We're now well over two years into the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S generation, but it's evident that a sizable number of Xbox owners are still rocking the last-gen Xbox One, almost a decade since the launch of the base model.
And why not! Although the Xbox One is obviously underpowered compared to the Series X and Series S, it's still compatible with a large number of modern games, especially when you consider the benefits of Xbox Cloud Gaming.
We'll ultimately get to a point where the Xbox One console family is no longer supported in terms of native AAA releases, but although some games are already following that path, we've still got the likes of Hogwarts Legacy arriving in 2023 - so it seems there's plenty of life left in the Xbox One era for now!
So, if you're still using an Xbox One fairly regularly, we'd love to know what you think of it - ten years on from its original release! Are you taking advantage of cloud gaming to play the latest Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S titles? How are the loading times holding up? Do you feel modern games are struggling to cope on the system?
Let us know your thoughts on the Xbox One in 2023 down in the comments below.
Comments 48
I decided I didnt need a ps5 this gen. Sonys ever growing greed turns my stomach.
But I've been rethinking that. Sony are still sickening, but Im bored waiting for Microsoft to deliver the Series X promise. Seems like the console to own if you like hype by the bucket load and L after L after L.
I swear if Starfield is 30 fps I'm gonna ditch the console and just stream it instead.
60 - 120 fps console my arse Aaron Greenberg.
I just upgraded from One X to Series X, mainly because the loading times in Forza Horizon 5 had become unbearable. The super quick load times on SX have helped me fall back in love with FH. I'll keep a One around for full backward compatibility, but glad to move on up.
It has the highest quality pixels anyone's ever seen!
My youngest just got an Xbox series S yesterday. I ditched the Xbox one a couple years ago for the series X but he was sticking with his Xbox one. He loved it. I think if it wasn’t for his friends, he’d still be using the Xbox one. His friends have a series S. When loading into a game, they would be waiting on him and he was getting very frustrated with the loading time. He didn’t want to turn off his Xbox when he wasn’t playing it because he didn’t want to wait for it to start up. I think a big part of why people and especially kids didn’t want an upgrade right away is due to all these live service games. It’s still available on old hardware and that’s pretty much all they play. So why bother upgrading? Now they are seeing the loading times being so much faster on the new hardware and feeling the pressure from those that have the better hardware.
@NeutronBomb I don’t think Starfield is going to be 60 FPS. Todd Howard already mentioned how 30 FPS is perfectly fine as long as it looks impressive. We’ll see at launch if there’s a 60 FPS option but I doubt there will be.
OneX will always have a seat in my cabinet bc it supports Kinect, optical audio and games still looks great. Loads are med/long esp noticeable after using SeriesX. OneX will be supported for a long time bc very few games push these consoles this gen and the console is not that inferior to SeriesS.
Still rocking it with my Project Scorpio Edition OneX. Although I have bought a Series S just for Microsoft Flight Sim.
My main console is an Xbox One X.
I actually had a launch Series X but sold it last Christmas as we had some family things happen and I had to sell stuff to generate finances to cover that. I ended up selling my Series X, PS4 and PS5.
Now I’m down to just the Xbox One X (90% of my time) and a Nintendo Switch (10% of my time). My kids have a Series S and Switch.
Things I miss about my Series X:
1. 60fps
This for me was an insanely good upgrade to so many games. It made a lot of the Xbox One games I enjoy far more enjoyable and I’ve actually held off on a few games until I can afford a Series X again. Also playing older games that are now 60fps and visually upgraded was amazing. I miss that.
2. Backwards Compatibility
One of the things Xbox did far better than PlayStation this time round was the backwards comparability. I bought some original Xbox and 360 games when I had the Series X and many have the upgrade. I can’t play all of them on my One X.
3. Loading Times
This is only a minor thing relatively, but it makes a big difference for us gaming Dads. Being able to load into a game in seconds and flick between a few games was great. My wife works nights to I cook often for me and the kids. Being able to put something in the oven, load up a game and play, and quick resume etc was a massive bonus. Can’t do that so easily now I have the One X.
4. All the games natively
As said before having all games playable on one console is great. Not only backwards compatability but Series X/S exclusives also without having to use cloud.
Things I love about my Xbox One X:
1. It still allows for 4K gaming
Okay, the CPU isn’t up to scratch and it can’t do better than 30fps on most games, but it still has fairly good visuals on most newer releases. And the Xbox One games that are enhanced are fantastic on the console.
2. Cloud versions of Series games
Caveat: I’m not into cloud gaming. I want to play them natively with responsive controls and the best visuals and frame rates. Having said that…
Even though I’m stuck in the old gen, I haven’t felt completely left behind because so many of the games have cloud versions I can play. Even if it is just to dabble in until I get the complete experience in the future. Xbox have done great at giving all of us access to all their games.
3. Xbox Game Pass
I know it is on both generations, but I have to praise this. Because of our financial struggles, game pass just made the most sense. I had prepaid until 2024 using a special discount so I’m effectively gaming for free right now on my One X and getting brand new games to play all the time. It’s the best value and the reason I sold both my PlayStations and kept an Xbox.
Final Thoughts:
I’m a firm believer that you can have a great gaming experience with whatever console you have (PlayStation, Xbox or Switch) and I am still having a blast on my Xbox One X.
I would say Xbox gamers on the old gen are in a far better position than PlayStation. Microsoft has made sure we are not totally left behind. We can play most new games through Cloud. We haven’t had issues where DLC is only for new gen (like with FF7:Remake and Horizon Forbidden West not doing DLC for the PS4 version which is shameful in my opinion). So in all, we are not in a bad position. Saying that, I still want to upgrade, I just can’t afford it right now. Hehe
Ditched my Xbox One X once I got a Series X and I never looked back.
While I kind of was always wanting the Series X at release, I was planning to wait for hype to die down and stock issues to resolve themselves first. I fine still using the One X until more next-gen games were released to justify owning the console.
Control was my breaking point.
When I saw how quickly it loaded compared to the One/One X, I knew I had to switch.
It took about a month and a half of battling stock issues and overloaded vendor websites, but I finally secured a Series X.
I don't think I could deal with a X1/X1X at this point.
I’m still using my one x and love it tbh. I still have no reason to upgrade although I’m sure the time will come soon enough.
I dont use mine anymore but still have them around, behind me n fact until I find a permanent place for them.
The X1X is a gorgeous device, its like a PS2 designed for modern times. The X1 Fat model though... looks prehistoric as hell. Need to do a lot of reorganizing in my office to line them up museum-style, they are not likely ever going to be hooked up again.
If the Series X|S sometimes feels dead due to the lack of first-party games I can’t imagine how dead and dated the Xbox One is nowadays.
I still got my One X hooked up to my main TV simply as a retro Xbox machine and HDMI pass-through for my cable box. That HDMI pass-through feature basically means it's always got a place so long as I have something like a cable box.
Right now I got two 2TB external SSD's plugged into it and over 300 games installed, many of them being original Xbox and 360 titles. I always loved how the One X enhanced feature breathed new life into the original Xbox games, and with the Hyperkin Duke controller it's pretty much the best way to experience the original console these days. There's also a good number of One X enhanced 360 and One titles, FPS boost later became more of a highlight for many 360 and One titles, but there's a good deal of games that were just One X enhanced and they still look good to this day because of it.
Honestly, I have always thought of the Xbox One has a criminally underrated console. Quiet operation, top notch library and backwards compatibility, and it pretty much established everything including the entire UI Series consoles have been using. In fact the UI is still the same across One and Series consoles, which shows off how great of a job Microsoft has done when it comes to keeping the old Xbox One's alive and relevant.
@Kienda Good to hear you’re still enjoying yourself despite taking a step back gaming wise. Also I’m sure the Series X and PS5 will become a lot cheaper second handed now the availability issues are over.
Btw, if you want to game cheap on a future PlayStation, PS Plus Extra has become very interesting as well, especially via the end of year subscription deals.
Funnily enough, about 2 months before Christmas my Xbox one s looked like it was giving up so had to weigh up the pros and cons of upgrading - in the end I went with a second hand One X.
Simply put, cost rolled out the Series X - but the Series S comes with so many concessions... most important of which (to me) was the lack of a disk drive! The kids and I have disk games, and the Xbox is the default DVD player as well, so with that the Series S was out as well.
As for gaming on the One X, I couldn't be happier - I've got a backlog that stretches back to the 360 and plenty of newer stuff besides! And while I can see many companies moving away from the previous gen, I don't think it'll happen until we have a updated Switch - while Devs are still targeting the Switch, there's absolutely no reason not to release games on the Xbox one & PS4 as well!
The one thing I'm conscious of after reading the other comments is what a difference the SSD makes - everyone else seems to have serious issues with load times, but they don't seem bad at all (to me at least!). If it really comes too it, I can always swap out the HDD for an SSD and see what difference it makes!
@EvilSilentFrame Doesnt look good does it?
I mostly use mine to watch TV these days.🤣 It's mostly because I don't have a Series X yet. I'm waiting for either Hellblade 2 or Gears 6 to get one. I also got a PS5 first because generally speaking I prefer Playstation but I still plan to get a Series. Just not yet.
@Wheatly Hardware fascinates me since my first console, SNES. I agree, the Xbox One X screams I'm the best console design and I have the best quality materials, especially compared to PS consoles. Series X is overall the best console ever but Xbox One X is gorgeous. The original Xbox One design looks bad in the photos but when you have it in your room, it's much better designed than PS4: it's quieter, all the heat goes outside, the buttons are more responsive, the plastic doesn't look as cheap and it's more robust. I watched many technical videos because I had both an Xbox One and a PS4 (I bought the PS4 earlier) and Xbox One is the winner regarding quality of the innards and assembly. The Xbox One X is even better because they managed to make a powerful beast, Xbox One S size and without heat issues. Xbox One X is an engineering marvel and Series X is another one even if it's not as good-looking. At least, it's not hideous like PS5.
@ChromeMud You can choose to install Series S|X games on the internal drive, just select that in Settings.
i'm still happy with it so much good games are already available and many to come but it do not mean there aren't place for improvement,i give microsoft up to 2024 to prove me that i was right to trust them.
I really likes the XBox One S for it's great stability. It was small, looked good, was silent and built almost no heat. A cheap and really good console.
The One X also was pretty good, it had the more power which was necessary for 4K games. Not like the PS4 Pro, which was to weak the handle 4K games.
But in the end, if you have the Series X, none of these systems are necessary anymore. And I really like this step about Microsoft. One system to play games from 4 generations.
I just wish, Microsoft would finally have the appeal from back then. But it seems, buying developers is the only way they can achieve this at least a bit.
Still happily rocking a One. I'm not going to upgrade for shiny graphics. If there's no exclusive games, I can wait 😂
I use the original Xbox one for movies in bed but my god its super sluggish without an SSD just loading up the xbox user interface compared to the new consoles, I was playing COD WWII, loading up the class load out system when inside a lobby with a timer changing a few attachments quickly before a game starts, the asset's (guns) loading on screen do set you back a couple of seconds because of it. The lack of stronger/faster WiFi frequencies on that thing is a bummer especially when paying for 500mbs, the console likes to receive roughly 70mbs only most of the time but all in all I do have a Series X now and the Xbox one was used for retail emulation but with that now nuked it's just junk at the bottom of my bedroom shelf ready to be turned on for a random movie night.
Me and one of my best friends are still using the original Xbox One. I’m currently saving up my cash for a Series X or S but my Xbox One is still really good for the games that I am playing on it. Such as Halo Infinite and the Master Chief Collection, Gears of War 4 and 5, Sea of Thieves, Grounded, Forza Horizon 5, Hi-Fi Rush, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and Fortnite.
I’m not experienced with the tech inside games like picture quality and frame rate, but I understand how much it means to fans.
I’m glad Microsoft and other developers are still supporting the Xbox One with new games, if only Capcom put Resident Evil 4 and Street Fighter 6 on Xbox One, I would of been delighted, yet ExoPrimal is coming to Xbox One and Monster Hunter Rise arrived.
Overall, I’m very happy with my Xbox and I will be able to upgrade very soon.
Sold my black Xbox One X to a friend when I was able to upgrade to a Series X Christmas 2021. I also had a brand new Gears 5 One X but ended up giving that to my nephew's, which I kinda wish I would have kept. I still have my PS4 Pro. But after upgrading to a PS5 & Series X that pretty much made my PS4 Pro & One X obsolete. I can't go back to the slow load times & 30fps gaming of last gen.
@Banjo- sorry but that best designed console goes to the original fat ps3; that machine was designed for the sophisticated and for only rich people in mind(especially the silver model)
Xbox had some sick systems too like the OG Xbox and all xbox360 models(except the E model imo), but the OG ps3 is beautiful .
Full BC with 3 generations of games in one & all can be played physically or downloaded
Free Online & Downloadable DLC and retro games
Rechargeable controller with insane battery life and motion controls
4 USB ports on the front and like 5 more in the back
Memory Card slots
Lots of GB
Blu Ray
Tons of features, settings, apps
well worth the $600 at the time. no other console has been worth how much it offered since. both ps5 and series X are overpriced but especially the PS5 . even the ps4 and Xbox one were overpriced and nearly outdated on release
@nomither6 I never had the PS3 but I didn't like how they removed the best features such as backwards compatibility and those cheap plastic plates of the last models compared to the original one. The PS4 looks good in photos but really cheap in real life, not to mention the overheating, the random disc ejection, the awful buttons that turn on on their own, the noise, the terrible battery life of the controller... succeeded by the half-baked PS4 Pro. The PS5 is the ugliest console ever, in my opinion.
@Banjo- it’s a shame they had to downgrade their systems because people weren’t buying how expensive the original ps3 was & you’re right the ps4 was very cheap and even more of a downgrade than the later ps3 models but it is what it is . the series X kind of reminds me of the original ps3 , but i don’t think they’ll ever be another console thats PC level in terms of the sheer amount of things it can do.
the ps3/360 was the last and only time consoles were more powerful than PC for a while
id gladly pay $600 for a console
@nomither6 I agree pretty much with you. It's worth mentioning that Nintendo also downgraded some of their consoles. Gamecube had the digital port removed, SNES the RGB. Only the early PAL N64 had RGB but it was not even user-available. I have the original Gamecube with the digital port and a slightly-modded PAL N64 with RGB output. All those changes were hidden so you wouldn't know. More recently, Wii Family Edition removed the Gamecube and memory card ports and Wii Mini removed the backwards compatibility and internet capabilities. Wii Mini is probably the most infamous console ever.
Great site about this:
After all that, Series X is a wonderful console, even if it still doesn't have all the games we want, the hardware and the backwards compatibility are awesome.
I don't mind the Xbox One. I'm content using it still today. I barely used it as much as my PS4 that I also barely used because I used my PS3 more but still did yes use the PS4 more than the Xbox One regardless. Never used cloud for the Xbox One or Remote Play. Only remote play on Sony consoles or well the Wii U for Nintendo's side. Used cloud with the Series X of course (family use it, I'm happy with my Xbox One VCR/One X).
I use the Xbox One infrequently but when I do and find third party copies for it I want to play or the first parties I didn't get around to I enjoy it enough. Mostly third party games though. The games I spent most time on were Sunset Overdrive, Valkyria Chronicles 4, ReCore, on and off the Forza Motorsport games (bought 6 recently and I hate it so much, handholding, roulette that is currency/cars in the GT7 like way then the way they handled it fine enough in Forza already without a roulette and the oh I pick a different class nope same tracks in order for every starting class why.... how lazy. I'm glad 5 & 7 are different or even 1-4 aren't like 6, 6 is just worse then 5 to me and I barely even started 6 I hated the introduction to the game immedately compared to fair progress through the other entries), Rare Replay somewhat and I think that's the ones I cared about most on the console.
Like if I see a racing game for it to see if it uses the impulse triggers/or because it's the copy I find. Not have many Xbox One era shooters though but Gears used the impulse triggers well for the reload system I really like that even if I already liked the reload system in prior entries anyways. I don't always think about oh this vibe fits the console of oh racing, shooter, whatever I just go for if I see a copy for that console or the controller features. Which as Xbox One was the one to include a controller feature like impulse triggers it's the only time I've had to consider it compared to other platforms doing that every generation.
The Smart Delivery is great though. Just putting in Project Cars 3, Biomutant or Demon Turf (it being only physical on Xbox so I didn't mind getting it as I assume it being a 2GB game or so and the Series version on the disk I hope as it not like other games that are bigger that can't fit on it aren't so hoping Series version is on the 50GB disks Blu-rays of that era are) for example has been nice. Many of the games don't run great due to the hard drive of the Xbox One even on an Xbox One X but still the rest is great once you get past internet based aspects of games that is which is why load times suck I find not the consoles themselves.
The Xbox One with the Kinect is fine enough to see what something was even if abandoned nowadays. The backwards compatibility by internet (I won't deny if it can read the license then digital copy I don't mind it that much as at least it's less issues with the disk, but still it is not the same very and well I like stuff not requiring an install aka Nintendo being the only one to not do that so I save space then constant installing to the hard drive I want optional installation like the 360 had but oh well) can be annoying for both 360 and Xbox One/Series compared to other platforms but it is what it is then software (in the not requiring internet always sense)/hardware BC based I guess. But I won't deny Microsoft has done a good job with the licenses they were able to get support for and how the games run.
Still the both gens of BC beats the Wii U (even though I like the Wii U) which would have for GameCube support but didn't so the Xbox One has that over it then needing a way to get GameCube digitally through homebrew.
RIP 360 use of OG Xbox games whenever that goes down and were left with the 50 or so on Xbox One then the 400+ we got on 360. Ah licensing.
I still hate the dashboard though. I still like Blades or the last Xbox 360 dashboard. The first Xbox One dashboard I didn't mind whether the Windows 8 multiple apps thing because yes I like that and want games and apps in a dual window/screens ways but that won't happen anymore so goodbye that. Don't like the 2nd-4th dashboards at all. I hate any square/rectangle streaming service bland design these days. Windows 8 was eh but it's more saturated now that I hate it.
The groups/folders I hate on all consoles now I like the PS4's or Wii U's folders I can't stand the current group system direction for all consoles it's terrible.
@Banjo- still have my original gamecube and wii , i remember the wii mini and i feel bad for anyone that has it , that was definitely a low blow by nintendo , but it’s nintendo right ? they can get away with anything 😂
but yeah the series X is good , they just really need to stop hurting it and give it the games it deserves and not treat the first party games like crap . I’m still shocked they never even made a full gears of war collection
@SuntannedDuck2 i agree about the dashboard . all consoles this gen have terrible dashboards , with the series X being the least worst . The ps5 UI is a major step back $ony is absolutely clueless this gen & nintendo switch dashboard is equally horrendous but nobody cares . the wii dashboard was great and makes the switch look outdated , the 360 blades to date is still the best xbox ui ever, & the ps3 dashboard just runs laps around any ps console . the ps4 dashboard wasn’t bad and in some ways better than ps3 but was still a downgrade
@NeutronBomb for those wanting 60 FPS, it’s not looking good. Hopefully I’m wrong and we will get that option. I think we will find out when Xbox has their showcase in June.
I have a One TB Xbox One….rarely play it but keep it bc it’s probably not worth more than $50-$75, if that. It’s still functional, so I have the option to play in that room….
@Korgon Don't do it, stick with PlayStation and you'll be fine.
I’m bummed because the console is much nicer than the PS5 (quality of life things; Quick Resume, Smart Delivery, better management of streaming apps)
But I can’t put down my Duel Sense because the 1st party GAMES on Playstation are awesome.
Sold my Day One XBone as soon as I got my Series X.
I only use my Xbox One for streaming purposes nowadays. It feels like Microsoft is intentionally slowing down the old product to try and get people to buy the new product since my Xbox One is very slow ever since the Series X came out. The disc drive is also broken and the console oddly turns itself on at random times. It was nice when it was working, but now I have little use for it.
@Darude84 thanks for the tip about PS Plus.
I agree that the subscription services have become great value for money on both consoles. I know some people don’t like them, and I personally still love my physical game collection, but to be able to pay a fraction of the cost of a full priced game each month and have access to hundreds of titles and new ones each month is such great value. Budget gamers can finally keep up with everyone.
@xanderten50 regarding the SSD:
Really, it’s just a quality of life thing. Things load faster which means you jump into games quicker, by about 2 minutes in most titles. And that means everything loads quicker from first opening the game to all the loading screens in between. And that adds up to a lot of time saved over the year. Like 10-20 minutes a day saved loading times on average I would estimate.
Another thing is Series X also offers the quick resume feature meaning you can have multiple games open at the same time. Say you are playing a game but have to do a chore, you pause your game mid level, leave the console and your kids come and open a completely different game. It takes them 10 seconds to switch the game, they can play for a couple hours and then when you get back, within 10 seconds you go back to your game and unpause halfway through the level you were on. Or imagine playing a horror game that your kids can’t see. You could be mid level, they come home and you need to switch to a more kid friendly game. Just have two games open and in under 10 you’re playing a completely different level on another game.
It’s an insane feature when you think about it.
But again it’s just a QoL thing. Your current Xbox is not stopping you and your kids sharing a console. It just means when they want to play you shut down your game and then they load there’s and so forth. It takes longer and you lose the mid level progress.
It’s not a deal breaker and I downgraded from the Series X to the One X for financial reasons. But it’s definitely a nicer experience with loading times and switching between multiple games. The loading times make the most difference though.
I mean...I'm not getting rid of my PS5. I'll just have a Series X as well. Best of both worlds!
SuntannedDuck2 wrote:
Good point. I hate those loading screens "connecting to servers", "checking DLC", etc. They should activate in the background or before launching an online mode. They only make sense in 100% online games like Fortnite or Sea of Thieves.
SuntannedDuck2 wrote:
It's so sad that Wii U has native Gamecube support but not supported by Nintendo so users must go to homebrew. It's the only way to play Gamecube games natively through HDMI.
nomither6 wrote:
Yes, Nintendo can treat their loyal fans like rubbish and still get a free pass. As a long-time Nintendo fan, the Switch era is the worst: most expensive prices, overpriced ports, rubbish hardware and controllers, no backwards compatibility with games nor controllers, no discounts for Wii U owners like we had on previous consoles and I mean some kind of cross-buy which was possible because the NNID and Nintendo accounts were merged since the beginning.
nomither6 wrote:
I also have the original Wii. I don't like the PS4 UI, that row of game tiles ranked by last played and the settings tree being the least intuitive thing ever but PS5 UI went to something even worse with that lame Quick Resume attempt called activity cards.
The Switch is based on the PS4 UI which is a mistake and it's also bare-bones compared to previous Nintendo consoles. It's basically a row of game tiles ordered by last played with random sounds and the most played sounds are high-pitched and sound very bad through the console speakers. The smaller New 3DS has much better speakers than the Switch Lite. Also, it's a shame that Nintendo is busier shutting down fan projects and homebrew than improving the quality of the joy-cons, something that they didn't admit nor fixed until they were sued. Fans mean zero to Nintendo. Nintendo is like Sony these days. Microsoft is of course another business but they respect their users and give them good value and free backwards compatibility.
My Series X is my main system (alongside the Switch) and my Xbox One S is now in the bedroom for lazy retro gaming in bed or for watching Blu Ray discs. Happy with the Series X, especially with games like Resident Evil 4 remake and the updates to games like RE2, RE3 and Doom Eternal..
Haven't used my Xbone X since I got my XsX, that being said it's usually the least used current system in my setup (just Exclusives and some BackCompat for me) I use my PS5 for basically everything and Switch OLED sees it's fair share of use.
I did however keep that Xbone X as it's a "Project Scorpio Edition", really lucked out getting that one as it was only 2 Years ago (my friend is a big Xbox fan is still jealous of it 😂) when my Xbone X, which was used, had it's HDMI die after about 2 Weeks 😒 I hate my electronics in White, so when it's all they had/brought out when I took it back I asked if they had ANYTHING that was at least close to Black and low and behold the guy came out from the back with that Scorpio model 👍
gamepass is great service
good start with hifi rush as exclusive
bad decisions made with redfall (DRM-always online-30fps) made me lower my expectations (it was already low not its on ''please dont be bad" level)
i would say its good but good isnt enough to beat the compitition
@NeutronBomb true phil only sell us hype, while he was the best man to undo what don mattrick did, he and his management team is very bad at menaging studios i know that jumping from 5 studios in 2018 to 24 studios in 2021 was big but till date he doesn't seem to control his studios and i bet for how long those studios are taking to make games that employees are just hiding in corners eating donuts, Phil should be replaced with someone charismatic and can rule with an ironfist and can know a winning project when he see one,
this actually is Sony best weapon they know which project gonna win even when buying 3rd party exlcusivity (FF Remake silent hill 2R ...) or exclusive contents (Hogward legacy, COD...) yes its disgusting but we most admit that they can smell a great game in the making (forspoken is a sole mistake tho)
Still my X is my main console altho I have purchased a 2nd hand series S. I'm holding out for a series X coming out in white, as all my consoles are white. 360. X. series S. PS3. also nearly forgot. 8 TB External hard drive
Im still using the standard Xbox One console and it does everything I need it to do so I’m happy with it.
Strangely enough, I’ve just bought an Xbox One X, even though I own both a Series S & X 🙂
My Series X is connected to a 4K gaming monitor with my PC upstairs, while my Series S is connected to my main (1080p only) TV in our living room.
I recently had a PS4 which I used as a BluRay player only (I’m old and still buy movies and CD’s 😁), but my trusty old PlayStation suddenly decided to go to that big gaming heaven in the sky.
It was a no-brainer buying an Xbox One X.
Currently, the cheapest 4K players are roughly coming in at £180, so grabbing the Xbox was a steal for £100.
I now have even more storage for my library and the only problem with getting old is remembering which controllers go with which console in multiplayer. lol
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