@NoLifeDGenerate @GuyinPA75 I will be incredibly disappointed if Atriox isn't in Infinite in some shape or form. It's cool if they don't want to continue all of the plot points from Halo Wars 2 but killing off the main baddy off screen is a low blow.
Wildlands was just a great game in general. Story and villan grounded in enough realism to make you care, fun combat, and cool gadgets. I like some of the older ghost recons but there are others that feel similar. Even Breakpoint deviated enough to lose that uniqueness Wildlands has.
The community already voiced their issues with Breakpoint so Ubisoft says YOLO and makes a BR. This shall go nicely with the Division Heartland and Rainbow Six Extraction.
@John117 I haven't heard of that one. I might not be looking in the right places but I feel like most card games slide under the radar. Which is a shame as there a quite a few hidden gems out there.
@John117 The game isn't too bad. Asking $30 for the last game was just silly so I'm glad its F2P. I would argue it's more complicated than Gwent so take that as you will.
Everything I've seen with the preview makes me think the MP is going to go over very well with hardcore Halo fans. 343i has taken all the experiences from past Halos and refined it to the best version yet.
My issue though is for those of us that aren't hardcore players. Playing slayer, ctf, and stronghold with better graphics is fine but the industry has grown in that past two decades. I haven't seen anything that screams new from the preview that will keep non fans from moving on after a couple of months.
@BrilliantBill Agreed. Publishers would need to know a ballpark number before allowing their games on the service. Still might not be accurate but I could definitely see him having the actual figure.
@Xiovanni I enjoyed it as well. First smartphone was was an HTC one with windows 8. I also loved Groove and the Band 2. But yeah, their marketing stunk. It's like they just dumped products out thinking people would naturally just swarm to it. Nadella definitely improved that aspect. Narrowed the product line and market the hell out of it.
The envy statement seems very true. Windows phone, Microsoft Band, Groove Music, and Mixer all seemed like Microsoft looked at the competition and said "let's do that." I could have easily seen Nadella lump Xbox in with all those others. It's been pretty cool to watch him the last seven years take a company that just wanted to beat the competition and make it march to it's own tune.
Didn't experience the super punch but I have felt like the melee for CTF seems off. It's like you do the same damage with the flag as without. I would have preferred it to be instant kill or at least bring back the pistol.
@Bdbrady You're right, it's not the games they would be after. Microsoft can't figure out how to make a decent storefront on the pc. If (and it's a huge if) Microsoft was looking into Valve they would get not only the largest pc gaming community but now a device that is expected to go toe to toe with the Switch.
Don't like that Disney is allowing this with Star Wars. Doesn't bode well with stuff like Indiana Jones and Marvel as a whole. Feel like people should enjoy these without needing three different devices.
I think people are right to complain. They look tacky to me as well. Trying to silence criticism with the "it's free, stop complaining" argument just means you're deaf to other's opinions.
Just because I think 343 did a poor job with the skins doesn't mean I'll stop playing the game or that I have a grudge against the developers who made them. It just means I'm vocalizing my opinion so that they know what some of their fans are thinking.
@InterceptorAlpha Agreed. Tried running some stuff solo and it was a struggle. Glad there are games that rely heavily on group play but it does make it hard to get in to with the casual gamer.
@Xenomorph_79 The bugs weren't too big of an issue for me. It was leaving the game out to dry after poor initial sales that killed me. Giving up after you make mistakes speaks volumes more to me than not having any mistakes at all.
I really want the Mass Effect franchise to continue but if they're willing to give up on finishing stories because EA didn't get the money they wanted then what is the point?
Why would you need half a billion subscribers? I doubt it requires $5 billion to operate gamepass a month. The math just isn't there. The original release process that Sony uses still doesn't support it.
A games sold at $70 to 20 million people is $1.4 billion. That's the highest standard price Sony sells their games and the most amount of copies any of their games of sold for. That's not including the massive drop off in price games have during their lifetime.
It's ok to say game subscriptions isn't your thing but throwing out random numbers just makes you sound uneducated.
@The-Chosen-one Might be only in advance training.
I would love to read the conversations this guy had with delta and the seals. I can only imagine it was him doodling on his notepad while they told him what combat is like.
@Luigi_Skywalker I definitely agree they put more effort into campaigns than MP. I think it comes down to looks and feels. NPCs, scenery, sounds all can add to a game the more realistic they are. Looking more realistic is always a good thing.
When a game tries to feel more realistic is when they fail. Ubisoft tried that with Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Exhaustion, permanent injury, isolation all were sold as making it more real like but it didn't work. First, real world isn't fun to put in games. If they truly wanted to be realistic players would get to sit around for a couple hours doing nothing before each match. Second, beyond sticking a shock collar on gamers the decisions they make won't ever be realistic. You and I know that real world training and tactics are based on a degree of fear. Never gonna get that into a game.
As someone in the military I think I can say that COD games are entertaining, but not very realistic. It's cool that weapons and scenery might be heavily based on reality but the combat has never been anywhere close. People don't sprint around in combat with battle rattle all the time, jumping isn't a thing, and going solo Rambo is day one training to get you killed. These things are needed to keep the games fun for players, but let's not pretend they're any close to being realistic.
I still don't understand. Fortnite has absolutely nothing in common with AC games. Are they wanting dozens of assassins running around a city trying to kill targets first? Is it pvp where everyone is trying to find and assassinate each other?
Having groups for AC isn't anything new. They tried that with Unity. It didn't work. Players didn't enjoy it when others mess up their stealth runs. It's a fun idea if the group is on the same page but that rarely happens.
Lots of games benefit from multiplayer but AC isn't one of them.
Yeah I can't beat the 12 year old kid screaming at me during normal matches. Throw in a prize and I doubt I'll last 5 minutes. Good luck to those going for it.
The multiplayer issue was a deal breaker for me. Could never get into a group for more than a minute or so before it crashed. If this patch fixed that I'll happily give it another try.
@FatalBubbles Of course it was. Buying Insomniac, Housemarque, and Sucker Punch also forces those fans into Sony's realm. Nobody is crazy enough to believe that they'll get another Sunset Overdrive on Xbox. You want their games, get a PS.
My argument isn't that one side is right and the other is wrong. It's that justifying one side while disagreeing with the other is slightly biased and narrow minded. These publishers are buying studios so you'll give them more money. Not to "nurture growth," "build relationships," or help "support artistic development." That's just PR nonsense the fans are eating up. They are doing this so you spend more money with them than the competition.
@UltimateOtaku91 No, it isn't. Sony limiting your choice by having third party studios make exclusive games is no different then Microsoft buying third party studios to make their games exclusive. At the end of the day, both are limiting what their competitor's user base can play.
Housemarque was making xbox games until Sony start paying them for exclusive games. There is no reason to believe they wouldn't have continued to do so if Sony hadn't given them money. Same as Bethesda with Microsoft.
After the original they've always followed the same formula with dlc. One fun but tame and the second one silly.
FH2: Tame - storm island Silly - Fast and Furious
FH3: Tame - blizzard mountain Silly - Hot Wheels
FH4: Tame - treasure island Silly - Lego
Adding some more showcases would always be a plus but I doubt they'll change the formula too much. Maybe add in some stories that add in other Microsoft Studio mascots?
@dont_simp_for_them yeah it's not a very long game so I recommend giving it a try. The matchmaking is rough and the end game leaves a lot to be desired but the core campaign is pretty good. I did the campaign solo so don't feel like you need to group up to play.
This was needed. Playing the 10 bounties/hunts was the only way to have reliable legendary drops and that gets old fast. Grinding is ok but not when there is a small chance of accomplishing anything useful.
@Tharsman From what I've heard from others is yes. During online games you always have a 4 member squad. If there isn't enough players to join or someone drops they get switched with a bot. Others told me that offline mode just assumes all 3 other members did not join. Like I said, I've always played online but when I last played there were some pretty dead periods. I could easily run through the missions with the bots on normal or higher. I've heard legend difficulty doesn't work well though because they can't use items.
Word of advice: I guess you can never switch progress from offline to online. If you ever want to play online with people just put your online group as private.
@Tharsman Vermintide is actually easier solo as the other characters are controlled by a more responsive bot. It's a decent game but playing it online can be frustrating with its many server issues.
It was very good, probably the best we could have expected. Microsoft has enough studios to churn out games and now needs to deliver. Their showcase finally gave us a reasonable timeline for this to happen. It's going to be awhile until they get a rythm but E3 seemed like a perfect start.
Good to hear it. I feel like they wouldn't be in this boat if they didn't dump products immediately after they struggle. Andromeda and Anthem weren't bad. I really think those two games could have benefited dlc. Could have addressed some of the issues people had.
@RR529 just seems strange that Ubisoft is doing it. For a publisher that has a fairly safe game line up taking on Avatar doesn't fit their routine. We saw Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and Rabbids. All pretty standard.
Not saying there isn't a market. I wouldn't have been surprised if EA, Square Enix, or even Epic was doing it. I know they mentioned it 4 years ago but it's so far out on left field from their norm that I'm still stunned Ubisoft went with it.
It was good. Not great, but good. It didn't deviate too much from their formula. If you like Ubisoft games the show gave you more to look forward to. Not much new IP. Avatar was a weird addition.
I like Abnett's books but I disagree with his idea that the most interesting parts of W40k is the human aspect. 40k has a huge selection of alien creatures with a lot of potential for exploration. Think Games Workshop would do well to use video games to dive into more than just humans and Space Marines.
@P3nguinprisM Hard to say. I've played both and I can't see much of a difference in 2 and 3. Been years since playing the originals though so I'mno expert. The original does look better. Having all the dlc together is pretty nice as well.
If you're ok spending full price on games you can play with backwards compatible then go for it. If you're looking to save money then I would say wait.
@GunValkyrie I think it would be hard for any action to be taken on Sony's behalf and Microsoft probably doesn't have any motivation to prevent it. Sony put the game on pc and Microsoft allows certain pc functions on the xbox. There isn't much legal standing for Sony so long as it's the users performing this work around and not Microsoft.
Dates/release quarters. There are a bunch of games Xbox teased last year. I would be excited if there were firm releases for at least 4 of them within the next year.
Keighley's events just feel bloated and unnecessary to me. If it was two hours for an event ran by the actual developers that could be cool. His events just seem like a fan who really wants to be included with the popular kids. Last year's game awards was painful. Would rather these world premieres be saved for E3 where the developers have more freedom to promote their games as they see fit. Not just used as a hype machine until the next reveal.
Very cool. Glad they are expanding out from the same 4 UNSC vehicles. Curious to see how much of the Halo Wars Banished that will be in the game. Don't think I'll want to take on a blisterback with the razorback...
Republic Commando really is magic in a bottle. The settings really gave the squad dynamic a much greater feel. Every time they took your team away from you the stakes were raised and you understand how much you need them.
Tim Longo directed both RC and Halo 5 and I like that he took the squad feel with him, but it didn't have as big of an impact. The setting was too light and there were characters outside of your team that were more interesting.
Comments 271
Re: Video: 'The Banished Rise' In This New Story Trailer For Halo Infinite
@NoLifeDGenerate @GuyinPA75 I will be incredibly disappointed if Atriox isn't in Infinite in some shape or form. It's cool if they don't want to continue all of the plot points from Halo Wars 2 but killing off the main baddy off screen is a low blow.
Re: Pick One: Which Is Your Favourite Ghost Recon Xbox Game?
Wildlands was just a great game in general. Story and villan grounded in enough realism to make you care, fun combat, and cool gadgets. I like some of the older ghost recons but there are others that feel similar. Even Breakpoint deviated enough to lose that uniqueness Wildlands has.
Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Frontline Is A New Free-To-Play, Battle Royale-Style FPS
The community already voiced their issues with Breakpoint so Ubisoft says YOLO and makes a BR. This shall go nicely with the Division Heartland and Rainbow Six Extraction.
Not cool Ubisoft, not cool.
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Launches This Winter, Will Be Free-To-Play
@John117 I haven't heard of that one. I might not be looking in the right places but I feel like most card games slide under the radar. Which is a shame as there a quite a few hidden gems out there.
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Launches This Winter, Will Be Free-To-Play
@John117 The game isn't too bad. Asking $30 for the last game was just silly so I'm glad its F2P. I would argue it's more complicated than Gwent so take that as you will.
Re: Digital Foundry Praises Halo Infinite's 'Impressive' Performance Modes On Xbox
Everything I've seen with the preview makes me think the MP is going to go over very well with hardcore Halo fans. 343i has taken all the experiences from past Halos and refined it to the best version yet.
My issue though is for those of us that aren't hardcore players. Playing slayer, ctf, and stronghold with better graphics is fine but the industry has grown in that past two decades. I haven't seen anything that screams new from the preview that will keep non fans from moving on after a couple of months.
Re: Take-Two CEO Seems To Think Xbox Game Pass Subscriber Count Is Now At 30 Million
@BrilliantBill Agreed. Publishers would need to know a ballpark number before allowing their games on the service. Still might not be accurate but I could definitely see him having the actual figure.
Re: Microsoft CEO: Xbox Is Now A Much More Central Part Of The Company
@Xiovanni I enjoyed it as well. First smartphone was was an HTC one with windows 8. I also loved Groove and the Band 2. But yeah, their marketing stunk. It's like they just dumped products out thinking people would naturally just swarm to it. Nadella definitely improved that aspect. Narrowed the product line and market the hell out of it.
Re: Microsoft CEO: Xbox Is Now A Much More Central Part Of The Company
The envy statement seems very true. Windows phone, Microsoft Band, Groove Music, and Mixer all seemed like Microsoft looked at the competition and said "let's do that." I could have easily seen Nadella lump Xbox in with all those others. It's been pretty cool to watch him the last seven years take a company that just wanted to beat the competition and make it march to it's own tune.
Re: Halo Infinite's 'Super Punch' Glitch Has Already Been Resolved In Internal Builds
Didn't experience the super punch but I have felt like the melee for CTF seems off. It's like you do the same damage with the flag as without. I would have preferred it to be instant kill or at least bring back the pistol.
Re: 'Crazy' Xbox Acquisition Rumour Causes Speculation To Run Rampant
@Bdbrady You're right, it's not the games they would be after. Microsoft can't figure out how to make a decent storefront on the pc. If (and it's a huge if) Microsoft was looking into Valve they would get not only the largest pc gaming community but now a device that is expected to go toe to toe with the Switch.
Re: A Knights Of The Old Republic Remake Is Coming, But Not For Xbox... Yet
Don't like that Disney is allowing this with Star Wars. Doesn't bode well with stuff like Indiana Jones and Marvel as a whole. Feel like people should enjoy these without needing three different devices.
Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator's Top Gun Expansion Has Been Delayed
@TJ81 Just looked it up. Memorial Day. It was supposed to be Thanksgiving 2021 but it's now taking the place of mission impossible May 2022.
Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator's Top Gun Expansion Has Been Delayed
US Thanksgiving is third Thursday of November. So is it coming out then or Memorial Day?
Re: Halo's MCC Adds New 'Mythic' Armour Sets To Season 8, And Not Everyone Is Happy
I think people are right to complain. They look tacky to me as well. Trying to silence criticism with the "it's free, stop complaining" argument just means you're deaf to other's opinions.
Just because I think 343 did a poor job with the skins doesn't mean I'll stop playing the game or that I have a grudge against the developers who made them. It just means I'm vocalizing my opinion so that they know what some of their fans are thinking.
Re: Xbox 360 Gamerpics Are Getting 'Fixed' For Xbox One, Series X|S
Cool. Now if Microsoft could just fix me having two gamertags at once I'll be set.
Re: Sea Of Thieves Embarks On A Borderlands Crossover Promotion
@InterceptorAlpha Agreed. Tried running some stuff solo and it was a struggle. Glad there are games that rely heavily on group play but it does make it hard to get in to with the casual gamer.
Re: EA: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Sales Were 'Well Above Expectations'
@Xenomorph_79 The bugs weren't too big of an issue for me. It was leaving the game out to dry after poor initial sales that killed me. Giving up after you make mistakes speaks volumes more to me than not having any mistakes at all.
I really want the Mass Effect franchise to continue but if they're willing to give up on finishing stories because EA didn't get the money they wanted then what is the point?
Re: Halo Infinite Dataminers Allegedly Discover 'Battle Royale' Audio Clip
Not a fan of BR's like Fortnite and PUBG but I did enjoy the eliminator in FH4. Wouldn't mind trying it out if 343 puts their own spin on it.
Re: Former PlayStation Exec Shares Concerns With Xbox Game Pass Model
Why would you need half a billion subscribers? I doubt it requires $5 billion to operate gamepass a month. The math just isn't there. The original release process that Sony uses still doesn't support it.
A games sold at $70 to 20 million people is $1.4 billion. That's the highest standard price Sony sells their games and the most amount of copies any of their games of sold for. That's not including the massive drop off in price games have during their lifetime.
It's ok to say game subscriptions isn't your thing but throwing out random numbers just makes you sound uneducated.
Re: Tom Clancy's XDefiant Is A Free-To-Play Shooter Heading To Xbox
I did not wake up this morning thinking Ubisoft needed another multiplayer shooter...
Still don't.
Re: Former Call Of Duty Boss Says Players 'Don’t Realise How Much Work' Goes Into The Series
@The-Chosen-one Might be only in advance training.
I would love to read the conversations this guy had with delta and the seals. I can only imagine it was him doodling on his notepad while they told him what combat is like.
Re: Former Call Of Duty Boss Says Players 'Don’t Realise How Much Work' Goes Into The Series
@Luigi_Skywalker I definitely agree they put more effort into campaigns than MP. I think it comes down to looks and feels. NPCs, scenery, sounds all can add to a game the more realistic they are. Looking more realistic is always a good thing.
When a game tries to feel more realistic is when they fail. Ubisoft tried that with Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Exhaustion, permanent injury, isolation all were sold as making it more real like but it didn't work. First, real world isn't fun to put in games. If they truly wanted to be realistic players would get to sit around for a couple hours doing nothing before each match. Second, beyond sticking a shock collar on gamers the decisions they make won't ever be realistic. You and I know that real world training and tactics are based on a degree of fear. Never gonna get that into a game.
Re: Former Call Of Duty Boss Says Players 'Don’t Realise How Much Work' Goes Into The Series
As someone in the military I think I can say that COD games are entertaining, but not very realistic. It's cool that weapons and scenery might be heavily based on reality but the combat has never been anywhere close. People don't sprint around in combat with battle rattle all the time, jumping isn't a thing, and going solo Rambo is day one training to get you killed. These things are needed to keep the games fun for players, but let's not pretend they're any close to being realistic.
Re: Soapbox: Forza Horizon 5 Will Be Great, But I Hope It Does More With Its Radio Stations
I just enjoy that Scott Tyler is the only continuous character in the series. So long as he's still giving out those terrible jokes I'm good.
Re: Assassin's Creed Infinity Will Reportedly Be A Live Service Game Inspired By Fortnite
I still don't understand. Fortnite has absolutely nothing in common with AC games. Are they wanting dozens of assassins running around a city trying to kill targets first? Is it pvp where everyone is trying to find and assassinate each other?
Having groups for AC isn't anything new. They tried that with Unity. It didn't work. Players didn't enjoy it when others mess up their stealth runs. It's a fun idea if the group is on the same page but that rarely happens.
Lots of games benefit from multiplayer but AC isn't one of them.
Re: No Joke, There's A Robocop Game Arriving On Xbox In 2023
@ThanosReXXX Two people on the internet have demanded it. Must be done now.
Re: No Joke, There's A Robocop Game Arriving On Xbox In 2023
Would have preferred a Judge Dredd game if we're going with dystopian justice but sure, why not...
Re: Xbox Is Hosting A $25,000 Halo 3 Tournament This Month
Yeah I can't beat the 12 year old kid screaming at me during normal matches. Throw in a prize and I doubt I'll last 5 minutes. Good luck to those going for it.
Re: Dark Alliance's First Post-Launch Patch Brings Multiple Improvements To Xbox Game Pass
The multiplayer issue was a deal breaker for me. Could never get into a group for more than a minute or so before it crashed. If this patch fixed that I'll happily give it another try.
Re: PlayStation Boss Claims Sony Is Not In An 'Arms Race' Against Xbox To Acquire Studios
@FatalBubbles Of course it was. Buying Insomniac, Housemarque, and Sucker Punch also forces those fans into Sony's realm. Nobody is crazy enough to believe that they'll get another Sunset Overdrive on Xbox. You want their games, get a PS.
My argument isn't that one side is right and the other is wrong. It's that justifying one side while disagreeing with the other is slightly biased and narrow minded. These publishers are buying studios so you'll give them more money. Not to "nurture growth," "build relationships," or help "support artistic development." That's just PR nonsense the fans are eating up. They are doing this so you spend more money with them than the competition.
Re: PlayStation Boss Claims Sony Is Not In An 'Arms Race' Against Xbox To Acquire Studios
@UltimateOtaku91 No, it isn't. Sony limiting your choice by having third party studios make exclusive games is no different then Microsoft buying third party studios to make their games exclusive. At the end of the day, both are limiting what their competitor's user base can play.
Housemarque was making xbox games until Sony start paying them for exclusive games. There is no reason to believe they wouldn't have continued to do so if Sony hadn't given them money. Same as Bethesda with Microsoft.
Re: Soapbox: Forza Horizon 5 Is Going To Need To Lean Into The Series' Absurdity To Impress Me
After the original they've always followed the same formula with dlc. One fun but tame and the second one silly.
Tame - storm island
Silly - Fast and Furious
Tame - blizzard mountain
Silly - Hot Wheels
Tame - treasure island
Silly - Lego
Adding some more showcases would always be a plus but I doubt they'll change the formula too much. Maybe add in some stories that add in other Microsoft Studio mascots?
Re: Outriders' Latest Patch Increases The Legendary Drop Rates By 100%
@dont_simp_for_them yeah it's not a very long game so I recommend giving it a try. The matchmaking is rough and the end game leaves a lot to be desired but the core campaign is pretty good. I did the campaign solo so don't feel like you need to group up to play.
Re: Outriders' Latest Patch Increases The Legendary Drop Rates By 100%
This was needed. Playing the 10 bounties/hunts was the only way to have reliable legendary drops and that gets old fast. Grinding is ok but not when there is a small chance of accomplishing anything useful.
Re: Philips Unveils The 'World's First Designed For Xbox Monitor'
@nessisonett probably made in the same factory Sony makes theirs. Just switching out the logo pieces at the end of the assembly line.
Re: Roundup: Here’s What The Critics Are Saying About Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance
@Tharsman From what I've heard from others is yes. During online games you always have a 4 member squad. If there isn't enough players to join or someone drops they get switched with a bot. Others told me that offline mode just assumes all 3 other members did not join. Like I said, I've always played online but when I last played there were some pretty dead periods. I could easily run through the missions with the bots on normal or higher. I've heard legend difficulty doesn't work well though because they can't use items.
Word of advice: I guess you can never switch progress from offline to online. If you ever want to play online with people just put your online group as private.
Re: Roundup: Here’s What The Critics Are Saying About Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance
@Tharsman Vermintide is actually easier solo as the other characters are controlled by a more responsive bot. It's a decent game but playing it online can be frustrating with its many server issues.
Re: Poll: What Did You Think Of E3 2021 From An Xbox Perspective?
It was very good, probably the best we could have expected. Microsoft has enough studios to churn out games and now needs to deliver. Their showcase finally gave us a reasonable timeline for this to happen. It's going to be awhile until they get a rythm but E3 seemed like a perfect start.
Re: BioWare's New Boss Is Aiming To 'Rebuild The Studio's Reputation'
Good to hear it. I feel like they wouldn't be in this boat if they didn't dump products immediately after they struggle. Andromeda and Anthem weren't bad. I really think those two games could have benefited dlc. Could have addressed some of the issues people had.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade Today's Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 Event?
@RR529 just seems strange that Ubisoft is doing it. For a publisher that has a fairly safe game line up taking on Avatar doesn't fit their routine. We saw Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and Rabbids. All pretty standard.
Not saying there isn't a market. I wouldn't have been surprised if EA, Square Enix, or even Epic was doing it. I know they mentioned it 4 years ago but it's so far out on left field from their norm that I'm still stunned Ubisoft went with it.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade Today's Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 Event?
It was good. Not great, but good. It didn't deviate too much from their formula. If you like Ubisoft games the show gave you more to look forward to. Not much new IP. Avatar was a weird addition.
Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition's Latest Patch Fixes Xbox Wireless Headset Issues
In ME and ME2 my character would be stuck looking at a direction at random times. Kinda annoying during intense combat.
Fixing the achievements is cool. Just finished me3 last night so I'm curious if it's retroactive.
Re: Video: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Gets A New Trailer, Coming To Xbox Game Pass Day One
I like Abnett's books but I disagree with his idea that the most interesting parts of W40k is the human aspect. 40k has a huge selection of alien creatures with a lot of potential for exploration. Think Games Workshop would do well to use video games to dive into more than just humans and Space Marines.
Re: Mass Effect Dev Shares An Easter Egg 'No One Has Stumbled Upon'
@P3nguinprisM Hard to say. I've played both and I can't see much of a difference in 2 and 3. Been years since playing the originals though so I'mno expert. The original does look better. Having all the dlc together is pretty nice as well.
If you're ok spending full price on games you can play with backwards compatible then go for it. If you're looking to save money then I would say wait.
Re: Random: PlayStation's Days Gone Is Now Technically Playable On Xbox
@GunValkyrie I think it would be hard for any action to be taken on Sony's behalf and Microsoft probably doesn't have any motivation to prevent it. Sony put the game on pc and Microsoft allows certain pc functions on the xbox. There isn't much legal standing for Sony so long as it's the users performing this work around and not Microsoft.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Think Xbox Has Up Its Sleeve For E3?
Dates/release quarters. There are a bunch of games Xbox teased last year. I would be excited if there were firm releases for at least 4 of them within the next year.
Re: Summer Game Fest Arrives This June With Xbox Making An Appearance
Keighley's events just feel bloated and unnecessary to me. If it was two hours for an event ran by the actual developers that could be cool. His events just seem like a fan who really wants to be included with the popular kids. Last year's game awards was painful. Would rather these world premieres be saved for E3 where the developers have more freedom to promote their games as they see fit. Not just used as a hype machine until the next reveal.
Re: Gallery: 343 Shows Off New Halo Infinite Concept Art
Very cool. Glad they are expanding out from the same 4 UNSC vehicles. Curious to see how much of the Halo Wars Banished that will be in the game. Don't think I'll want to take on a blisterback with the razorback...
Re: Soapbox: Star Wars Republic Commando Was Ahead Of Its Time
Republic Commando really is magic in a bottle. The settings really gave the squad dynamic a much greater feel. Every time they took your team away from you the stakes were raised and you understand how much you need them.
Tim Longo directed both RC and Halo 5 and I like that he took the squad feel with him, but it didn't have as big of an impact. The setting was too light and there were characters outside of your team that were more interesting.