Tokyo Game Show 2024 is a wrap, at least in terms of Xbox's big livestream, with Microsoft delivering some pretty fantastic reveals across a roughly 45-minute show. Phil kicked things off with the surprise StarCraft announcement, but the Xbox boss also updated us on how things are going for the brand in Asia.

The good news is that Xbox is doing the best it ever has in Japan and Asia. Yep, Phil says that more people have played Xbox this year in Asia than any other year prior - which shows some nice progression over there for Team Green.

"We're continuing to see growth in the region. This year, more people are playing with Xbox, across all devices in Asia, than ever before. And, we've seen the largest number of Xbox console players in the region, to date."

When it comes to "all devices", we're left wondering if that includes PS5 and Switch, given that you can now play multiple Xbox games on those systems. Even so, the boss does make that separate statement about growing Xbox console players as well, so, that's good to hear too.

Xbox has historically struggled to break into the market over in Japan and Asia, so, this is all good news to us. Sure, Nintendo and PlayStation platforms may have contributed to the overall player count here (depending on how Phil defines 'devices'), but the fact that the Xbox boss also mentions Xbox console players specifically is a good sign for the health of the brand in Asia.

Happy with this update, Xbox fans? Drop your thoughts on Phil's statement down below.