Comments 995

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think Xbox Will Release Another Disc-Based Console?


I do believe they will stop making discs and I do believe that'll be what kills the brand. Despite what their PR claims, they've shown the opposite of games preservation - Microsoft not only doesn't bother getting older games relisted or prevent delistings in the first place, they actually delist their own games too. Not in a million years would I trust a company like that with a digital-only console. And they can't even get devs to bother making games for them now, you really think only having a digital console is gonna help that, or drive more off? Especially after the botched Xbox One launch?

Re: Hands On With Palworld: The New 'Pokémon-Like' For Xbox Game Pass


I hate how literally anything with a monster as an ally is a Pokemon clone, but for some reason it's okay for an entire Genre to exist that lifts ideas from, have the same base formula as, & is literally named after Metroid. Those are all cool to exist for some reason. And these people always ignore the fact that games had summoning and fighting alongside monsters before Pokemon, but I also doubt these people would know that.

Re: Limited Run Gets Brutally Honest As Xbox Misses Out On Two New Ports


Honestly the more I think about it, if this is the reason a good few similar games skip Xbox, the solution would just be for Microsoft to throw money at it as usual. If just over 5K sales of games that range from $20-40 is enough to justify it, that seems like something very affordable to make sure they don't skip their Platform.

Re: Limited Run Gets Brutally Honest As Xbox Misses Out On Two New Ports


@NoLifeDGenerate That's my point though - regardless of if it's easy or not, they all see it as a waste of time. They see so little value in it, a company like Namco Bandai would rather just not take the little bit of time to port things like Digimon, EDF, or Gundam games to Xbox, which is insane. I'm still surprised Xbox even got Digimon Survive when they didn't bother porting over Cyber Sleuth or Next Order.

Re: Limited Run Gets Brutally Honest As Xbox Misses Out On Two New Ports


It really is a self-fulfilling prophecy of Xbox not having Third-Party support, which means Xbox underperforms for the ones that do give it a chance, which means more pull out, which means Xbox has even less Third-Party support, repeat. And no amount of acquisitions can balance out the fact that a lot of smaller to mid Western devs and most Eastern ones see the brand as a waste of time. I can only assume the reason Atlus & SE have started to bring some of their games to Xbox is Microsoft threw a ton of money at them, and they can't do that for everyone. If that was the case, I'd assume they'd have done it sooner.

Re: Pokémon-Esque Adventure 'Palworld' Launches On Xbox Game Pass Next Week


@Kaloudz It's There's no official roadmap so I'm just going off what they've said in the past. Their '''schedule''' was the update in February, another for general fixes and QoL changes, the Dynamic Weather in November, and the last thing they mentioned sounded like a new area. Take it with a grain of salt since the said Dynamic Weather update was delayed, which means the last one they mentioned is too, and they're only really mentioning stuff within the month or so of it happening.

But unless they're REALLY behind or decided to make more changes, First Half or just outside in Summer 2024 seems like the general ballpark. Again, take it with a grain of salt, like you said, they're quiet until they have something to talk about. Which... is honestly refreshing compared to other companies over promising & under delivering by sharing things too early that might not even happen.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think Xbox Will Ever Stop Making Consoles?


@RIghteousNixon I'm not necessarily saying they got nothing going for them as much as I'm saying they don't have as many as other people think.

Owning Doom, Fallout, & TES won't mean anything if Bethesda screws up again - Starfield was a big make or break moment for them for the public. Even even if Microsoft pushes them to completely redo it like Cyberpunk did (and they made the State of Decay 2 devs do), most people won't bother because of that first impression. Even so, all those IP including Microsoft's others run better on PC. Where as Sony's trash ports run much worse.

As for Game Pass, yeah, it is good. The Perks are garbage and they don't do enough Deals specifically for owning it, but the core of it is good. But Backwards Compatibility was good too, and they ended that for no reason too. The Rewards system was great too, but every week it gets another nerf. My point is, yeah it is good, but that doesn't mean anything to Microsoft. They've had plenty of good things going for them and chose to end them for no reason.

As for Sony, I don't follow them at all so I can't say anything. All I've seen is the leaked footage for Wolverine, and it looks like every other Sony game in the past few years. (Why does Wolverine need med kits and smoke bombs?)

I get the feeling a lot of people think I just hate Microsoft/Xbox, when actually I'm more jaded than anything. I bought my Series X for faster load times & because of BC, and within a few months they announced that ending. Between that and noticing a lot of games I want only skip Xbox, it's quite frustrating to say the least.

Re: Xbox Announces New 'Developer Direct' Event For Next Week


"It should be noted that Activision Blizzard won't be included, with details to come from those teams "later this year"." Later this year could mean the week after for Microsoft - less than 5 weeks was 'the foreseeable future' for the 360 store closing so how they view time is confusing to say the least.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think Xbox Will Ever Stop Making Consoles?


@cburg What does Xbox have going for them in the long term other than the Activision acquisition? They were so hyper focused on that they haven't done anything else to grow for what feels like years. They ended the Backwards Compatibility Program and the catalog gets smaller with each delisting, the Rewards Program gets less appealing each day, prices for things like GP are increased, they're not doing anything to get more devs Western or Eastern on the Platform, they rarely convince devs to reconsider an Xbox release before or after it's been skipped - I love my Xbox, but I'm just not seeing any positives that'll matter until the next console Gen. And so much good or bad could happen in that time.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think Xbox Will Ever Stop Making Consoles?


Quite honestly I don't ever see them recovering from the botched Xbox One launch. Between that, the fact they have the support of next to no Japanese devs or Publishers, and the constant one step forward three steps back choices, it's not lookin' great. While Nintendo will always make consoles and currently Sony's PC ports are trash making console the best experience for their games, I really can't tell you a reason to own an Xbox over a PC. Backwards compatibility gave you access to some games not on any other systems, but Microsoft ended that and doesn't do anything to preserve the ones they do have. You don't need a console for their Rewards system. All their own games generally are made better, have more options, & get more support on PC. If there's no cross-play Xbox always has the smallest player pool while PC has the biggest. Their game library is the smallest of the 4 while PC is the biggest. Game Pass is better and cheaper on PC. You don't need to pay a fee for online on PC. Even if there were a few reasons, these completely dwarf them. If anything, everything I just pointed out says they'd be better off making affordable gaming PCs over consoles.

Re: Talking Point: What Has Your Experience Been Like With Refunds On Xbox?


Can confirm that it's one of the few things they're spot on with. Though it seems there's a bit of a loophole when it comes to 360 digital titles. See originally there wasn't such a thing, and all purchases were final, but that's not the case now. So if you've refunded a BC 360 game, say Shank 2 or the OG Dead Space, and still have the 360 hardware? You own it there still and got the refund. If anything that might be the singular reason they're closing the storefront.

Re: 18 Xbox Games Suddenly Receive New Batch Of Easy 1,000G Achievements


@GamingFan4Lyf Ah, see I don't buy anything I haven't heard of in some way, and I can imagine a lot of games like that being in that lot. The closest to that I can think of is like, those obviously bad movie tie in games from the 360 Era with random meaningless collectibles, like the one for the Captain America movie you collected Fabergé eggs for some reason.

Re: Starfield Wins Steam's 'Most Innovative Gameplay' Award


@Chuffer It's not just PC, it's a problem(?)/thing on console to. You get a lot of trash games getting 5 Star Reviews as memes, and I can only imagine a child crying when they get something from say that trash company that makes Shovelware w/ IPs of Kids shows like Peppa Pig & Transformers because of them.

Re: Starfield Wins Steam's 'Most Innovative Gameplay' Award


The best punchline is that Starfield's main Quest structure is stuff that only makes sense in a Fallout or TES world. Why do I have to talk to someone, fly halfway across the known galaxy to squash some space cockroaches or kill some Space Raiders/Bandits, then fly all the way back to tell them? Do we not have phones in 2330 or any kind of messaging system? Then you have Bethesda's 'realism' excuse for making space boring when they have the aforementioned Quest structures, with tech that can jump across the galaxy in 10 seconds. And then what about the realism of needing to pay for ammo, ship, suit, 'n weapon maintenance, & medical care, when 99% of Quest Rewards in the game dwarf that, let alone enough to net even or make a profit? Realism my right...

Re: 18 Xbox Games Suddenly Receive New Batch Of Easy 1,000G Achievements


@GamingFan4Lyf Now see, I view it as the opposite - Achievements & Trophies attached to things I normally might not do make me more likely to at least try them - maybe do a Side Quest I didn't think sounded interesting, or play a game through on harder difficulties. In fact it's the reason I rarely 100% Nintendo games - the reward is usually just a pop up saying 'You did it!' if even that. Well at least with an Achievement/Trophy other people can see I got the meaningless pop up, right? It's a small thing but it makes a surprising difference. And now if people find the whole thing pointless, they can just turn off the notifications for them games like they always did before the idea.

Re: Starfield's Recent Review Rating Has Dropped To 'Mostly Negative' On Steam


@Xeno_Aura I'm sure if they wanted to, or Microsoft pushes them to, they could pull a Cyberpunk and turn everything around with a massive update & a meaty DLC. But Bethesda seems adamant the game is amazing and non of their ideas could possibly be flawed, so if such a thing were to happen it'd likely be Microsoft forcing them rather than doing it willingly.