Comments 409

Re: The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial City DLC Announced


I think "Elder Scrolls VI :This Time Its Personal!" sounds much better.

But yeah, they aren't going to shoot the cash cow that lays the golden eggs (or something)..

On topic, the actual ESO online single player game is good, its like I remember Skyrim being. Not sure about this whole "Playing with others" bit, though...

Re: Bungie Prep Gjallarhorn & Other Exotics For Nerffing In Destiny


I never understood basing who you played with on their choice of weapon. In general I prefer a Machine Gun to a Rocket Launcher, but I do have 2 Jelly horns, so its never been an issue. I'm more concerned with the length of time its going to take to reload Icebreaker!

Do you play Destiny, Mr Thumbed?

Re: Gears of War Gets Its Own Xbox One Bundle


@BAMozzy It doesn't matter when, I want a Gears Xbox ONE! Nao!

I dunno how I feel about a Gears 4 branded console...I don't know any of the characters, so it wouldn't be as "meaningful" as say a Cole Train or Marcus themed one..Maybe I'm too fanboy for my own good. Imma go read the graphic novels and stories for abit, calm myself down..

Re: Updated: Xbox Ultimate Game Sale Starts Early


@JaxonH I agree, it was an awesome game, fantastic story (even hit a jaded old bloke like me in the feels a few times) and proper old skool, unforgiving, inch perfect gameplay. Can't recommend it highly enough! Although if I never see the tree again, it'll be too soon.

Re: Ubisoft Sales Decline, Xbox One Games Underperforming


This makes me concerned for The Division, and to a lesser extent Rainbow 6. Hope Ubi won't feel under pressure to release something, even if its not ready, to satisfy the balance sheet. So many bad games recently..Watch Dogs, The Crew, Unity...Please Ubisoft, sort yourself out!