Comments 409

Re: This Week's Deals With Gold Trims Ryse, Tomb Raider, Soul Suspect and More


Murdered:Soul Suspect was a very overlooked game, I feel. I really enjoyed the time I spent playing it, and the story is actually very engaging! Ryse is also great, the graphics are still amazing........

I'm with you, Bam, the MP in Tomb Raider just seems.....wrong, somehow. Its a shame there are so many achievements tied to that mode...

Re: Get Four New DLC Packs With Battlefield Hardline Premium


I got so burned by Premium on Battlefield 4, I don't even know if I'm going to get this game........I swore to myself I would never buy a Battlefield game on release EVAH again, but I keep finding myself reading these features............I have all the will power of a fat kid in a chocolate factory.