Comments 409

Re: Titanfall 2 Teased in New Trailer


@A_BabyRed_Yoshi I certainly think the universe is strong enough for a decent campaign, maybe 2 depending on the faction you choose?

I am very excited about big robotic choppers...

Re: Review: Teslagrad (Xbox One)


Unravel is awesome, and thats mainly from a story telling perspective. This game is more of a challenge, with interesting attract/repel mechanics. The story that you find is cool, but its possible to not watch any of it if you prefer.

Long story short, this is a very good game and very challenging.

Re: Editor's Opinion: The Logically Fallacious 32X Comparison


Good article Ken! I'm not overly worried by this "news", as I'm pretty sure that Phil doesn't want to splinter the Xbox community. They are smart cookies over at Microsoft HQ, they will have been looking at the "feedback" from the community and either giggling at how the world has gone mental, or thinking about all the pitfalls and how to sidestep them. I have to say though, I've never sat at home playing a game and then thought "I wish I had more RAM/GPU/GigaFLOPS"...

Bring it on Phil, lets see what you've got!

Re: Poll: Pure Xbox 2016 Reader Survey


Thanks for the kind words guys! Now I'm all excited about the things Ken mentioned! I'd really like to see the community here getting together to play games/shoot each other in the face/smash each other off the racetrack ( * cough * Ken * cough * ) so hopefully you guys agree and we can make that a thing.

Re: Editor's Opinion: Give Me A Quantum Break



I wish you wouldn't sit on the fence, Ken, come down on one side or the other, jeez...

I'm sadly not shocked by the junk I've read over the last couple of days regarding this news, and I think that says a lot about the state of the Xbox "community". This, to me, is the very definition of cutting your nose off to spite your face.

"Oh noes, PC gamers can play QB"! So? I don't have gaming PC, and don't want one. I have a console because its easy. I plug it in, bang a disc in and it works. Simples. I spend all day fixing PCs at work, I do not want to come at night and look at another one. Therefore I have an Xbox. I'm not allowed to have a PS4 (cheers wife) but having looked at the games, theres nothing shouting to me from their exclusives list that makes a case for buying one. So, QB then..I'm tempted now to go and preorder, just because I like the look of the premise, and PC gamers make no difference to me. If anything, its like Ken said..If the game sells to 10 million gamers, instead of 5 million (say), then surely DLC.sequels are going to be more likely?

Butthurt gamers are butthurt, and have been since Spectrum/C64 days. Theres nothing new in the world, after all...

Re: Review: Resident Evil 0 (Xbox One)


Well, whos going to put all these worms back in the can?

Good review, Ant, but I disagree with the pictures that illustrated the review. No unicorns anywhere. I can't help but feel that they are not correct. Please fix.
