Comments 60

Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Buying Physical Or Digital Xbox Games?


On Xbox, I prefer digital these days. I used to be staunchly physical only, but with how committed Xbox is to backward compatibility, digital makes more sense on Xbox than with any other console.

It was a great feeling setting up my Xbox One for the first time and seeing so many of my 360 games ready to install.

Re: Sizeable Twitter Poll Suggests More People Prefer Xbox Series X Than PS5


There’s a lot to like about the Series X.

MS has at least revealed the look of the console (unlike their competitor) and it’s unusual & attractive tower design. Actually showing people your product is a big advantage right there. I find it very appealing and it has been designed with thermal performance in mind. Xbox is in a much stronger position this time around with good leadership in Phil Spencer. Phil has been making all the right moves since taking over for the boob that was Don Mattrick.

As far as games go, well I guess I’m an outlier in that I’ve enjoyed MS first party games more than most of my fellow gamers this gen, but I can understand why it’s been a let down. I think MS cut the Xbox division off early in the gen until the gaming market settled and, really didn’t open the purse strings again until Sony and Nintendo proved that the console market was still viable in 2017. 2013 was a weird time for gaming with mobile gaming exploding and Nintendo going off the deep end and failing miserably. Xbox found fools gold with Kinect 1.0 which skewed their thinking. Add in out of touch leadership and it was a recipe for a disaster they’ve spent 6 years trying to clean up. They’ve stuck it out and I’m very hopeful we’ll see a much different Xbox first party line up next gen.

Im going to try to get a Series X on day one, but I might have to wait a few months. I’ll definitely be getting one!

Re: The New Ori Game Is Great, But It's Having Performance Issues


I’ve had some short 1-2 second freezes and 1 crash on my One X. It seems to happen while in combat when loading a new, unexplored area or reloading after a death.

Overall I’m having a great time. The framerate seems pretty good to me. Maybe I’m having trouble noticing the dips because the game is 2D?

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