Comments 145

Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans, How Do You Feel After Sony's PS5 Event?


@Dezzy70 If Horizon gets an early 2021 release, I'm fine with that. The consoles probably sell out during the holiday regardless of what kind of launch titles they have. I think the shortages will also play a role in this. I expect it will be hard to get one if you don't pre-order it during the first couple of months.

Re: Poll: Which Design Do You Prefer? Xbox Series X Or PS5?


I don't really care about the look of the box, since it sits below the TV out of sight. On one hand I do appreciate that the PS5 isn't another black box, but it's definitely easier to hide the Series X or fit it in a cabinet I think. The PS5 seems a bit unwieldy because of its weird angles.

Re: Xbox Stands With PlayStation In Support Of Black Lives Matter Movement


@BlueOcean I don't see the issue with that statement. They were going to reveal the PS5, people were looking forward to it, and they decided to cancel it. I don't see what's so dubious about it. How else do you want them to word it? They uploaded two Tweets; one about the protests, followed by the one you are referring to specifically about cancelling the event.

And the formatting of their cancellation message is no different from Nintendo's Tweet honestly.


Re: Poll: Which Controller Do You Prefer? Xbox Series X Or PS5?


@ThanosReXXX I mean, I can feel the rumble, it has several intensities, and either left and right, but that also in other controllers. Like I said, Fez uses this brilliantly. I don't see what's different about 'HD Rumble'. But apparently it's only really used in 1-2-Switch from what I've been reading, and I haven't played that game.

Re: Poll: Which Controller Do You Prefer? Xbox Series X Or PS5?


@BlueOcean @SuperNintendoMii Isn't HD rumble already in the PS4 and Xbox One controllers? I mean, either side can rumble separately, and with varying intensity (the game Fez uses this in some neat ways). That's literally the same I get when I use the Pro Controller on Switch. Unless Nintendo don't implement it in their games, other than 1-2-Switch, which I haven't played.

Re: Epic Games To Publish New Titles From Control, Inside, The Last Guardian Devs


I dunno. Epic Games taking 50% of game sales is big chunk. That's bigger than what MS, Sony or Nintendo take. Heck, even Valve only takes 30%, and 70% is for the dev. And that's without signing a deal.

Sure, they cover development costs, but those are marginal compared to the profits. And I'm not sure of handing in an additional 20% profits will offset that.

Re: Indie Developer To Reveal 4K, 120FPS Xbox Series X Exclusive Next Week


@SuperNintendoMii Can someone explain me why people think they can ''only see 60fps'', or whatever that's supposed to mean. We don't see in ''frames'', our vision is continuous. The human eye can detect light signals that last only a few milliseconds (so you could detect an artefact at 500fps for example). People can see the difference between 60 and 120fps, and even more than that, and you can train your vision to do so.

Does 120fps matter for video games? That's another question. I'd argue that anything above 120/144fps is certainly pointless, but that doesn't mean you can't see the difference.

And of course, I don't think most people here have a monitor that can even display a refresh rate of 120fps, if anyone even has one at all. So you couldn't even try to see the difference because most screens only go up to 60fps.

Re: Microsoft Alters Statement On Whether Xbox Series X Plays "All" Xbox One Games


@KratosMD It's weird that people spin that Cerny statement into something completely different though. I never understood it as ''only 100 games BC'' or whatever the narrative is. He was talking about boost mode, and how, of the 100 most popular games he tested, it seemed to work better than expected. They're testing the games, and more than 4000 will be playable on the PS5. I see no reason to believe this won't be at launch, because this will be native BC; same x86 architecture. Just like how Series X can run Xbox One games natively and I therefore expect that 99.9% of Xbox One games play from day one. OG Xbox and 360 are a different story, because that's emulation, something completely different from native BC.

Re: Microsoft Alters Statement On Whether Xbox Series X Plays "All" Xbox One Games


Kinda interesting to follow this BC narrative over the the last few days. Cerny kinda fumbled and people misinterpreted it as "only 100 PS4 games BC on PS5". Then MS came out and said "ALL Xbox One games BC on Series X".

Now Sony has rectified their statement saying they expect most of the 4000+ PS4 to be playable on PS5, and MS has updated their statement saying the same as well. Obviously there are always going to be some weird games that won't work. But it's interesting how the two started out in a completely different situation two days ago, and now they're in the same boat.

Re: Even PS5 Fans Are Suggesting Xbox Series X Had The Better Reveal This Week


@Gamer83 Kinda true. But the release is still comparable I think. There are plenty of ''non Nintendo fans'' who've bought a Switch currently, it's pretty main stream I'd say. So I think a shorter release window is preferable. Ideally they'd reveal everything sometime in summer. I personally like the ''here's what you get to play in a few months from now'' approach. Though I don't mind if they have one or two games announced in advance, so that there's always something to look forward to.