The month of May is fast approaching, and if rumours are to be believed, we'll hopefully be treated to a variety of new information on Xbox Series X (and Lockhart), including those all-important games. To us, it feels like there's more hype around the brand than we've seen in a long time.
We've been impressed with the transparency Xbox has shown towards its powerful new hardware specs already, and we're also excited by features such as Smart Delivery, Instant Resume, and the system's compatibility with thousands of backwards compatible titles, just to name a few.
But that's just us! We can't wait to get our hands on the Xbox Series X, but how are you feeling about it? Are you confident in Microsoft's ability to deliver an outstanding next-gen system, or do you need more proof before deciding where your loyalty lies? We want to know your thoughts.
How much confidence do you have in Xbox right now? Let us know below.
Comments 40
I have all the confidence in the world with Xbox right now.. They purchased new game studios, I'm Excited to see what games they announce in the near future.. They have the most powerful system on the market, They have Backward compatibility. It's a good time to be a Xbox owner
Confidence is sky high right now, but I still need to see what the games actually look like.
All the way confident. They've done an amazing job turning things around. They've got better games coming out, more on the way, more Japanese support with more on the way, clear messaging and a beast of a next gen machine that absolutely outperforms the competition, and a slew of studios with multiples teams inside them ready to be unleashed on next gen.
Let's. Go.
Who the heck voted for PlayStation?
All kidding aside, though, I'm pretty confident. Phil Spencer is truly hitting all the right notes so far, so I like the tune he's singing to.
Of course, we still have to see if the console itself and especially all the new games will have enough hit potential...
i'm not confident in either right now to be honest but i am currently more drawn to PlayStation mainly because as a JRPG gamer and Anime fan there is currently more guarantee the games i want will come to PlayStation than XBOX
and to me i go where the game i want to play are, i don't really care what lump of plastic i put the disc in
Look below yourself. 😂
I'm fairly confident in the direction that they're going. They've made some great strides in the last couple years and I certainly think its going to pay off for them heading into next generation. Still not enough there for me to consider getting another Xbox but its impossible not to notice and appreciate what they're doing!
I want to see more Series X games, but I still voted that I'm very confident in it. As someone who buys Xbox for the third party games that won't come to my Nintendo system, I have no doubt Series X will deliver for my gaming needs.
Sit somewhere between 'very confident' and wanting to see games first. There is no doubt that I will be getting a Series X (if things go to plan LOL) as will be a big upgrade over my XB1X - and I will be upgrading my Pro to a PS5 too. Its looking likely that the Series X will be the 'first' console I upgrade to but with months to go, that could change depending on games, pricing etc. I may not 'need' to upgrade to get access to some games like I will on PS5 for example and if its a lot more expensive for a 'small' gain in visuals/performance, it may not be the 'best' option for me to upgrade to first.
All I can say right now though is that I am 'more' confident in the specs than the PS5, more interested in the exclusives confirmed and more impressed by MS and their message too. I am a LOT more confident in MS than I was for the XB1...
@gingataisen Probably not. That vote was already there LONG before that comment.
I'm confident Phil Spencer has put in place a system that will be great. It really does feel like the Microsoft of 2005 is back, however, we need to see games. Microsoft has rested on Halo, Forza and Gears for far too long, and while the fact they went around bringing companies like Ninja Theory and Obsidian into Xbox game studios, I am optimistic that there will be amazing games coming down the line. Ninja Theory especially, people don't realise what an amazing developer they are
Still, I doubt he voted 'very confident'.
I'm very confident!! Phil Spencer and his team have really turned things around. Compatibility with four generations of xbox games, a large collection of studios ready to make new games (omg Hellblade!!), and what seems like the largest support Xbox has ever had from Japan (not the greatest, but Square Enix has been treating us well), I'm ready for next gen. ( ^_^)
@gingataisen The one below your first comment (redd214) posted on Nintendo Life or PushSquare not long ago that he uses his Xbox One as a paperweight so that's another one. SuperNintendoMii is usually pessimistic about Xbox's future indirectly so that's another safe bet.
@TrueAssassin86x I'm very confident because of Phil Spencer, free backwards compatibility, Xbox Game Studios and superb hardware and controller but I too want to see other things such as Banjo-Kazooie, Fable, Viva Piñata, etc.
@gingataisen To that we can definitely agree.
@BlueOcean you're funny
Haven't had an Xbox in months but I'm glad I made an impression on ya
The second options really defines how I feel about Xbox right now. I'm sure it will be a great piece of hardware, but they have a lot of catching up to do in the exclusives department. They need a lot more than Halo, Forza and Gears. Hellblade and the others already announced are a good start, but I feel like the killer app is yet missing. They need something BIG like Scalebound was supposed to be.
@TrueAssassin86x uhh I like games and gaming news of all kinds even for platforms I don't own. Plus I'm always on the sister sites so it's easy to just pop over here too. I'll ask permission and show off my gamerscore before coming back next time
And I do still play on Forza fairly often on Xcloud so I guess that may give me a pass
It sounds like he sold/gave away said "paperweight". I don't understand folks playing double agent, hopping from one site to the other. I'm here because I like Xbox. 😎
Had to go for I'm still not sure yet. Lots of talk about specs but nowhere near enough talk about games.
The most confident in the brand I've been since the 360 days, but MS still needs to stick the landing. All the good work being done up to now can disappear if the pricing structure is bad and it doesn't have a solid lineup of AAA games that aren't Halo, Gears and Forza along with a bunch of good indies to balance things out. Supposedly there will be two events in May. If MS gets the price and games right, I'll be able to say with 100% confidence that I'm hyped for Xbox Series X and while I'm not sure I'll be able to get it day one, it will be higher on the buy list than PS5 as Sony is an absolute dumpster fire right now and seems like that will only get worse without people like Kaz Hirai and Andrew House who actually understood the gaming industry and cared about the PS brand. The Xbox team is at least headed by a guy in Phil Spencer who is a gamer and who has said all the right things, I just hope he can follow through. And to be fair, while he's the guy in charge he can only do so much, it's up to the studios he was given the go-ahead to purchase to deliver the goods.
I have been with the PS4 this generation and so far sony is being destroyed by the constant feed of Xbox series x information and the overall excitement Xbox has for the system. I can feel the confidence Phil and the team have and it makes me really excited to jump on to team Xbox for the next generation.
So Nintendo has dropped virtual console and Xbox wants to continue it’s backwards compatibility... Times have changed.. I, for one, am liking what I see when it comes to the new Xbox and will consider an upgrade depending on price. 🙂
The options for this poll seem rigged to inflate the better outcomes. If it were asked with different options, it might lead to more accurate results. Though, granted, this is an Xbox site, of course the results would show higher confidence than the general public.
The 360 actually had great Japanese support, especially at the start. Peter Moore and Shane Kim knew the importance of not just getting games from Western studios who had long been PC devs but from Japanese teams as well. Then Don Mattrick took over and things kind of went in the toilet for a long time. It's been a slow process but it seems like Phil Spencer is finally getting things back to what they were in 2006-2009. Of course, still need to see if the first party teams deliver, third party support will be there but that alone isn't enough. I'd like to see MS add Mistwalker or Grasshopper to its stable of in-house studios.
I have a lovely warm tingly feeling about it all.
They're gonna nail it!
MS seem to be making all the right noises. However, it is not just about having the most powerful hardware to be successful (only the SNES won a generation as the most powerful and that was only because it’s main competition was designed to put compete the previous generation).
If the games are good, if the service is straightforward and reliable and (for me at least) the price is fair, then they could be on to a winner. I was late to both 360 (2012) and One (2018) and I think they are both excellent systems that have given me hundreds of hours of fun. I’d imaging I will wait a while before upgrading, as the games will fall in price by then. I would say I’m ‘optimistic’ about the new Xbox.
Feeling good about next gen Xbox.Games will be the most important factor .
@gingataisen No i voted "Still not sure yet"
@Incarna How can you not have confidence in their RPGs when they have both Obsidian and inXile on their roster? Also with the rumours of Playground working on a new Fable.
Series X is looking pretty great for RPG fans, if you ask me.
That makes sense. It doesn't sound like you are sold on Xbox, yet.
Maybe he meant JRPGs? Otherwise, yeah, I don't get his statement either. Xbox is about to become RPG Central.
@gingataisen to be honest i'll probably end up getting both like i always do
It will probably come down to which one i get first
Fair enough.
Xbox doesn’t have enough RPGs?!! Um, you do know that they bought Obsidian & Inexile? Oh and the Fable re-boot? They have more RPGs coming than Sony or Nintendo, unless you count JRPG only & those aren’t even made by Sony or Nintendo. Also....JRPGs are 🙄.
Anyone who has seen me post here knows that I have very high confidence in Xbox.
As I always say.....”In Phil, I trust.”
Years ago, I played Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic on the OG Xbox. From that point on, I couldn’t stand JRPGs anymore. And then I got into the Elder Scrolls series, which made JRPGs feel even more ancient.
Western RPGs are so much better, in my opinion. But like you said, to each their own.
Although, I can wait to play next gen games, having a series x for backward compatibility from the start is terrific.
Tech specs are nice, but I need games. Right now... I’m not seeing that. I’ll get one eventually if the BC is on point but so far I am not excited for either the ps5 or the series X.
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