Comments 14

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Overall Thoughts On Xbox Game Pass In 2024?


Besides playing the first two missions in Blops 6 last month (and not playing since), the last time before that that I played my Xbox was in June with Still Wakes the Deep which I noped out of when I ran into the first monster and failed. Can’t do horror games like I used to anymore. But pretty disappointing year overall imo. Hellblade 2 was the best thing I played on GPU and even that I thought was like just good. Nothing amazing. Only really play CoD campaigns when I get access to them for free but I stopped caring about CoD after World at War. Don’t care for Indiana Jones so odds of me playing that are slim. Then strategy and sim games don’t interest me so yeah, pretty dead year. Honestly wish I didn’t buy my SX last year since I bought it at full price. My PS5 and Switch are enough at this point, especially with a lack of time between a full time job, my partner, and going back to school. Definitely my first and last Xbox since you can just stream gamepass anywhere now too.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Developer Direct 2024 Proved That Microsoft's New Format Really Works


“Another home run”. Am I the only one who remembers the games featured at last years direct? Hi-fi rush was the highlight and everything else that came out was either middling or an absolute dumpster fire. This is why I don’t believe anything I see in trailers. You have to be drinking the kool aid like crazy to call last years direct a success and not question the games coming out of this direct.