343 Industries has confirmed that Halo Infinite's multiplayer will be free-to-play when the game launches this Holiday, and will support 120 frames per-second on Xbox Series X.
The news was actually leaked by UK retailer Smyths Toys this morning, but 343 has now made it official via Twitter:
The developer also confirmed earlier today that the game's campaign is aiming for 4K/60fps on Xbox Series X, so it looks like the 120fps option will be limited to multiplayer only. Hopefully we'll find out more very soon!
How do you feel about Halo Infinite's multiplayer being free-to-play? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
Wow that's amazing! Hope everyone enjoys it!!
Nice! I don't particularly like competitive multiplayer, but co-op at 120 frames would be nice!
This is really cool news. Halo Infinite looks like a game rooted in the past, while also forging ahead. This is shaping up to be the best Halo since the Bungie days.
Note 'free to play', not 'free to play with Gold'...
Or am I reading too much into that sentence?
Great news. The only thing that concerns me is people who have 120hz screens compared to people who have 60hz screens. Will people with 60hz screens be at a disadvantage for competitive mp? Regardless of your TVs input lag? Surely 120hz gives you a big advantage? Or I'm I wrong?
I’m not a multiplayer guy, but that’s awesome news for everyone that is.
Kind of strange having the single player and multiplayer at different FPS.
@AJDarkstar well done, I guess?
@AJDarkstar You realise we're a UK based site and this tweet landed at 9:36 PM on a Friday night?
Definitely interesting news. I am not a big Halo fan myself but for those who enjoy it definitely good news.
Big news, but not unexpected. I think it’ll be hard to sustain a large MP base without f2p these days. Too many good f2p options that people would play instead.
🎤 drop for Halo fans here. This is pretty cool & great for fans of Halo multiplayer.
@AJDarkstar in fairness AJ. Just because you reported the story earlier, it doesn't make you a "media mogul" want do you want a medal?
Now dats pwetty epik
@AJDarkstar "strawman"? most of the guys have twitter feeds on this site, including the hierarchy I presume. Ok you reported first on here. Good on you! What the hell do you do with your friday nights bro?. Sit waiting for news!!.
@DavLFC lol! Got heeeeeem
@AJDarkstar What does it matter when they report it. If the site takes to long to report something then well you can always go spread your dissatisfaction at IGN since they seem to more to your speed on reporting thing.
@FraserG Don't let him get you down man obviously he's just here to cause trouble.
Ignore the no life troll. You guys do a great job here at this website. 👍🏻
@Nexozi multiplayer will likely take place in smaller maps, while the campaign will do its best to render as much of the world as technically possible.
This is going to be big for halo, but it will go to crazy levels when [if?] they release the rumored Battle Royale mode.
F2P Battle Royale Halo on PC, XBox One, Series X and anywhere you can play xCloud? That sounds wild.
It’s huge. Halo multiplayer already has a massive fan base & this will add tons to it.
Plus, if rumors are true about Xbox Live going free..... 🎤 drop.
@KelticDevil but how do you balance the 120hz thing for guys playing on base xbone ?, on 1080p with heavy input lag? When they're playing against 1440p multiplayer dudes at 120hz on a 4k monitor, which has next to zero input lag? Make for fair multiplayer?
@DavLFC Nvidia did an analysis where they compared the kill ratios of players to their frame rates In call of duty. Those averaging 60 frames a second were about 75% of average and those that are 120 frames per second where just above 150%. At a higher frame rates the enemy just appears on screen first so you have a chance to shoot them before they see you.
@AJDarkstar I thought crunch culture was a bad thing.
I would have concerns about the level of fact checking and proofreading of someone who can turn a tweet into a news article within two minutes of it being released.
I probably spent more than two minutes writing and then proofreading this comment.
Edit: I know from the times stamping that it took me seven minutes to produce this comment.
@Ryall thanks. For explanation. Yeah they're obviously benefits to playing at a higher frame rate. But it will cause some inconsistencies in online mode imo. Wether that be competitive arena or warzone etc
This is fantastic news 😁
That's awsome news...
This is awesome! More players is only a good thing. Now show off a remake of Blood Gulch/Coagulation
In reference to the timing of the news post; Fraser does a great deal of leg work on this site, so perhaps give him a bit of slack.
Oh man, just had a great idea. Because of this it's very likely we'll see a Battle Pass or equivalent right. Imagine if we see crossover rewards like Sea of Thieves!! Pirate armour, KI armour (Fulgore would be great!), Gears armour, hell, Banjo Kazooie armour!! 😁 I'm not talking garish cosplay outfits, just subtle armour designs based on those IPs 😍
@AJDarkstar No cookie, don't feed trolls
@Tharsman You're right, I had forgotten they are going more open world. 😂
@DavLFC Linus on YouTube did a video a while ago comparing the different refresh rates. Def seems to be a benefit.
@FraserG you guys do a terrific job. This site has been a revelation since its return.
I don't even have a monitor that can do 120fps lol.
@Medic_Alert Im thinking more like the “season” stuff that’s popular elsewhere with MTXs if you don’t want to buy the full pass. In other words, the base game will be mostly cheap. Anything you want over it, is where it’s going to get expensive.
Presumably 120fps comes with a cost of resloutiion 1080p or even 720p I'm guessing. Wonnt be getting anywhere near 4k at that fps.
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