Comments 151

Re: Reaction: Looking Back, Xbox Has Had Some Strange GOTY Omissions Over The Years


@Titntin so I got on GT7 last night and man, what a game! New features like weekly challenges and slightly more polished AI.

The new update to Forza has really improved the feel of the game as well, but it’s not quite where GT7 is.

They are both great in their own regard, but GT7 has been out for a while, it’s found it’s way. Forza I feel is on the right track to bring the series back. It handles well, AI is much better than the past and the physics are very comparable to GT7 having driven the same cars on the same courses (when available) to compare.

I’m not pushing you to play Forza, but maybe trim that 6 month hiatus down to 2? It’s really starting to emerge as an outstanding entry

Re: Talking Point: Did Your Xbox 360 Ever Get The 'Red Ring Of Death'?


I used to live next to a large park where we played softball, kickball and touch football leagues. Everyone always met at my house to pregame and sometimes bbq.

Anyways we had a sudden out of the blue storm that canceled the game. We ran in the rain back to my place to play RockBand 2 on the 360….but we got the Red Ring of Death.

Oh well…we still had fun

Re: It Sounds Like Capcom Is Considering Raising Its Game Prices


My backlog is huge. Across the three console systems I’m good for about 6 years how I play games, but I’ll buy at full price if it’s a big release im excited for (Spider-Man 2) or Nintendo first party games that are engrained in my youth (Mario, Zelda).

I’ve gotten every SF game at a massive discount or free w a subscription.

Plus with the investment of the Saudi Fund…Go for it Capcom, I’ve got time. Only game of yours I still play is Street Fighter.

Rerelease Viewtifle Joe and maybe we’ll talk

Re: Microsoft Has No Plans To Drop Support For Xbox Series S


@JDCII I got a Series X a few months after launch and it was marginal from the One X. PS4 Pro to PS5 this spring...same thing, marginal upgrade.

I hope my purchases will wow me this fall because so far, everything seems tied back to the last gen but with faster frame rates.

With that said....I don't get how developers can't scale their games in these multi-platform engines like PC/Mac games will encounter with multiple settings.

I understand the premise of a console. You are in a closed environment, you can push your limits within your known boundaries, but developers have been scaling things back to get more performance since the NES days.

Re: We're 'Probably' Getting Mid-Gen Xbox & PlayStation Consoles, Says Take-Two CEO


What happened to MS optimizing nVidna or the AMD’s scalable AI for resolution optimization and frame rate?

Use the tools you have. I feel developers are getting slammed due to the size and expectations of games now by the press and working on optimization AFTER launch because the product is now finite. Before a game launches, everything is on the table still.

I’m heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem but I’m only playing TotK and PS5 first party games (all from PS4 upgrades) due to the lack of goods on the Xbox. My Series X is used for streaming now. I hardly launch Gamepass anymore.