Comments 409

Re: ​So Long, And Thanks for All the Clicks


Damn man, coming back here is like taking off the bandages and seeing that nothings healed at all...

Ken, I just want to thank you again for the chance you took on little ol' me, and I wish I could have done more. I still pride myself on the fact that if I said I'd do something, I did it, so I have that small consolation. I am straight up sat here in the office feeling all these feels, and I'm a grown ass man.

Stylon, thanks for the pointer to the XBox Hub. I've read as much as I can, and it does have a similar feel to here, albeit at a much earlier stage and without a certain gruff voiced taskmaster. I've asked if they need any writers, so maybe I can get back on the bike.

Last thing to say : You were all awesome, staff, readers, regulars, whatever.

Thanks you and goodnight.

Re: ​So Long, And Thanks for All the Clicks


Well, I just wanna say that learning from you guys was a great experience, and thanks for the opportunity. And Ant, in case you read this, I'm sorry I came off as a dick, its just hard to see something that you've worked on and cared about become yesterdays news, you know?

Thanks guys, its been a blast.

And Ken, I've already told you what I think, but you were a damn fine editor, and deserve more than this. Take a holiday man!

Re: E3 2016: Poll - What Did You Think of Microsoft's Conference?


@KelticDevil This has really piqued my interest, it wasn't really on my radar before. I gave the conference a 9, verging on a 10.

SCORPIO! That blew me away when they announced it, 4 times as many teraflops as the Xbox One! And as we all know, the more teraflops you have, the better your life will ultimately be.

Re: Backward Compatibility Spikes Black Ops Physical Sales in UK


@stylon I did the same, except I had 150... I said to the girl behind the counter "I've got a few games to trade in,m can I bring them in?" and then dumped two massive bags full on the counter. Came away with enough money to buy all the Xbox One launch titles, a PS3 and some gamers for that too, a year of PS-Plus...Good times.