Comments 22

Re: Xbox Series S Deal Drops Console To Its Lowest Price Yet In UK


@Medic_Alert There are some of us though. I'm an enthusiast gamer who can't afford the Series X right now. Had to scrimp and save just to be able to get the Series S. Without it I would have been essentially locked out of this generation until about half way through (just like previous couple of gens). Helps that I dont have a 4K TV too.

Re: Xbox Employee Recalls 'Sheer Hate & Vitriol' The Community Team Received In 2013


I'm sure fans felt it was bad at the time but boy what a turnaround. By the time I came to get an Xbox One it was a few years in. I got a prime day deal bundled with Kinect (which was on its way out) and it was fantastic. Have the kinect set up in our living room as it is a far better way of letting my parents talk to their grandchildren through skype than us all crowding round a small tablet screen. I loved my XB1 and still love it even though i've moved on to a Series S, which really just feels like an extension of and faster loading XB1.