Comments 175

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 9th)


@Mamabear Viva Pinata is one of the very few games my wife enjoys watching too Great game.

I've just started playing Evil Within 2, which I held off at the time because it didn't seem as interesting as the first one, but boy was I wrong about that! Six hours in and still only on the third mission because I'm scouring every nook and cranny, which is something I only very rarely do.

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The May 2020 Inside Xbox Show?


As a PS4/Switch owner even a lesser presentation like this one is still a lot better than the media silence from Sony. Moreover, the Medium and Scorn trailers were really interesting and multiplatform stuff like Yakuza and the 120 fps Dirt 5 looked good too. It's getting increasingly more likely that I'll switch platforms come Winter.

Re: Rare's New Xbox IP Appears To Have Been In The Works For Three Years


@BlueOcean To this day I still don't get the people who genuinely think Banjo Kazooie is better than Mario 64 while it's clearly the other way round

I've always found most Rare games a bit overrated, although I thoroughly enjoyed Viva Pinata and Digger T. Rock is one of my favourite NES games. I just hope that Everwild doesn't turn into another open-world snoozefest.