We shared a rumour the other day that Microsoft was planning to hold two Xbox Series X digital events in the near future, and Dealer Gaming - one of the sources we quoted for that rumour - has taken to YouTube once again to detail more about what it supposedly knows. The channel, which recently featured Microsoft Executive Bill Stillwell as a guest on its podcast, began by stating the following:
"Here's the deal. We've got a ton of great software coming this way, and in particular a ton of gorgeous graphically demanding software - games like Hellblade II, games like Halo Infinite, games like Fable - yes, a reboot. And those games are to be debuted here soon, or at least some of them... The source of [this news] runs in the circle of friends that I have. We know for a fact that it's accurate and if you've been following this channel, you know that we don't just put this stuff out there for no reason."
The video went on to suggest that Microsoft will indeed hold two Xbox Series X digital events in the near future, most likely in May and either June or July. The first reveal is said to be "hardware-centred", while the second will be a games-focused replacement for E3 2020. It also then talked about Xbox Lockhart, suggesting we'll get a look at the much-rumoured, lesser-powered next-gen console in the near future:
"Xbox Lockhart is real, and I tweeted about it quite some time ago... That was before the [coronavirus pandemic] situation was really taken super seriously around here, so things got pushed back naturally. At one of these events, potentially in early May is what I'm hearing, you may see the unveiling of that cheaper SKU Lockhart."
This is just a rumour, of course, so it's still worth taking with a pinch of salt for now. However, given the multiple reports we've heard about two Xbox Series X events, as well as a recent insider tease about the type of games coming to the console, it certainly seems like something is happening. And with the video above suggesting the Fable reboot is "likely to be revealed next month," we admit we're starting to get very excited indeed.
Do you believe this rumour? Could we be seeing Xbox Lockhart and Fable in a few weeks? Share your predictions below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 17
Ooooh cool! I played Fable on PC, it was very nice! Hope for a big budget reboot!
As I’ve stated before, I would love a Fable reboot. I loved the first two games.
As far as the “Lockheart” goes.....my concern here is that this is what Phil was talking about in terms of winning the price war, along power. If he meant winning the price battle by releasing some lesser, (probably) digital only console & then XSX can be like $600.....that is not good.
I doubt that is what he meant, but we’ll see. I just don’t know what is the point of “Lockheart” if Microsoft can match the PS5 price with the XSX?
@KelticDevil All speculation for now of course, but I feel like it's a chance to target the casual market at a lower price point (while still providing a next-gen system).
I highly doubt the XSX will be $600... I just don't see it.
I hope you are right. I have said I think the XSX & PS5 will both launch at $500 & that is a win for Microsoft since the XSX wins in power.
And with all the rumors coming out about Sony’s issues with the PS5, it’ll be interesting. If Sony does something crazy like release the PS5 at $600, does Microsoft match that? And if “Lockheart” is only $100 cheaper than the XSX, is it even worth it? If the XSX is $500, then the “Lockheart” needs to be $300 or they better bundle the heck out of that thing with some games and/or Game Pass subscriptions.
But to your point, they did release an all digital, cheaper Xbox One & it didn’t hurt the Xbox One X. 👍🏻
It has been reported by a large amount of sources that Sony is having trouble keeping the price of PS5 low, probably because of the fancy SSD and controller which mimics features from the Xbox One controller like rumble in the triggers and from the joy-cons like "HD" rumble.
in spite of this, I don't think that Sony will launch PS5 at 600 but 500 because of the reaction to PS3 price. 500 is a likely number for Series X as well because it matches Xbox One X price. Depending on the features of Lockhart (Series S), like having or not an optical drive, price could be 300 or 400. If they find a sweet spot with the components and it features a lower capacity SSD and no optical drive, they could sell Series S for 300.
The point of the Lockhart evades me. Sure it will be cheaper but if it's weaker than the PS5 doesn't that mean games will be held back because every third party developer needs to make their games work on lockhart too? Doesn't sound like a good idea at all
I need fable to be awesome. I've purchased every console launch day last 3 gens. This coming will be the 1st Xbox i don't buy. Dont get me wrong- Xbox did some cool and innovative things this gen but the failed pretty bad in the 1st party department.
I'm getting excited.
At first I was kind of interested in Lockhart. But if the rumors are true and it doesn't have a disc drive then I don't see a reason to get it when so many of my games are physical. It kind of ruins the point of having backwards compatibility and being able to carry my collection into the next gen.
( T_T)
I have over 30 digital games between OG&360 classics on Xbox one so I will certainly buy a Series X or Series S as my next console!
For now I will stick with my small but lovely Xbox one S All Digital! ^___^
Not that I will want the “Lockheart” console, games will not be held back by it’s presence. Just like on PC, games be designed to look best on the most powerful system (XSX) and will still be able to run on a lower spec system (“Lockheart”). The game just won’t look as nice, obviously.
It would be the same argument against the PS5 versions of games then when compared to XSX. And games will look fine on PS5 too. Just not as good as Series X.
I buy almost all of my games physically, as well. So a disc-less system is of no interest to me. But if it can get to a $300 price point, I’m sure some people will buy it.
To be fair, Microsoft has not actually said it would not play discs. But my instincts would tell me that it will be all digital to save costs & they just did release an all digital Xbox One S awhile ago. I guess we will see.
If the CPU and SSD are the same it'll be interesting to see how Lockhart's GPU holds games back. Probably just 1080p lower settings and if so, I'd get it at some point if it has a disc drive.
Yes yes exciting. Eagerly awaiting news on the Lockhart system, more so than the XSX.
That's exactly what MS is going for with Lockhart: a 1080p60fps (or 1440p60fps, even) console. Digital Foundry did a video about this approach.
@BrilliantBill I sure hope so. If the lockhart has the same CPU, RAM and SSD as the series X but a weaker gpu for 1080p resolution than I am fine with it.
It's happening!!
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