

guardian of love and justice!!

Comments 176

Re: Rare's New Xbox IP Might Adopt The Games As A Service Model


Huh, I guess Sea of Thieves did well enough for SaaS type games to be their model going forward.

I'm kind of torn. On one hand the game looks gorgeous, but on the other, it feels like unless I'm there from the start, every update is going to make the game feel less and less accessible as a jumping in point.
Also, I have my doubts that a SaaS game can deliver a good story, even if it offers occasionally "memorable, engaging and meaninful experiences."

Re: Poll: How Much Confidence Do You Have In Xbox Right Now?


I'm very confident!! Phil Spencer and his team have really turned things around. Compatibility with four generations of xbox games, a large collection of studios ready to make new games (omg Hellblade!!), and what seems like the largest support Xbox has ever had from Japan (not the greatest, but Square Enix has been treating us well), I'm ready for next gen. ( ^_^)

Re: Ex-Halo Composer Says 343 Industries Hasn't Asked Him To Return To The Series


Poor guy. But I mean, I can kind of understand why that ship has sailed. 343i wants to keep pushing what they can do with Halo, but as long as they keep looking towards the past, or bringing back Bungie employees, they'll only be able to be Bungie 2.0.

Personally, seeing where Bungie eventually went, I'm happy 343i are not them. Although having some fan service in like say an anniversary soundtrack by Marty O'Donnel would be a nice way of paying respect to the Halo legacy.

Re: LinkedIn Profile Reveals More About The Initiative's Secret Project


Just having beat MGS V, I'm really wanting to play something stealth related. I feel like there's a really big hole in the industry with the stealth genre that Perfect Dark could fit... perfectly.

I mean, it's all there. I recently started playing the original on Xbox to get excited about any upcoming reveals. Most of the game is pretty much a shooter, but there are a few moments where it's all about sneaking or disguising yourself and infiltrating places. A pure stealth game could work and still be faithful to the spirit of the original game.

Please please please be a 3rd person stealth game.

Re: Halo Infinite Toy Leak Reveals The Return Of Brutes, New Weapons


for a moment I thought the second one was a brute with Spartan armor and I got super excited. One of the elements I love about the Halo EU (although I've only read 3 books) is how the different races and humans are trying to live with each other despite so many prejudices after the collapse of the covenant.

I would like to own a few of these (like John and Cortana) but Mega Construx are so hard to find where I live.

Re: Former Sony Designer Suggests The Xbox Series X Is "A Beast" Compared To PS5


I don't know...
I'm going to get an Xbox because they've won me over with how much they are doing for gamers. But while I think Xbox will do better than this gen, Sony has such a huge presence that I just can't see PS5 falling from first or even being hurt very much.

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Playstation 2 the weakest of the three consoles when it came out?

Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Halo Game Released To Date?


Halo 4!!! I love how it makes Cortana an actual character instead of a prop.
Also, Halo 4 is the only Halo game where Master Chief and Cortana's relationship is shown instead of implied imo. I mean there's some good scenes in the previous games, especially in 3, but I was surprised by how much the games left players to "fill in the blanks" in terms of character development and motivations.

Halo 4 gave me the Cortana/Chief story I thought all 4 games had. But I don't know, maybe I would have felt differently if I grew up with the series or read the books.

Halo 5 was ok, but it weirds me out how all the Spartans have giant heads in the cutscenes. lol. 4 had better proportions (and sexier Spartan suits).

Re: Rumour: Microsoft To Hold Two Xbox Series X Digital Events Very Soon


Oh!!! I can't wait! ( ^_^)

I've been watching the Hellblade trailer over and over again, and I'm super excited for it. If that's just a small preview of the kind of games coming out next gen then I'm really hyped!
( O.O)

edit: Also, I believe that FF7 Remake is only a timed exclusive and will eventually come out on XBox X. I hope Xbox Lockhart gets a FF7 bundle. For... reasons.

Re: Former Xbox Marketing Lead Reveals What He Thinks Of The PS5 Controller


I use a wired pink afterglow controller so batteries are kind of a non-issue, but I like having the option. And he brings up a lot of good points regarding sticking to batteries.

A bigger issue for me though is PS5's microphone. I've had fun using a mic before, but currently don't own one or want one because of the type of requests I get, when honestly, I don't want to talk to people but feel too awkward to say no. Some people can get really pushy and uncomfortable and if they know I have a microphone it makes it that much harder to get them to leave me alone.

Re: Developers Were Nervous About Xbox Backwards Compatibility, Admits Microsoft Exec


I can understand not fixing some bugs. Sometimes bugs add some of the personality in a game, as long as it's not game breaking.

But I love love love backwards compatibility. I've had a few of my gamer friends all tell me Xbox doesn't have any exclusives but I've never understood that argument. Don't get me wrong, there are some great games on PS4, but I just don't feel jealous when I'm able to play the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, every single Metal Gear Solid game except for 1 and 4, Silent Hill 2 and 3, Mass Effect trilogy, Prince of Persia (2008), Alice Madness Returns and on and on. Games that are impossible to play on PS4. And for gamers who missed out on last gen classics it's so incredible being able to see where a series starts, or to see how a franchise develops. Those games aren't left to memories or lets play on youtube.

And with former exclusives coming to Xbox like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X or Nier Automata, I've never been happier with being a gamer, or have felt like becoming a fan of a series has been more accessible.

It's convinced me to get a Series X.

Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Xbox Console And Game?


Xbox 1, with the Masterchief Collection. I'm an Xbox noob.
It actually went like this, my sister called and said she was going to buy a console but she wanted to know what I thought. But I missed her call. I got a short txt later that said "nvm, got an Xbox."

And the rest, as they say, is history. I remember being a little annoyed at first that she didn't get a PS4, but after realizing how huge the backwards compatible library is I fell in love with Xbox1. I've been able to play so many classic games, I literally have a backlog several years long and that doesn't even include current gen games. It's one of my favorite consoles. ( O.O)

Re: Rumour: Is A New Perfect Dark In The Works For Xbox Series X?


lol. I see what you mean. I guess the best way to describe it (or at least imo) 3rd person games tend to have a lot of different mechanics. So while most of them have shooting, I wouldn't consider them a "shooter" per se. But from my experience 1st person games are either puzzle or shooters.
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of shooting games. But I'll still play them if the story is good, Halo 4 is one of my favorite games after all.

Re: Sony's Shuhei Yoshida Praises Xbox In Tweet To Phil Spencer


Hey!! You're right! I always thought it was a guy thing, but I guess it's more of a video game thing.

Not that we can go shopping right now, but I remember going to stores like Gamestop and overhearing other customers and even workers engaged in putting down games and consoles. It's not even things like recommending games or giving advice, it's straight up negative comments. lol.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Ever Use In-Game Chat On Xbox One?


I gave my mic to my sister because she uses it way more than I do, but I got to try game chat just a couple of days ago by borrowing another family member's mic. It was pretty fun talking to strangers. lol.

But generally no. I'm not interested in calling attention to myself or really talking for that matter and I've had some people gatekeep me pretty hard before. So even in party chats I don't really bother.

That's one of the reasons I don't like the PS controller. Before I could tell people I don't have a mic (technically true) but if the controller has one I'm worried I'll keep getting requests when I don't want to at all.