Comments 409

Re: Phil Spencer Finds the Console Wars "Distasteful"


Another ex-OXM guy here!

Gotta say, you guys (visitors, staff) are all pretty cool. Kens doing a great job of keeping this place "clean" so I'm happy to see that y'all appreciate it.

OT, I've had all 3 of the major manufacturers at one point or another, right back to Super NES and Megadrive (and yes, fanboys argued over those, but usually in the playground and face to face!) It just so happens that the games I like a lot (Gears, Forza) are on the Xbox, and so are the majority of my friends IRL

I've spent the last 2 days at EGX, and just chatting to people in the queues, it was pretty cool that there was no fanboy nonsense...Even the PC Master Race were pretty friendly! I still don't like the PS4 controller though...

Re: Out Today: Destiny: The Taken King (Xbox One, Xbox 360)


I am not listening to you two!

I started this this morning, and so far I'm happy. I'm loving the new levelling system (I had saved up a load of bounties until the DLC dropped, then immediately jumped from 34 to 37) and the new story missions look a lot more interesting. Dinklebot is no more, which is a shame as Nolandroid is worse. Much worse.