks so much better. Not a fan of the current one. Knowing what's in Quick Resume would be most helpful. Being less cluttered and featuring wonderful wallpapers that change with the game tiles (yes, like the PS5) or permanent themes would be great. And a 4K UI, having it change back and forth all the time is awful.
I'm so ready for this! One of my most anticipated games this gen so far, and I only just played Hellblade for the first time after picking up my Series X. Hopefully they expand the game play as much as they have the graphics.
I had a good chuckle at this article, then checked my gamerscore. It ends in an 8. Now I'm pacing the room, sweating bullets, and hearing voices beckoning me into the well.
Also the Game Pass Games on the Go quest isn't registering for me. I've installed all the weekly and monthly games by the mobile app but they're not being ticked off.
Impressive. I got around 12000 and was mighty pleased with myself.
I don't mind playing the cheap and nasty games here and there for achievements/trophies, but the amount he would have had to play to rack up that score is mind boggling. I wonder how much money he spent or did he already have a lot since he created a new account? And can you stack games on Xbox like you can on Playstation? Can you create another account on your Xbox and set it to a different region to buy games with?
I ended up finishing The Medium in one sitting yesterday, only broken up by a quick trip to the tip and making something to eat. Needless to say I think it is fantastic, love the setting and story. Bloober's best so far. Almost got every achievement, just missing two, so looking forward to experiencing it again later.
Today I did a bit of backlog cleaning on PS5, working on improving my completion rate this year. So I decided to continue with the Lego Movie game after only finishing the first level a few years ago. Also hunted some trophies for The Unfinished Swan, beat that one back in 2015 and forgot what a gem it is.
I'm a few hours in and absolutely loving it. I wasn't expecting a AAA experience nor am I disappointed because a few reviews say it's mediocre. Just turn the lights off, soak up the atmosphere and give it a go.
Series X: Horizon 4 and Little Nightmares... almost got the 10,000 reward points this month, only 500 to go
PS5: either Spider-Man DLC or Ratchet & Clank... need to finish the DLC to 100% complete it so I can finally fire up Miles Morales, and working on the Plat for R&C
Also doing the Gamerscore rewards so I completed Fractured Minds and The Gardens Between today, and some Roblox.
After that I lost myself in Tetris 99 for a while, played a number of cross country races on Forza Horizon 4, and a few matches of Dead by Daylight before bed.
Tomorrow will be more Dead By Daylight, probably some more easy gamerscore, and get some spirits in Smash Bros.
Since getting a Series X, only 3.
Wandersong, The Touryst, and The Turing Test. (All 100% completed)
Currently working on A Way Out and Hellblade which I'm hoping to knock out before the new year. A few others I've been dipping into but not seriously yet.
Considering the base Xbox One version would play worse than PS4... maybe.
What are Microsoft's refund policy like? Nonexistent like Sony's? That could be the deciding factor. But then again, Microsoft has an exclusive marketing deal, so who knows.
This timeline we're living in is pretty exciting though. Breathtaking, even.
Comments 213
Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans Really Want The Simpsons Hit & Run Made Backwards Compatible, Do You?
I still have this on Gamecube. Love it still to this day.
Re: Microsoft Is Giving Away Free Gift Cards For The Xbox Spring Sale 2021
So that means Australia will get $20-$30 gift cards, yea?!
Re: Xbox Promises To Make Mini Fridges After Winning Twitter Contest
Yep, I'm buying one.
Re: How To Claim 2000 Bonus Microsoft Points On Xbox In April
The only punch card I'm seeing is the Top 10 which took a few road races in Forza Horizon 4 to get an achievement. So that's that one done.
Re: Bloober Team Steps Away From Acquisition Talks To Focus On Its Own Future Projects
I really liked The Medium and finished it for the second time a day ago just to get the last two achievements I missed first time around.
I think they have much promise and really look forward to their next game. I also don't get the hate their currently receiving, seems to have sprung up since they released The Medium.
Re: Next-Gen Upgrade For Deliver Us The Moon Coming To Xbox Series X|S
I have this downloaded and waiting to be played. I might as well wait for the update, hopefully it doesn't leave game pass before that happens.
Re: Get Ready To Brave The Elements With Insurmountable On Xbox
Hmm... This has me wanting a AAA first person mountain climbing simulator now.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
The Nier one still won't pop for me. I guess I'll have to complete the second half of the quest.
Re: Hardware Review: Xbox Wireless Headset - Our Final Verdict
Got mine the other day. Easy to setup and sounds good, though I haven't tried Dolby Atmos yet. But I did have a connection issue within the first hour. My Series X disconnected the headphones and the controller, and the bluetooth sync button on the xbox completely stopped working so I couldn't reconnect them. I had to turn the power off but then it wouldn't turn back on. So I unplugged the power cord for a few hours and that seems to have done the trick. I don't know man, I'm beginning to have more problems with it.
Re: Xbox Survey Asks If Users Would Use Bitcoin As A Payment Method
No. It is time to stack.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (March 13th)
I don't have much gaming time this weekend but what I do have will most likely spent playing THE OUTER WORLDS
Re: Microsoft Is Sending Its New Xbox Wireless Headset To Influencers
Got mine preordered as well.
Re: The March 2021 Xbox Update Fixes 'Many' Controller Disconnect Issues
@InterceptorAlpha ouch.
But I should say I've had to start game updates manually, when I see they have one.
The console updates are automatic.
Re: The Medium Has A New Patch Live On Xbox Series X And PC
Cool. I need to gat back to my second playthrough and get the last two achievements.
Re: Tell Me Why Chapter 1 Is Now Free To Download And Keep On Xbox And PC
I started this, I'm about to reach the police station, so not that far in. But I've stopped and haven't gone back in a while. I do want to finish it... But I'm have trouble caring about the narrative. I guess I just don't care about trans issues and it is actually a turn off.
Shame, as I really do like these sort of games.
Re: The March 2021 Xbox Update Fixes 'Many' Controller Disconnect Issues
@InterceptorAlpha can't say I've had that problem.... Until now.
I decided to turn the X on now and see if it would work. It did. Just had to resync the controller. So I checked to see if it updated overnight. It didn't, even though it checked for one at 3am. Weird, never had a problem with automatic updates before. So I started the update. Everything going well until I got an Error Code: E100 00000703 80910002 and had to restart the console. Once back on it finished the update and seems to be working fine now.
I wonder if it got stuck in some kind of update loop last night and that was why it was hot as hell this morning?
But a part from one or two hard restarts I've had to do since I got it, one having to do with the controller, this was the worst experience I've had with it so far. It has been pretty smooth sailing otherwise.
Re: The March 2021 Xbox Update Fixes 'Many' Controller Disconnect Issues
Went to turn on my Series X this morning with the controller. Wouldn't turn on but the controller light was on. So got up and turned it on manually. The xbox light was on but no picture on the tv. Then I noticed the xbox was pretty damn hot, hotter than when I've been playing all day. Hot. So I unplugged the power cord and haven't tried it again yet. I wonder if it had anything to do with the update, because I do have it on always on.
Re: Four More Games Are Now Available With Xbox Game Pass (Feb 25)
Dirt 5 already downloaded.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Feb 20th)
Today I've played State of Decay 2 for the monthly reward quest. I ended up playing for a few hours and enjoyed it enough I got 20 achievements before taking out the two plague hearts.
Also started Tell Me Why.
Tomorrow... I'm not too sure. Oh, I know, the Guilty Gear Strive open beta, gotta give that a try.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
Working now.
I started to play Carrion and it didn't pop the daily Game Pass quest either. But as soon as I unlocked an in-game achievement it triggered the weekly achievement quest, plus the others, including the Control one. Weird.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
Yeah, the playing the daily Game Pass game and starting Control quests ain't popping for me. Logging into the mobile app and download 5 games by app did pop for me though.
Re: Microsoft Unveils The All-New Xbox Wireless Headset
Cool. I need a decent pair of wireless headphones for the Series X.
Re: The Medium Patch 1.1 Now Live On Xbox Series X, Here's What's Included
Started a second run to pick up the last two achievements that I missed somehow, I was pretty thorough the first time. Great game.
Re: Random: Xbox Fan Shares Concept For Improving The Xbox Dashboard
That looks so much better. Not a fan of the current one. Knowing what's in Quick Resume would be most helpful. Being less cluttered and featuring wonderful wallpapers that change with the game tiles (yes, like the PS5) or permanent themes would be great. And a 4K UI, having it change back and forth all the time is awful.
Re: Microsoft To Merge ZeniMax And Bethesda Into New Subsidiary Called 'Vault'
Vault. Locking up the IP since 2021.
Re: Ninja Theory Shares A Stunning New Glimpse At Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
I'm so ready for this! One of my most anticipated games this gen so far, and I only just played Hellblade for the first time after picking up my Series X. Hopefully they expand the game play as much as they have the graphics.
Re: Soapbox: Xbox, Can We Please Stop Having Games With Random Achievement Numbers
I had a good chuckle at this article, then checked my gamerscore. It ends in an 8. Now I'm pacing the room, sweating bullets, and hearing voices beckoning me into the well.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
@ViolentD78 yes, that fixed it. Thanks.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
Also the Game Pass Games on the Go quest isn't registering for me. I've installed all the weekly and monthly games by the mobile app but they're not being ticked off.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
I see they've done away with the mobile game pass quests. It stopped working for me a few days ago, straight after completing 1000pt monthly quest.
Re: One Xbox User Already Managed To Obtain 500,000 Gamerscore In 2021
Impressive. I got around 12000 and was mighty pleased with myself.
I don't mind playing the cheap and nasty games here and there for achievements/trophies, but the amount he would have had to play to rack up that score is mind boggling. I wonder how much money he spent or did he already have a lot since he created a new account? And can you stack games on Xbox like you can on Playstation? Can you create another account on your Xbox and set it to a different region to buy games with?
Re: The Medium Has Already Recouped Its Production And Marketing Costs
@eduscxbox I wouldn't say no to DLC.
Re: The Medium Has Already Recouped Its Production And Marketing Costs
Fantastic news. I also finished it first day, I just couldn't put it down. Bring on a sequel.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Jan 30th)
I ended up finishing The Medium in one sitting yesterday, only broken up by a quick trip to the tip and making something to eat. Needless to say I think it is fantastic, love the setting and story. Bloober's best so far. Almost got every achievement, just missing two, so looking forward to experiencing it again later.
Today I did a bit of backlog cleaning on PS5, working on improving my completion rate this year. So I decided to continue with the Lego Movie game after only finishing the first level a few years ago. Also hunted some trophies for The Unfinished Swan, beat that one back in 2015 and forgot what a gem it is.
Tomorrow will most likely be the same.
Re: Review: The Medium - A Stunning Xbox Series X Showpiece, Let Down By Uninspired Gameplay
I'm a few hours in and absolutely loving it. I wasn't expecting a AAA experience nor am I disappointed because a few reviews say it's mediocre. Just turn the lights off, soak up the atmosphere and give it a go.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Jan 23rd)
Series X: Horizon 4 and Little Nightmares... almost got the 10,000 reward points this month, only 500 to go
PS5: either Spider-Man DLC or Ratchet & Clank... need to finish the DLC to 100% complete it so I can finally fire up Miles Morales, and working on the Plat for R&C
Re: Guide: Easy Achievements For The 10K Microsoft Rewards Challenge
Subnautica is another good one to achieve 1000GS with. Under 1 hour if you follow a guide. Also on Game Pass.
Re: Can You Guess These Upcoming Xbox Series X Games?
12 out of 15
The ones I got wrong were Avowed, Halo Infinite, and Outriders.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Jan 9th)
Also doing the Gamerscore rewards so I completed Fractured Minds and The Gardens Between today, and some Roblox.
After that I lost myself in Tetris 99 for a while, played a number of cross country races on Forza Horizon 4, and a few matches of Dead by Daylight before bed.
Tomorrow will be more Dead By Daylight, probably some more easy gamerscore, and get some spirits in Smash Bros.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021
Yeah, waiting for a match is like dangling on a meat hook....
Re: Guide: Easy Achievements For The 10K Microsoft Rewards Challenge
I "played" Rec Room for GS last month and didn't have any problems. Anyway, thanks for this list!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Jan 2nd)
I've been playing Forza Horizon 4 and A Way Out.
Re: Poll: Did You Buy An Xbox In 2020?
Bought my first Xbox, a Series X.
Re: Poll: How Many Xbox Games Have You Completed In 2020?
Since getting a Series X, only 3.
Wandersong, The Touryst, and The Turing Test. (All 100% completed)
Currently working on A Way Out and Hellblade which I'm hoping to knock out before the new year. A few others I've been dipping into but not seriously yet.
Re: Xbox Rival PlayStation Pulls Cyberpunk 2077 From Its Digital Store
Considering the base Xbox One version would play worse than PS4... maybe.
What are Microsoft's refund policy like? Nonexistent like Sony's? That could be the deciding factor. But then again, Microsoft has an exclusive marketing deal, so who knows.
This timeline we're living in is pretty exciting though. Breathtaking, even.
Re: It Takes Two Is The Next Game From A Way Out Creators, Coming Spring Next Year
Just started some couch co-op in A Way Out last night actually, and what I've played has been great. Game Pass delivers again.
Re: Four More Games Are Available With Xbox Game Pass Today (Dec 8)
I also preloaded Call of the Sea, but currently digging into Haven. I guess I'll check out that Destiny 2 update as well.
Re: Eight More Games Are Available With Xbox Game Pass Today (Dec 3)
Control and Haven will go on my list of never ending games to play.
Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2020
They were slow to pop for me yesterday as well but it is all good now.
Re: GTA 4's Final Mission Is Ridiculously Difficult To Beat On Xbox Series X
Don't forget to floss in between those buttons.
Crazy stuff.