

guardian of love and justice!!

Comments 176

Re: Sony's Shuhei Yoshida Praises Xbox In Tweet To Phil Spencer


lol. I mean, if we're being honest, all three companies would like to see themselves in the top position.

But it's little things like this that make me wonder why some guys are so obsessed with console wars and proving why their console is the best. In the end we're all gamers, and shouldn't that be enough to be able to relate and have fun with each other? Or at the least to be courteous to each other? I'll never understand fanbois.

Re: Here Are The New Features Coming To Xbox Insiders In April


This is kind of neat. I've liked seeing how the interface (?) keeps getting more streamlined over time. Although I'm not a huge fan of everything ordered top to bottom instead of left and right like the previous look.

I kind of wish they would fix the messages section, because I've received long txts before where the bottom part was cut off and I've had to use the xbox app on my phone to read the whole thing.

Re: Poll: Do You Avoid Downloading Large Games On Xbox Game Pass?


My internet is... ok. We can stream Netflix, or I can play games online, or download whatever, but not at the same time. I try to avoid downloading large games because that means I have to keep stopping the download over and over again whenever someone wants to do something.

Unless I can get it done overnight I don't bother.

Re: Review: Bleeding Edge - Lacking Content, But Packed With Potential


I hope the game does well, but tbh, while the trailers are kind of funny, I don't really like the designs of most of the characters. I know it's shallow of me, and I tend to skip over a lot of games if I don't like how the main character looks (goodbye most shooters) or can't choose between genders. But this game... I don't know. Good art design, but not for me.

P.S. After visitng their website, I can see myself playing either Gizmo or Miko. I like how they look, but that's about it.

Re: Guide: All Free Xbox Games With Gold In 2020


lol. yeah. there's some months that are pretty great and others that are kind of... ehhhh. shrugs

I liked last month's because I know about Castlevania and Sonic, even though I haven't played them yet. This month I have no idea what any of the games are. There's been a few months where I don't bother adding any of the games.

Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Buying Physical Or Digital Xbox Games?


Lol. I don't know anymore.

I used to like buying physical, because a lot of times I can find the games cheaper than digital as long as I don't mind waiting for awhile after it releases. Also, having physical means I can let my sister borrow games and vice versa, or share games with friends.

But with Coronavirus, I'm really nervous about going out. So I'm much more appreciative about physical.

P.S. as a side note, I own a lot of digital Nintendo games and am sad I can't play any of them on our Switch. That's another reason why I'm really happy Xbox allows backwards compatibility, because otherwise digital purchases eventually become useless.
( T_T)

Re: Sizeable Twitter Poll Suggests More People Prefer Xbox Series X Than PS5


Even if the Xbox wasn't more powerful than the PS4 I would still get it because I love being able to keep my games and continue to play them. So I'm definitely picking up an XboxSX sometime in the future.

But, while the survey is pretty fun to comment on, I hope this site doesn't become an Xbox vs PS4 fan site. Pushsquare can become so obsessed with proving how much better Playstation is that some of the writers (ok, mostly just one) comes across as the worst kind of fanboi. I don't like visiting the site even though I like a lot of Playstation stuff because I can't stand guys like that. Like seriously, I don't understand why for some guys everything has to be an ego thing.

I hope Pure Xbox doesn't become that, and sticks to being a site for Xbox news and excitement without feeling like it has to prove something to Nintendolife or Pushsquare fanbois.

Re: Talking Point: How Important Is Backwards Compatibility To You?


It's a pretty important marketing tool. I think gamers are much more likely to stick with a brand if they're able to carry all of their old games forward to the new console.

But I think the question of Backwards Compatibility is much more important than whether it's essential for gamers. The videogame industy, unlike books, movies, or music, seem to have little care for preserving their own history short of companies like Capcom or Nintendo. If few people care about past games, it's partly because the industry hasn't done enough to be careful stewards of preserving their own legacy.

This became really apparent while I was playing the Metal Gear Solid Series. On Xbox1 it isn't possible to play MGS1 and 4, but on the PS4 MGSV is the only game available. This is a game that relies heavily on the history of the franchise, and many of the emotional call backs are pretty hollow without having played any of the older games. Sure, some people who are gamers have kept their consoles since they started gaming, but there are new people getting into video games all the time. Should a gamer miss out on the rich history of video games because they weren't alive when Super Nintendo and Playstation 1 came out? Watching a let's play is a poor substitute to actually enjoying the game yourself.

Re: Guide: Xbox Game Pass FAQ


Ah, thank you. Yeah, that makes sense. I was wondering because I've been able to download and play games. Tbh, game pass is such a good deal, I don't mind missing out on the quests.
( ^_^)

Re: Talking Point: Has Yesterday's PS5 Deep Dive Changed Your Opinion On Xbox Series X?


I started falling asleep during Sony's presentation, and I haven't seen Xbox's yet so it's not like either changed my opinion. lol.

But I know that my sister and I are definitely getting an Xbox SX. Tbh, there are a few exclusives on PS that I wish were on Xbox but being able to enjoy many games that we missed out on from last gen, and hearing about how important Backwards Compatibility is to Xbox, I'm totally committed.

Re: Here's How Xbox Series X Compares To The PS5


Thank you for the comparison and for highlighting the better of the two. I don't know anything about specs or whatever so I appreciate it.

I'm definitely getting it though (or Lockhart, if I don't have the money). There's just so much to look forward to, I'm really excited.