Comments 60

Re: Xbox Expected To Feature 'A Lot Of Gameplay' At Next Week's Showcase


Gameplay for games a year or two away is nice, I guess... until they get delayed and are still shabby a launch like Halo..

All these studios and we have a drier year than 2017. Pretty bad when you think about it. If you count season 3 release for Halo and assume Forza releases this holiday, we're getting Forza>Halo>Forza>Halo. What diversity!

Re: Talking Point: Give Us Your Wildest Hopes For This Week's Xbox Showcase


Crimson Skies reboot with third person sections. Customizable planes. Cinematic single player campaign.

Mech Assault 3/reboot. Arcade mech action. First and third person perspective. Fun, diverse single player campaign.

Panzer Dragoon RPG. Mistwalker collabs with Sega to bring a new epic dragon riding jrpg to Series X and One.

Re: Phil Spencer: Xbox Series X Being 'Held Back' Is A Meme Created By Console War Obsessives


As if I couldn’t love Phil any more lol! The smug superiority of a lot of Sony fans is indeed tiresome. They never miss an opportunity to spread FUD about anything Xbox, even with clear pro consumer moves like the ones Xbox is making. The goal posts are always moving to suit them. They care more about being in an exclusive club than video games.

They’ve only said they’ll support Xbox One for the next year, maybe two. That’s it. Yet somehow this is going to hold back next gen? Laughable. If a game has the ability to work on Xbox One, why deny gamers that don’t necessarily have access to the latest hardware for a certain amount of time? Games rarely take full advantage of new hardware for the first couple years anyways.

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