Update (Fri 18th Dec, 2020 11:30 GMT): CD Projekt Red has told Reuters that it hasn't been talking to Microsoft about removing Cyberpunk 2077 from the Xbox Store, so it looks like it'll remain for now.
Original story (Fri 18th Dec, 2020 04:15 GMT): It seems the ongoing issues with Cyberpunk 2077 have now reached an absolute breaking point - with Xbox's old pal PlayStation removing CD Projekt Red's latest release from its digital store.
In an official statement, Sony Interactive Entertainment said it strived to ensure a "high level of customer satisfaction" and would therefore begin to offer full refunds to everyone who purchased CP2077 on the PlayStation Store. It will also remove the game from its digital platform until further notice. Below is the full statement:
"SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store. SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice."
"Once we have confirmed that you purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store, we will begin processing your refund. Please note that completion of the refund may vary based on your payment method and financial institution."
Earlier this week, CDPR apologised for the performance of the game and began offering refunds, after player reports of glitches, bugs and crashes. It also said it was sorry for not showing the game running on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 prior to launch. These last-gen versions of the game are seemingly struggling the most, even after the recent hotfixes.
While there's no official word just yet, there has been some conversation online about Microsoft potentially following in Sony's footsteps and removing Cyberpunk 2077 from its own digital store. What are your own thoughts about this latest development? Do you think Microsoft should pull the game? Leave a comment down below.
[source playstation.com, via pushsquare.com]
Comments 40
MS should remove the game too. It's aleady disgraceful they allowed the game go through bypassing certification.
Pretty incredible how this story is panning out and continuing to surprise us.
What on earth were the decision makers thinking when they decided to "go gold" and then go ahead with the release?!?
Considering the base Xbox One version would play worse than PS4... maybe.
What are Microsoft's refund policy like? Nonexistent like Sony's? That could be the deciding factor. But then again, Microsoft has an exclusive marketing deal, so who knows.
This timeline we're living in is pretty exciting though. Breathtaking, even.
@roe Probably pressed by the investors who wanted to see money from this game after eight years.
Good on Sony, and hopefully Microsoft will follow suit. Gamers had enough with AAA games of this day and age. Releasing games in that state should not be acceptable.
@John117 Um...have you seen how the game runs?
@John117 You have to apply for the refund. If you don’t ask for one then you continue to play the game and patches etc. I think you might be the one jumping on the bandwagon by even attempting to use the words ‘cancel culture’ in this context.
I played Skyrim on PS3 it was a lot worse than this, I played half of that game at around 10fps with cities even failing to load in on occasion and constant freezes, at one point Bethesda just said they can't fix it so deal with it. Fallout 76 was another broken at launch and has been broken several times since.
I'm not defending this game and it shouldn't have released like this but in pure performance terms I've played many games with performance as bad, if not worse than this one. Just go back and play many open world games from last gen or even the likes of Just Cause 3 from this one and without framerate graphs many were never bothered by the performance of these games. On Xbox One X it was more than playable but from what I understand it has more crashes and bugs the further you get into it and thats where the problems really are.
What is clear is that either the PS4 and Xbox versions should have been delayed for some time at the very least, the performance will be tolerable for many but the games other issues are unacceptable
When a developer announces refunds for everyone, the game must be pulled. What's the point of selling a defective game? Sure, some people may have the latest Series hardware. But with people cashing-in gift cards and making impulse purchases, it could make for a Christmas Mess for platform holders.
Now Microsoft you become the bigger company
Go help them fix the game on Xbox consoles as quickly as possible. Money is no object to you.
I think Sony pulled it because CDPR tried to make refunds Sony's problem without consulting them. Considering console sales of CP2077 dropped hard after launch Sony figured it wasn't worth the trouble. And I'm glad they did, because this makes CDPR learn their lesson. Hopefully MS follows suit, I knew it would be bad when they wouldn't show off console footage but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Skyrim is one of my favorite games of all time. I don't regret buying Skyrim, I don't regret playing Skyrim, but I do regret getting it at launch. It was 60 bucks sitting on a shelf until the next year, 60 bucks that should have been spent on a different game I could've played in the meantime. CP2077 is no different, it'll be amazing when they fix it, but till then save your money.
I have only had one game-breaking bug on XSX and occasional slowdowns when playing at night and in rain, but my friend who's been playing this on PS4 has had a really buggy experience. Including many game-breaking bugs, the worst of which cost him hours of progress. Good call on removing this from the store.
The state of the game as it is now should have been cancelled if they couldn’t make it work after all this time. This is why I no longer pre order/pre purchase anymore. Very rare I’ll pick any game or system at launch
I imagine it’s a bit more complex here since MS has the advertising deal with CDPR for Cyberpunk. I think they have to pull it too and surely that leads to some serious discussion between the 2 parties and their deal.
This whole things crazy, what a mess CDPR have created.
Edit: Further clarification on the Sony story: https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1339846154176126976?s=09
Difficult one. The game is undeniably broken on last gen consoles, however there does seem to be a lot of folk enjoying it on the Xbox Series and PS5 consoles. Maybe a large warning advising buyer discretion on last gen platforms would be a better solution.
I got burnt with Anthem and have had a strong word with myself to never pre-order again. I'm glad I took my own advice with Cyberpunk. I've been looking forward to the game, but will wait until a full fat Series X version releases.
I haven't played it yet but as I see around, most of complaints are from old gen. X and PS users. It should be everywhere pointed because it makes situation very, I mean VERY confusing for people who wants to buy CP for Series X and S, even One X isn't having issues as much as the old versions.
Skyrim on PS3, as I understand, had a bug where should a dragon spawn, and not be killed, and the player just ran, the dragon script would never stop running. After various instances of this, the games performance plummeted.
This is something they likely never noticed in testing because likely every time a dragon spawned, they killed it.
Cyberpunk outright lied. The terrible state of the game was well known internally. They did all they could to hide it, even threatened you tubers that managed to get their hands on phisicsl copies early and forced them to take down their footage.
They even dared throw the console makers under the bus by openly staring they managed to bypass certification, something that is apparently done for high profile games that promise day one patch WILL fix things. So, they lied to console makers too.
This needs to be taken down. Hell, id say stores like Amazon and Best Buy should stop selling it too.
I've been hugely enjoying C2077 on my Xbox 1X. Sure there are things that patches will improve like driving. But no way do I personally want a refund.
@LifeRetro most of the complaints are from old gen where it’s unbelievably bad. Even PC and next gen players are complaining though as bugs and crashes are plenty. It’s been a mess everywhere, it’s just that old gen stands out as being a complete ***** show where as the others are somewhat playable.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.... This is why I NEVER buy a game at launch and for full price. Wait a few months and get the game patched up and for about 30-40% off. I can’t understand why people still buy for full price at launch these days.
Cyberpunk is an Xbox console exclusive now then
The refund situation is a mess. I purchased my digital copy from GreenManGaming and they totally refuse to consider issuing a refund, just stating their normal policy to me. Emails to the publisher have gone unanswered for four days.
CDPR pulled it btw, not Sony. Literally announced by CDPR.
@Scenes Wrong, physical copies exist. And since console exclusive is a watered down marketing ploy for marks and fanboys it's still not exclusive.
@Menchi do you have a link to the CDPR announcement pulling it? Why would they pull it on Sony but not Xbox? Everything I’ve read said this was a Sony move. Not CDPR.
@Scenes https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1339846154176126976?s=19
@Menchi fair play. Wonder why they didn’t pull Xbox? Makes Microsoft look bad at this point.
if they are pulling from digtal store how about pulling the game physically too.
Life of a black tiger needs to be pulled too.
Man this is crazy but it serves CD Project Red right for deceiving millions of gamers about the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game..
Yes it does, if Cyberpunk deserves to be pulled. But looking at some tweets I missed earlier it seems it may not have been Sony's decision so who knows what's going on. I deleted my previous comment since my speculation of it being mostly on Sony may be way off.
Microsoft has a good refund system, so they may leave it up to the customer to decide if they want to send in a claim for a refund. Especially since it sounds like the game is having more problems on PlayStation.
Sony’s refund system is garbage, so this could be why Sony or CD Projekt Red just pulled it completely off of PSN.
I had a PS3 & Skyrim and Sony didn’t pull that broken mess from the store. And that game had huge problems even late into the life of the game to a point where the DLC of the game was almost not even released at all.
@KelticDevil Xbox system still prevents players from returning things after 2 hours of play, and due to the nature of this game it might be past that point the player realizes they can't stand the bugs or quality and want their money back.
@Kefka2589 This - the fact that they're trying this whole "oh, our management team lives in an ivory tower and proiritized business without fully understanding the game was a broken piece of garbage" doesn't hold any water. If they thought the game was viable they wouldn't have made the decisions to prevent it from being see pre-launch. I described in a PS post as vaguely Nixonian. Not only did they sell broken garbage, but they knew in advance they were selling broken garbage and took all possible actions to hide it, and then came out with canned feigned apologies claiming they didn't know. There's a few hours of erased tapes here.
@Menchi Re-read that CDPR statement again carefully with your corporate legal department decoder glasses on:
"Following our discussion wth PlayStation, a decision was made to temporarily suspend digital distribution [sic] You can still buy physical versions of the game in brick and mortar stores and online.
According to our knowledge, starting today, everyone not willing to wait for updates and wants to refund [sic]"
Sony pulled it, not CDPR. The first sentence is a passive-aggressive "you in general" drivel that a decision was made (by Sony, but we're not naming names), to suspend digital distro, followed by a line advertising the game is still available for purchase on PS via physical.
The second paragraph points to where to go to get refunds only after a couched plea to not return it disguised, thinly, as an attempt to frame users who do so as impatient.
Pulling it was very much Sony's and not CDPR's decision, and this official post makes that very clear right down to the weasel tactics to try to back away and around it. These guys are sleazeballs all the way around. I don't defend Sony often....but this is time even Jimbo's on the side of right.
But at least it gives players a chance to return it. Sony’s policy is that even if you just download the game to your console (not even play it), you don’t get a refund.
But I get your point. Cyberpunk is a very long game. So maybe that 2 hrs is too soon of a playtime.
@Menchi From reporting coming out about how it went down it seems that Sony told them they were pulling it and CDPR rolled with it. Which would explain why MS hasn't pulled it. CDPRs statement just says they're working hard to bring it back. If it was a CDPR decision surely they would pull both platforms.
@KelticDevil well MS just removed the time played limitations from cyberpunk, seems even if you played and completed the game you can have your money back.
But I do wonder: what if you received the game as a digital gift? Does the refund go back to the original credit card, meaning you don't get anything?
@Kefka2589 I don't know if it's tense and angry of it they're laughing their rear ends off with management now a puppet on a string as they say "we told you so!" over and over again.
@Tharsman The purchaser gets fined and -300 points to their Gamer Score for poor taste in gift giving/abusive behavior towards other members of the community.
Keanu reeves is to powerfull to add in a game.
If chuck norris was in, the game wouldnt even start, but would have given an explosion warning in advance.
@WCB it's actually the worst on ps4 right now per digital foundry.
@KelticDevil "Sony’s policy is that even if you just download the game to your console (not even play it), you don’t get a refund."
Not true. My toddler accidentally downloaded COD from PSN and I called Sony and they refunded me the full 59.99 no hassle
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