Earlier this week, we put together a Talking Point asking you about your recommendations for what to play first on Xbox Game Pass, and today we thought we'd follow on from that with a question about how often you use the service.
Over the past year-or-so, some Pure Xbox members have told us that they don't actually buy many Xbox games anymore, as they simply get enough value from Game Pass alone. For others, the service is simply a means to try-before-you-buy, and there are plenty of Xbox owners who haven't decided to take the plunge with Game Pass yet either.
It's difficult to put a definitive figure on it, but we're interested to know what kind of percentage of the Xbox games you play are Game Pass titles — as opposed to games you've actually bought. We have a feeling this might end up being quite high (maybe in the 70s or the 80s), but we could be totally off base with our prediction here.
So, let us know what percentage of your Xbox games are Game Pass titles in the poll and comments below.
Comments 53
Game Pass is synonymous with Xbox gaming. 90% of what I play is on there. I've picked up a few wildly discounted games in sales recently, but along comes Halo and I'm still stuck on Game Pass....
Of the 53 games I have played this year, 36 are from Game Pass/EA Play. ~70%.
I counted, and 68% of games I have played this year on Xbox I played with Game Pass.
From the 57 games finished this year, 38 are from Game Pass, so around 70%.
The majority of Xbox games I play are from game pass. For the first few months of my series s’s life it was purely game pass games. 80-90% easily.
80% 20% Ubisoft titles
Oh, maybe a quarter of the games I play are GP. It’s saved me a lot of money ❤️
31 out of 39 Xbox Games from game pass (80%)
Also purchased It Takes Two, Guardians of the Galaxy, Death's Door, and older games on sale as well.
I played stuff on Playstation and Switch, but mainly catching up on old titles. Only other 20q1 game I bought over there was Metroid Dread.
I'm not going to count the games I've played this year on Game Pass, but a rough estimate would probably be 90% considering one of the major reasons I'm even using my Xbox One today is because of Game Pass. However, there will be times when I play e.g. Forza Motorsport 5 or Mafia: Definitive Edition that aren't on Game Pass but compared to the amount of GP titles I've played this year, it's a very small share.
82% of games I played were from game pass
100% for me, gamepass was the reason I got my xbox
90%+ a few are Games with Gold (does this count under Ultimate?) and VERY rarely I buy a game on Xbox.
I've looked through all my mails and spent the grand total of £66.34 in the Xbox store in 2021. Most of that was DLC and the Forza H5 add-ons bundle. I haven't bought a physical disc yet on XSX.
Typically I spend far more on PSN, however this gen i'm considering getting multi-plats on Xbox, but that hasn't borne fruit yet, backlog is too big + Game Pass and PSN sales are usually better for indies.
Probably 90-95%. There are a few absolute gems out there like FAR: Lone Sail which was an absolute delight but mostly I’m on whatever is on Game Pass.
Not a lot, actually. Probably 20%-30% tops, but I still think I'm getting my money's worth.
On xbox its 100% gamepass for this year but it will not be next year due to Elden Ring. 2021 was awesome value for gamepass
I start a lot, but I seem to have a mental block with Gamepass (and PS+) where I often can't get properly into them. I've played an awful lot of FIFA, one or 2 online matches every couple of days stacks up, but otherwise the only games I think I played to completion on XBox this year were Dark Souls, Sekiro, RE Village and Guardians of the Galaxy.
90%. Bought a few games not on the service like battlefield and riders republic. I try my best to try every game on game pass because I like to play different games.
I'd say about 15%. Rounded it up to 20.
Im an old school gamer. If I like it, and can get it physically in a format I could play without internet, cough not Halo Infinite cough, I buy discs and play there.
Gamepass is mainly used as a glorified demo system for me.
I voted 100% but in reality it's just 99.99% as I've played two games I've borrowed from the library as well.
I'd say about 70% of the games i play are not on gamepass, So 30%
This year is 15/19 almost 80 %... but I haven't counted PS4 games.
Yeah even more than 90%. The only ones I bought apart from Gamepass are Tony Hawk and GTA5
I specifically started using gamepass because I couldn't afford to keep buying the newest titles, especially at 60-70 a pop. So it's been a great solution for me, and luckily I've still been able to enjoy new releases like Forza 5, Halo, and Back 4 Blood without having to find £150 to update my library.
I’d say about 10-20%. I buy a lot of games. I think I’ll be shifting more time into Gamepass next year, however. The service continues to improve month after month.
I’d say 90%. I bought a couple of games when the Series consoles released and played them but the vast majority have been Gamepass titles since. The only game I can remember buying and playing on Xbox recently is the phenomenal Metro Exodus. That games next gen upgrade is beautiful.
0% and 100%.
I'm odd and have weird OCD tendancies. I have an Xbox One X for all of my purchased games (physical, digital and Gold games). I also bought Xbox Series S just for Game Pass games. I didn't want them crossing over onto the other and muddling up my library.
I also own 3 Nintendo Switch consoles. One OG Switch for TV and 2 Switch Lites (1 for physical games and 1 for digital).
I need help.
Have both a PS5 and a series s and beyond gamepass and ps+ I've bought this past year.. fatal frame maiden of blackwater, in the sale shantae and the seven sirens and just recently also in a sale the ff7 yuffie dlc. None of which I have played yet as I haven't been able to get off gamepass. 🤣 On my Xbox I've bought Forza horizon 3/4 + some dlc. Alan wake and the crew. Really enjoying a lot of indie stuff on Xbox. Covers most of my Xbox and gaming needs. Will probably buy some of them when they come off gamepass though.
I'm a returning Xbox player. Haven't really played on Xbox since 2016 but I got the Series S a month ago. Almost every game I play is a Gamepass game but that might be different next year.
I think it's about 80% only really buy older last gen (xbox one) games that I've never heard of and thus not had the chance to play. Bought about 12 games digitally and 6 physical, oh well it seems like I've bought only 9% of the total games I've played on xbox. Not all of the remaining 90% is gamepass though, some live gold in there as well and the odd f2p game. So maybe more like 85%
I play stuff on Gamepass which didn't come out on disc or is expensive on psn. Some of the indie stuff is really good, like Genesis Noir.
Assassins creed Valhalla and sonic 3& knuckles were the only non game-pass games this year I played.
I spent alot of time playing halo 5 and knockout city.
This year I have played State of Decay 2 (love it!) Sea of Thieves (since launch) Forza Horizon 4 and 5, a few Doom games (Doom Eternal is the best) and all the Gears of War campaigns (1, 2, 3 and 4 are the best) but in the last couple of months I have bought (digital) Maiden of Black Water, Dragon Quest XI, Final Fantasy XII, a few Yakuza games, Resident Evil VIII and... Sonic Forces (the latter is even worse than I expected, no wonder the Sonic Team consists of different people, it's really bad). Add a bit of Fortnite and I think it's 40% on Game Pass this year. But when I start playing the new first-party games this might change completely and next year I have more Game Pass time planned.
Oh, I have played small games on Game Pass this year, too:
Last Stop (weird but I liked it)
The Artful Escape (fine)
Twelve Minutes (didn't like it but got all the achievements out of curiosity)
Streets of Rage 4 (fine)
Haven (for one day, meh)
Sable (for a while, didn't like it)
Myst (for one hour, ?)
Game Pass is best for this kind of games, you try them, you beat them if you want to and you spend nothing. I want to try Hades and It Takes Two.
@__jamiie I have similar stuff going on. You are not alone.
Picked up Xbox for the first time since the 360 days. 100% Game Pass thus far. What incredible value. I've caught up on Xbox One exclusives and discovered many indie gems as well as getting Series X exclusives on day one. Amazing.
only NBA2K22 (in which I sucked) my game that is not 'rented'via Game Pass. tried FIFA22, but quite convinced they will put it on EA Play too some time next year
Probably 90% of the games I play are on there, but I still buy them to own.
@Yanina Thank you!!!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Probably 80% or so. I bought ME:LE and Death’s Door, as well as a couple of deep discount games on sales (like Vanquished), but i think I played around 30-35 game pass games this year.
I started playing anvil and I get a serious risk of rain 2 vibe. It's pretty fun. Put in one run or ten.
20-30% most of my games are physical. Gamepass is sweet tho.
right now im playing
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII-2
so 100%
It was 100% but getting guardians as a Christmas present so that drops me down to between 80 and 90 per cent
Probably somewhere near 80% and growing. I bought Deaths Door, Dirt 5 and Super Monkey Ball cheap and a few other games on sale. However more and more time is spent on Gamepass as things like Avengers, Flight Sim, Psychonauts 2, Hades, Halo and Horizon 5 have come out
I've bought 6 games on xbox this year, only played 4 of them. Ive played and finished 53 games on gamepass this year. On Switch and PS5 I've bought 1 game each this year.
Finding this data fascinating. Obviously this is an enthusiast gaming website so it's very skewed, regardless with around 2200 votes currently it's a large pool.
Despite only 10% of the game pass games being of any interest to me. Those games are actually as good as most games i bought.
I am more likely to play them because I know at some point in the future they will be removed.
Why would someone pay for Game Pass and use it to try a game before they buy it??? That makes no sense. Ok, if ya enjoy a game an it leaves Game Pass. But if you want only physical games why pay for Game Pass. Just wait a couple of hours after a release anncheck reviews. Check Amazon reviews as they’re left by folkwho bought the game.
Mine is a complete guess, if I'm honest. I went for 30%, but it could well be lower. There were also a fair few games that I bought, played (or sometimes didn't!) that then went on to the GamesPass, which is always mildly annoying. I bought Scarlet Nexus, for example, paying somewhere between £50 and £60 (I think, though I cannot rightly remember now), played it, and two weeks after I finished it, it was announced as going on to the GamesPass. I know it is a bit much to ask, as companies want to maximise their profits, but a bit of transparency as to their intention to put their game on the GamesPass at a later date, would at least enable an informed purchase (or not, as the case might be)...
That's tough as do you go by number of games, or play time? So if I have 10 games downloaded how many are GP, or out of 10 hours of gaming how much is on GP?
One of my most played games is Star Trek Online which is a Free to Play title, but almost everything else is Game Pass. When you look at number of games it's 90% GP as I like to download shorter indie games and play those buffet style.
Still however you slice it Game Pass is a massive component of my gaming life on console and PC. Why buy a game (particularly full priced AAA title) when I've got hundreds of others at my fingertips?
0, don't have Xbox. Play about 10% on PC when they have $1 for three months campaign.
30/122 games and DLCs that I beat this year, plus 9 more I didn't finish. Game Pass is amazing.
not alot to be honest, most games that I like but dont launch on game pass I buy. That being said, i try alot of gamepass games but I rarely finish tem
I don't have gamepass atm. I'm currently playing a game on disc, lost judgement. I don't think it's on gamepass.
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