Microsoft has discussed various new details about the backwards compatibility features on Xbox Series X, revealing that thousands of backwards compatible games are already playable on the system.
In a post on Xbox Wire, Director of Program Management for Xbox Series X Jason Ronald revealed that the team has put more than 100,000 hours of play testing into backwards compatible titles already, and will have more than doubled that figure by the time the console launches:
"Many of us in Team Xbox play on the Xbox Series X daily as our primary console and switching between generations is seamless. By the time we launch this holiday, the team will have spent well over 200,000 hours ensuring your game library is ready for you to jump in immediately."
Ronald also went into detail about the improvements that are coming to backwards compatible titles on Xbox Series X, confirming "they should play better than ever before." In addition to new features such as the ability to add automatic HDR, Quick Resume support, reduction in load times and the possibility for increased frame rates and resolutions for certain titles, all games will ultimately utilise "the full power of the Xbox Series X."
"Backwards compatible games run natively on the Xbox Series X hardware, running with the full power of the CPU, GPU and the SSD. No boost mode, no downclocking, the full power of the Xbox Series X for each and every backward compatible game. This means that all titles run at the peak performance that they were originally designed for, many times even higher performance than the games saw on their original launch platform, resulting in higher and more steady framerates and rendering at their maximum resolution and visual quality."
How excited are you for backwards compatibility on Xbox Series X? Let us know in the comments.
[source news.xbox.com]
Comments 22
I absolutely love backwards compatibility. I use it all the time. I’m so happy that they are continuing it on XSX.
This is just sounding better and better every time we get some more information. It's gonna be SO good...
Very very cool that all old games will essentially be better on the Series X. Really good move and tech by Microsoft!
Well, this gives me an incentive to play my backlog. My older Xbox games will look nicer!
This is why Series X is so great, it doesn't just play Play Anywhere and xCloud games but also every single Xbox One game plus all the backwards compatible games. It's going to be the best gaming platform this far.
This all looks very hopeful, backwards compatibility is simply a must in my view, so it's great to see how much attention it's getting...
@TrueAssassin86x Which is great if you only want to play Call of Duty or Fifa, otherwise, not so much!
I'm so happy for Backwards Compatibility, I have over 100 Physical games for my Xbox one with a pretty big backlog.. The thought of getting to play all the games i never got around to playing on the Xbox One and being able to play them on Series X feels extremely satisfying...
@TrueAssassin86x This is completely incorrect, Mark Cerny said that they’d tested the 100 most played games, and they are 99% sure that most of the PS4 library will be playable on PS5
"No boost mode, no downclocking, the full power of the Xbox Series X for each and every backward compatible game."
Shots fired! 😱
@Royalblues Hi there. Want some good old fashioned Og Xbox games? Here´s some of my favourites: Ninja Gaiden Black, Jade Empire, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Blinx Time Sweeper, Dead or Alive 3 and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. Man I would love a new Splinter Cell game. Make it happen Ubi. Cheers and happy gaming to us all.
@Royalblues yeees!!! There are a lot of exclusive Japanese OG Xbox still stuck in the original hardware, we need them available digitally please Microsoft! XD
Unless for some reason they ***** up their revival by doing something stupid like Mattrick did, I will be purchasing one day one already have the money set aside.
@AJDarkstar Xbox One X only uses as much power as needed. Xbox One X circuits are fine-tuned for power efficiency and I expect exactly the same in Series X. Listening to Microsoft's engineers they seem to be inspired by Xbox One X when designing Series X.
@AJDarkstar I see. I am going to read this again because I don't remember all the details or if I read the full article. You can have a look too.
@AJDarkstar lack of vapour chamber cooling? Did you watch the DF video when they built one? The entire system is designed entirely around its cooling system and vapour chamber. The system is built to be able to run at full clock speed all of the time.
Right now it's no contest which console I'm buying at launch, the Series X backwards compatibility sounds extraordinary. I can think of plenty of games this generation that would hugely benefit from double framerates and added HDR let alone 360 and og Xbox games. Speaking of 360 there is a wealth of arcade treasures hidden away there such as Daytona, the Virtua Fighter games and even Guardian Heroes from the Saturn. So many games that could benefit from having HDR added and increased framerates, maybe GTAV, Red Dead Redemption at 4K60fps, I'm excited to see what this can do
@carlos82 Yeah that's right, Series X has a vapour chamber like Xbox One X which is a sophisticated cooling system and yes, the full system is designed with cooling in mind with a single large customised fan in order to make a quiet and efficient cooling system. The CPU runs at 3.8GHz or 3.6GHz with all threads enabled but Microsoft believes that developers will choose the 3.8GHz configuration.
@carlos82 I'm curious about Monster Hunter World running on Series X because that game has a choppy performance even on Xbox One X.
@BlueOcean yeah I believe that has an unlocked framerate so hovers around the 30 mark but with inconsistent frame times. The issue the One X has is having to be restricted by the CPU so these types of games are a problem, I'd imagine Series X should just push it straight to 60 with relative ease
@carlos82 I think so, it will run at 60 on Series X.
@Royalblues Not a problem at all my friend. It is always good when someone decides to open up and talk about something meaninful in their lives, no matter what it is. I´m a guy who loves videogames since I was 11 and have been fortunate to have lots of differents systems and to be able to enjoy various games, is one of the things that kept me going on the most difficult times in my life. Glad you apreciate my list and thanks for sharing. Cheers and have a good one.
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