Comments 20

Re: Xbox's Phil Spencer Confirms Plans To Keep Call Of Duty On PlayStation


This seems like a sensible way to proceed. Is CoD exclusivity really the only potential part of this deal to draw new players to Xbox? It seems like Xbox is going to have an even better year than 2021. Keeping CoD multiplatform would show a lot of confidence on Microsoft's part — and keep the golden goose a-laying.

Comments like this from Phil will also help the acquisition deal pass with regulators. Let's not underestimate the potential for friction over the appearance of monopolization. Activision-Blizzard was the biggest of the big fish, and this deal changes the gaming landscape more than any deal I can remember in the past.

Re: Halo Infinite Players Complain About The 'Insanely High' Prices For Skins


Mtx is par for the course now, but what's being offered in Halo Infinite is just less than elsewhere for the same high price.

$20 for a premium outfit? Not unheard of. But the outfit in question is some dongles and a palette swap of the costume you already have. It's not a brand new character model, or something licensed from a 3rd party. Bad value at the current price point.

What about the battle pass? $10 is a fine price. But a huge chunk of the goods is just challenge swaps. Moreover, the Fortnite battle pass includes enough in-game currency that you can afford the next battle pass and then some. No in-game currency unlocked anywhere in Halo Infinite except through our wallets. Not a bad battle pass, but clearly less robust than its competitors.

Re: Halo Infinite's Fracture: Tenrai Event Is Causing Frustration With Fans


At least the armour core was easy to get, unlike anything of note in the free part of the battle pass.

What I'm liking about the fiesta event though is it's a crash course in all the various weapons. As a total newcomer to Halo, I was pretty hopeless at first and stuck to the default rifle. Now I'm at a bit more with it thanks to the randomized weapons. Looking forward to the actual campaign to hopefully learn a lot more.