It's time for another round of Pick One! This week, to celebrate the absolutely insane news that Microsoft is purchasing Activision Blizzard, we thought we'd take a look back at the company's most famous and beloved franchises.
From Call of Duty to Crash Bandicoot, Activision Blizzard has some major IP that will soon be owned by Microsoft and Xbox Game Studios, but which is your favourite? Remember, you can only pick one!
Let's take a look at what we're working with:
Call of Duty
Crash Bandicoot
Geometry Wars
Guitar Hero
Sekiro (Shadows Die Twice)
Spyro The Dragon
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Let us know which of these Activision Blizzard franchises is your favourite below.
Comments 57
Had to go for Tony Hawk. The gameplay is so good. And i’m craving a new one.
Hoping Xbox can expand their backwards compatibility with the Tony Hawk games now they have Activision with them. Somehow I never played American Wasteland despite having a 360 at launch.
Close 2nd would be Diablo; with Spyro in 3rd.
Kinda split between THPS and Spyro. There is just something that I always loved about Spyro games, especially the original trilogy, always preferred it over Crash games. As for THPS, well it's just a uniquely awesome series.
Diablo for me.
Call of Duty!
Also, hoping Xbox players will stay humble with the acquisition. Maybe it's just me, but the community at PushSquare seems to have gotten more elitist over the years as Sony became top dog last console generation. Like...a LOT of corporate shilling in the comments. Sucks for PS gamers they can't play new iterations of these franchises, but they can do what they've been telling Xbox and PC players for years and just buy a new console
Tony Hawk's all the way!!!
Starcraft. My middle school years were loaded with Starcraft and Warcraft 2. The sequels were great too! Honestly, Blizzard games have typically been solid and the majority of them have ended up in my top five games of the year for their respective years of release. I also liked Overwatch and Diablo a lot.
THPS has been a pretty good series, even if there have been some misses. I enjoyed Guitar Hero, even if the craze has passed. Spyro and Crash are both solid. CoD, for better or worse, has some of the most wonderful gameplay in history for the FPS genre, though the series has its flaws. Activision Blizzard has a decent amount of IPs.
Skylanders, no question
Warfract! nearly two decades of playing in this universe and still going strong despite all of the downturns!
@stinkyx I wish the PS community was less spiteful and hateful. Can't be around people like that, life is too short. Video games are supposed to be fun and pleasant anyways. I mean this is just an entertainment hobby, why do people need to be so nasty?
Tie between Diablo and Warcraft. I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla on and off but I’ve sunk so many hundreds of hours into D2 and D3 it’s unbelievable.
Diablo for me. I'm a bit concerned about Microsoft scooping up all the big games and making them exclusive but at the same time I do like gamepass.
Under the Act/Bliz it looked like Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 were totally dead, maybe Microsoft can actually get the games back on track, or at least I hope so.
Only one of these properties I care about is Spyro. A new Spyro game ala Crash Bandicoot 4 would be fantastic.
I liked Diablo 2 as a kid, but D3 hasn't really done anything to draw me back in.
Love my guitar hero. Would love if they could make the 360 peripherals and games work on newer systems (although expect it probably can't be done)
New lost viking would be really cool. Look forward to finally playing Diablo 2 Resurrected when it drops onto game pass. Hopefully, the server issues will have been resolved by then.
In terms of the potential the franchise offers, it has to be Warcraft. WoW is well past its prime, but there's still a lot of affection for the characters and the lore. It might be years before we see any new spin offs for the series, but I'm excited about it nonetheless.
Tenchu! Was one of my favourite games on PS1.
Unfortunately they sold it to From
@K1LLEGAL hey same here with Tony Hawk. Literally the most hope/excitement I have is for a new TH Underground style game.
Tony Hawk is literally the only one of these I've ever played.
@K1LLEGAL I’m hoping the same even if they have to remove unlicensed songs they can’t renew or sponsorship from brands like Vans. I have my physical copy of American Wasteland for 360 and haven’t been able to play it in probably 10 years or more.
Sekiro isn't owned by Activision so yes it will come to gamepass but its sequel will not be exclusive.
Also I voted for overwatch as that's the only activision game I've actually played and liked.
I'm not a PC player so I've never played world of warcraft it if it came to console I would definitely give it a try
Guitar Hero, Spyro and Call of Duty for me. Looking forward to seeing what they do with the first two.
@JayJ try telling that to those who still bash sony over the final fantasy 7 remake exclusivity, just keeps getting brought up all the time, if they don't like it then suck it and move on or get a playstation, same gets said to playstation players over Bethesda etc
I love Sekiro, I platinum'ed it on PS4 and played a fair bit on Xbox as well. But that's not an Activision franchise, the IP belongs to From Software and hence it's unlikely its sequels would become Xbox exclusives.
Since I'm old, my favorite Activision franchises that hopefully will make a comeback are Pitfall! end HeXen.
I want Interstate 76 to come back. There aren't enough car combat games. Also Raven Would also have the rights to an obscure vehicle combat game called Necrodome, that would be a good idea for something different.
I picked Tony Hawk because that's the one I've played the most on the list.
Really hope they bring back True Crime and Gun Back. Potentially have a Red Dead type game with a new (or a remastered GUN game). True crime could be that gta but single player experience. One can only hope.
I really hope they make great use and great games with these new studios and the 10k new employees they have.
Surely with the original studios and Zenimax and now Activision we should get some amazing AAA games the best they can possibly be.
In the future if Sony and Nintendo still out do Xbox with quality AAA exclusives then it’s a dam waste to me.
@stinkyx I completely agree with you about the other sides attitude I’ve been saying the same for some time now.
My favourite Acti franchise is Crash, the nostalgia is strong and Crash 4 was actually really really good.
"No One Lives Forever" please
Heretic /Hexen
A new Tony Hawk please! It's great that there are all these ip that might get a chance to be reinvigorated but hopefully some of these studios get released from the COD grind and get the chance to have a crack at a new ip
As with Zenimax, it's difficult to choose just one IP but to me the biggest news is getting and improving Beenox, Vicarious Visions and Toys for Bob. Crash, Spyro and Tony Hawk's are great additions to Xbox but also Game Pass for PC is going to get significantly better.
@stinkyx It’s incredibly toxic over there right now. Like to a shocking level. But.. I get it, something they love took a black eye. It’ll all work out in the wash eventually.
GUN is my favorite by a mile. I'd seriously lose my mind if that game ever got a sequel!
@JaneBear @stinkyx
There's just some bad apples over there is all. Most of the folks on Push Square are cool. It is kind of fun to read the shear hate some feel for Phil Spencer over there though. You'd think the dude was the spawn of Satan with how some of the fanboys talk about him!🤣
Isn't Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice owned by the Developers, FromSoft - its just Published by Activision. MS would own the Publishing rights to that game for as long as the contract lasts but any further 'Sekiro' games, if FromSoft made one as they own the IP, could be Sony exclusive if Sony negotiates to Publish it
Therefore I think the statement that MS is about to own 'All' is not accurate LOL I could be wrong of course but I thought Sekiro IP is owned by the developer
@Korgon That’s good at least. Every community has their bad apples.
Hard to rate CoD, because the quality of the games has varied wildly.
Diablo, sooo goooood
I’d love a new Warcraft rts. I’d love for stand-alone Warcraft and StarCraft games in a different genre focusing on the lore. I love Diablo but sick of the grind. Tony hawk is great plus skate and skater xl make me want them to revamp and go with the better controller scheme. Call of duty can be great again just have it every few years and a little slower. All these titles are great though.
Tony Hawk!!! Wonder what he's up to these days. It's basically the only activision game I played as a kid and actually loved. I have a beautiful memory of playing it into the night and my thumb hurting insanely much. Those gamecube controllers man
Unless Activision has some kind of deal to publish ALL of the future Sekiro games, I'm not sure they should keep including it.
Would have picked Warcraft if the option wasn't dumbed down to just the WoW mmo. I picked Crash.
@FraserG The Francise is Warcraft, World of Warcraft is a single game in the franchise. That would be like putting Tony Hawk 3 instead of Tony Hawk or Black Ops 4 instead of Call of Duty. You might want to correct that.
@isturbo1984 I think that's a typo it should be Warcraft as that's the franchise not World of Warcraft.
With that said I had to go with WoW even though I haven't played it in years due to how Bobby Kotick and company ruined it, I have to many great memories of playing that game. It truly was one of my favorite times of being a gamer. I hope that Microsoft can bring back what made WoW so great before Bobby Kotick ***** it up.
2. Spyro
3. COD
Had to go THPS, years of great games (and some not so good ones, plus a few stinkers). THPS 1&2 is the Only ABK I’ve bought in last few years.
I would’t call Sekiro a franchise, so that rules that one out.
Always preferred Spyro over Crash.
I usually play COD campaigns eventually
@isturbo1984 @Tasuki Apologies both, honest mistake — there was limited time to put this feature together this weekend and that typo slipped through the cracks ✋
Guitar Hero with an usb hub adaptor to use all X360's controllers
Obviously not the popular choice but my favorite genre, eventhough 99% of my gaming is single player, is FPS and I've always enjoyed the campaigns in the non-WW II era Call of Duty games. That's my top choice. Close second is Tony Hawk Pro Skater, slipped a bit in later entries but the early THPS were phenomenal.
Zork, Starcraft, Warcraft
There’s just too many I like that I can’t choose just one. So, in good faith, I choose Guitar Hero. That game was unique and needs a comeback.
The 90's Ghostbusters games. Other than that, Black Ops 1 campaign & zombie maps.
The lore of Warcraft is amazing and hopefully they do something with that. It doesn't have to be WoW or an RTS either. Some sort of single player RPG for a Horde and/or Alliance character would be fantastic. I'm not sure if any of the great lore creators still work for Blizzard but they always made great stories.
Also a new Rock and Roll racing I'm assuming is a given?
@FraserG It's all good. It just seemed odd. I figured what you meant but it just looked odd.
Spyro, where the hell is Spyro 4. Can't give Crash his spotlight and not Spyro its barbaric
Blur, Diablo and THPS.
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