Comments 145

Re: Upset About PlayStation Exclusive Content? Prepare For More, Says Industry Insider


@mousieone When it was revealed it was a PC/Xbox/PS4 game. MS acquired the rights about two years ago, which is the moment it turned into an Xbox console exclusive. It made another appearance last year at E3, but now it's gone AWOL unfortunately.

And I'm not saying that. I understand it's way more valuable for a smaller studio to get a head start than a big studio like SE or Activision. They don't need the money.

Re: Upset About PlayStation Exclusive Content? Prepare For More, Says Industry Insider


@AlexSora89 The difference is that Phil keeps talking about how he doesn't like timed exclusives; but does it anyway. Sony has never said anything along those lines and they actually embrace them. Regardless of what you think of the practice. Their messaging is a lot more straight forward. Phil says one thing, but does another.

I think that's what people mean when they talk about hypocrisy.

Re: Rumour: Free Xbox Multiplayer Could Be Announced In August


@sixrings Yeah true. I would make them look bad if they suddenly announced online was free. Because did we have to pay for online for the last two years? Well, because Microsoft and Sony do it is the answer, but they're never going to admit that. Though to be fair, theirs is a lot cheaper at least.

Re: Rumour: Free Xbox Multiplayer Could Be Announced In August


I was going to say this is huge, but online play should be free anyway in my opinion. Especially when most games don't even use/need dedicated servers anyway. These subs just exist because they make money and they can.

I hope it's true. And I wonder if Nintendo and Sony will follow. They have to, right? Microsoft started the whole paid online nonsense, so I give it to them to end it as well.

Re: 343 Provides Official Statement On Halo Infinite Graphics Concerns


Good to see they're handling feedback well. Yeah, I admit, the gameplay demo didn't wow me either. Maybe it was because of the teaser trailer (from last year IIRC), that got me more exciting. Showing that vast landscape I thought they were changing things up, but the gameplay looks like something I've already played. They say they're going back to the old gameplay, but it would've been cool if they tried changing it up a little more. Oh well, we haven't seen everything yet, there's plenty of time left.

Re: Game Freak's RPG Little Town Hero Gets A Surprise Release On Xbox One


@FragRed Yeah, and that's the main problem. They're the biggest media franchise, in terms of revenue. But all the games feel like budget titles. ''Good enough'' that it's playable, but nothing revolutionary or special. It's unfortunate though, because the franchise has a lot of potential. That being said, I don't think Game Freak are amazing devs either. If it isn't Pokemon, their games kinda suck for granted, and even the Pokemon games aren't that great. Quite overrated IMO.

Re: Xbox Boss Congratulates Naughty Dog On Last Of Us 2 Success


I like how the first and most liked post mentions how stupid the console wars are. And then I see almost a hundred comments banging on about Xbox vs Sony vs Nintendo, pointing fingers, and going on about whether this site or PushSquare is better one. The irony...

Just enjoy your games and be nice to each other.

Re: Ori Dev Suggests 1TB Storage Is 'Just Too Small' For Next-Gen Consoles


It is not a lot, but SSDs are expensive, especially the high-end SSDs used in next gen consoles. I believe Sony said that there isn't even an SSD on the market that is compatible with the PS5, because they are all too slow.

Though, on the bright side, installing games should be a quick process now. So if game management is partially automated it shouldn't be a problem. Let's say the console automatically deleted the oldest installed game on your console to make room for the new game. And if installing only takes a few seconds, this isn't a problem. Deleting your games manually can be a bit annoying if you have to do it every time, so I'm hoping for a partially automated system.

Additionally, I've also heard that file sizes can be made smaller thanks to the new SSDs. Because loading is so fast, they don't have to have duplicates of assets in multiple places that are otherwise necessary to keep the loading times down.