Another year is almost over for Xbox Game Pass! Next week appears to mark the final two additions to the service before the end of 2024, as Microsoft isn't planning another major roundup until we get into early January.
So, this gives us a chance to look back on some major additions that have proved extremely popular, such as Stalker 2, Hellblade 2, Palworld, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, and many, many others. It also gives us a chance to analyse what kind of year it's been overall for the service in 2024.
Here at Pure Xbox, we've been extremely happy to remain Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers over the past 12 months, and our backlogs have become so full that we've got plenty to keep us going into 2025 and beyond. Looking back at some of those early games from January-March, we still haven't got around to playing many of them yet!
That said, we also understand the criticism around quantity that's started to appear in recent months. It's evident that Microsoft has slowed down a bit on the sheer number of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate additions that are added every few weeks, choosing instead to focus on major new titles such as Stalker 2 and Black Ops 6, along with additions to the new Xbox Game Pass "Standard" tier that are already available for those who subscribe to XGP Ultimate.
Therefore, we're eager to hear your verdict - tell us in the polls down below, as well as the comments section!
What Do You Think About Xbox Game Pass In 2024 Overall? (374 votes)
- It's been amazing, another FANTASTIC year!
- I'd say it's been pretty good, yeah
- It's been alright, not bad
- I'm a little disappointed with it overall
- It's been terrible to be honest!
How Many Months Have You Been Subscribed To Xbox Game Pass Ultimate In 2024? (331 votes)
- I haven't subscribed to XGP Ultimate this year
- 1-3 months
- 4-6 months
- 7-9 months
- 10-12 months
Will You Be Subscribing To Xbox Game Pass Ultimate In 2025? (343 votes)
- Yes, I'll be subscribed all year!
- Probably, but only for parts of the year
- Maybe? I'm not sure yet
- I doubt I'll subscribe to it, but you never know
- Not interested really!
If You're Not A Game Pass Ultimate Subscriber, Which Tier Do You Mainly Use? (72 votes)
- PC Game Pass
- Xbox Game Pass Standard
- Xbox Game Pass Core
And Will You Be Subscribed To THAT Tier In 2025? (161 votes)
- Yes, I'll stick to my current tier
- I might switch tiers, but I'll stay subscribed to XGP
- Maybe at times
- I doubt it, but you never know
- Nah, I'm going to stop subscribing entirely
What did you pick in the polls? Are you still subscribed to Xbox Game Pass? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 63
Besides playing the first two missions in Blops 6 last month (and not playing since), the last time before that that I played my Xbox was in June with Still Wakes the Deep which I noped out of when I ran into the first monster and failed. Can’t do horror games like I used to anymore. But pretty disappointing year overall imo. Hellblade 2 was the best thing I played on GPU and even that I thought was like just good. Nothing amazing. Only really play CoD campaigns when I get access to them for free but I stopped caring about CoD after World at War. Don’t care for Indiana Jones so odds of me playing that are slim. Then strategy and sim games don’t interest me so yeah, pretty dead year. Honestly wish I didn’t buy my SX last year since I bought it at full price. My PS5 and Switch are enough at this point, especially with a lack of time between a full time job, my partner, and going back to school. Definitely my first and last Xbox since you can just stream gamepass anywhere now too.
It was a great year for gamepass. Maybe the best.
It’s the same old story. I’ve been at this hobby of ours for decades now, long enough that I know what games I’ll like with a nearly 100% margin of error. It just isn’t worth subscribing and paying a nominal fee every month to own nothing; I would infinitely rather invest my money wisely and buy-to-own what I know I’ll enjoy. In the rare instance I was on the fence about something and there was no demo, gamepass has proved an invaluable resource to be dipped into and quickly back out of once I make a decision. I don’t foresee any of this changing in the future, regardless of what’s added or however they choose to restructure it next.
I feel if Xbox is your primary console and you sub to gamepass anyway to play online it is always excellent. If Xbox is your second or third tier console and you only sub to gamepass purely for the games it has been pretty average for the last two years.
If I can remember I’m old you know.
Next year 2025 all being well.
COD 2025
Got a huge backlog of purchased games on XBOX (either on sale or full price, prioritizing physical releases), so cannot add game pass on top of that, I m staying unsubscribed for a long time now (over 2 years)
Poor. I subbed for 1 month to play Hellblade 2 and that was it. Nothing else has interested me. Doesn’t look much better next year.
Black Ops 6 and Flight Sim were the only additions I played all year.
I’ll be letting my sub expire.
I have had GPU since the first day it was available. However, I very rarely use it! I do play Gears 5 with a mate most weekends, so it's access to Xbox Live that I most use it for.
That said, I did play Hellblade 2, and am currently doing about 10 minutes a day on Botany Manor in order to get an achievement each day for the Xbox points. I'm almost at the end of the game, just 5 achievements to go, and then I need to find another game that it's easy to get achievements in or I won't be able to do the daily challenge!
So, is GPU worth it for me personally? Nope! Not by a long shot. If I want a game, I buy it, and nearly all the games I want to play I own (and that includes the likes of Gears 5, so I don't even benefit there, even though Game Pass would say I'm playing a game on the Service!).
Ultimately, I think Game Pass has been pretty poor this year, @FraserG. It would be interesting to see a complete list of all the games that have entered the Service, and also all those that have left as I have a feeling that this year fewer games have entered than left. I accept that it is about quality, not just quantity, but even with that in mind, I think we've seen more high profile exits than entries...
So far out the 47 games I've finished this year, 29 were from Gamepass and 18 were bought. I can absolutely say that for me it was an amazing year for Xbox Gamepass.
It’s been absolutely fantastic for me.
Palworld, Persona 3 Reload, MLB The Show 24, Hellblade 2, Octopath Traveler II, Neon White, Dungeons of Hunterberg, Flintlock Seige at Dawn, Still Wakes the Deep, Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, Creatures of Ava, Age of Mythology Retold, Wargroove 2, Mech Warrior 5 Clans, Flight Simulator 24, Call of Duty Black Ops 6, Stalker 2, Nine Sols and Indiana Jones are just SOME of the DAY ONE games to launch on the service the year that were great games that I played. And lots of quality older ones that (mostly sit in my backlog because there are just too many new games).
Outstanding year for GamePass!!!
I got my first XBox earlier this year, and got a few discounted Ultimate 3-month codes. Used two of them so far.
Gamepass got me into the Forza Horizon series, as well as the Halo series. I’ve since bought Horizon 3-5, as well as all the main Halo games (MCC, 5, Infinite) as well as disc copies of several others I’d discovered via gamepass.
So for me just starting, it’s been good. Most of the other games were titles I’d already played on PS4/5, but trying games like Hi-Fi Rush got me to purchase them. Though…that got bought on PS5. >.> Did buy High On Live on XBox, though!
I prefer to own my games (or in the case of digital versions, indefinitely rent…) so gamepass is more of a “let’s try these titles I’d normally never touch!” service. It’s worked out for me, but other than Indy…I don’t see much on the horizon that truly appeals to me for next year.
Been good still but do feel lacking as much as previous years especially in indies remember other year just form lie sept think we got ghost song, signalis,moonscars ,eastward n few others . Even the Xmas drop is light like 4 games or something when got about 20 last year
I really only play a few games, but try many out due to GPU (year end review says I played 112 games). I converted 2yrs of games with gold to GPU for $1, plus with rewards points I still have 1.5yrs of GPU. So I really can't complain about value!! Have been accumulating a games backlog on sales, so I probably won't add anymore to what I already have subscribed. Eventually I will need to tackle the backlog, but right now GPU doesn't give me any spare time to tackle it.
Edit: did the 2yr gold conversion 2yrs ago
Gamepass has been awful this year, far behind ps plus imo. I've been subscribed for a few years now but once I've played (and hopefully enjoyed) Indy then I'm done, with gamepass and xbox in general. Sad to see
@Decimateh I think the dropping of three big AAA games, COD Black Ops 6, Flight Simulator 24 and Indiana Jones, likely was the reason for the smaller number of games towards the end of the year. I personally would rather have a handful of good DAY ONE games than a smattering of older indie and mid games that I may have already played anyway.
It’s the main reason I prefer GamePass to PS Plus Premium as well. I like getting newer games to try. And find if an older game comes on PS Premium, if it’s any good, I’ve likely played it already. Many “big” AAA games they get have been on sale for $10 or less by time they get to it.
It’s been a good year, I’ve tried over 35 games via game pass, some I’ve liked, some I haven’t. But that’s the beauty of Game Pass it allows us to try games at no additional risk. There are games or genres I would never buy but played and ended up loving. It widens my gaming horizon.
However it’s not been as good as previous years. There haven’t been as many great third party AAA games and the total number of releases has dropped. That would have been mitigated somewhat if Xbox’s first party releases had been top tier, but once again they often under delivered, several good games, but not many great ones.
And the price has gone up significantly. It’s still well worth it for me, but I’m an enthusiast, I wonder what people who only used game pass console feel about the value offered now.
@Fiendish-Beaver Botany manor was great. I sometimes do that too with the daily achievements.
Escape Academy and Case of the Golden Idol probably the most similar but here’s a few I thought were fun and a bit shorter and might be worth a look Inside, Planet of Lana, As Dusk Falls, Coccon, Inscryption, Return to money Island, Doom 1 + 2 remake, Gris, The Gunk, Limbo, A little to the left, Steamworld Dig, Superliminal, Super Luckys Tale, Telltales walking dead games, We love katamari. Good luck.
Towards the end of the year it has gotten better and better especially with all the Activision drops and indy which looks amazing to me eyes and black ops 6 is very very good also and next year is looking very good as well can't wait for atomfall to come out and hopefully avowed will surprise me and be good and stalker 2 will be fixed as well by then looking Rosey ahead for me on gamepass!🏆
Pretty meh. I've only played 6 games on gamepass and the only day 1 was CoD and Hellblade 2. Anything else was either uninteresting or needed more work (Stalker 2). I cant wait to play Indy next week though!
Game Pass was solid. I finished 60 GP games this year (play a lot of short indies).
Favorite AAA: Dead Space
Favorite AA: Hardspace Shipbreaker
Favorite indie: Neon White
I would say it's been an alright year.
Games like Nine Sols make it worth it, in my opinion.
Largely, Game Pass was rough this year until Black Ops 6 launched. Hauntii and Kinutsugami were early favorites, but neither was a true hit. I’ve yet to play Still Wakes the Deep and I probably should jump on it, but I just don’t know if I will as I started it and the wife wasn’t interested… and then I just went on to other games. However…
Once Black Ops dropped, and I’m not even much a Black Ops player though I’ve dabbled, the lineup got considerably stronger. I’ve liked practically everything that released in November and Indy looks fantastic.
Much better than the past 2-3 years, mainly just due to to BLOPS6, FS2024, Stalker2, and Indy all smashed into the fall of 2024.
Sucks I gave up after spending money for ultimate for years mainly just playing through the Yakuza series. That is the only thing I don't regret with the sub. Hey at least everyone now benefits, I'm too far gone to be paying their Ultimate sub. They burned me for too long so I'm back to buy what I want and discs only.
I tried to count all the 2024 new GP games and nearly 100…. I got great value and my backlog is stuffed…
I got 100+ hours alone with Brotato
My other favs were Still wakes the deep, Botany Manor, Resident Evil 2&3, Dead Island 2, Octopath Traveler 1&2, Dead Space, Calisto Protocol, Mafia, Dungeons of Hindenburg… also there was Grand Theft Auto 5 , 2K Basketball, Star Wars and EA golf plus plus plus…
It has been excellent. Hellblade II, Octopath Traveller II, Persona 3 Reload, Stalker 2, Black Ops 6 (possibly best Call of Duty ever), Flight Simulator 2024, Indiana Jones... A lot of variety and high quality. Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess is one of those that I think that people asking for old-school AA games ignored, even though it was exactly what they were asking for. It's great, in between.
A great year for me personally.
I've played so many games I would have otherwise missed out on, just by virtue of these being on the service. Looking forward for to 2025.
@AlwaysPlaying I haven't had time to play all the games I was interested in. I haven't even heard of some games mentioned on this thread!
Best year yet. I played a lot of games I liked but would have never tried if it wasn't for Gamepass. Soccer Story, Cocoon, A Short Hike, Planet of Lana, Botany Manor, Mount and Blade.
@M20B25 Don’t sleep on Lil Gator then… lots of A short hike vibes…
Fantastic year. God bless game pass!
Someone above hit the nail on the head.
That if I only had a Series S/X and only use gamepass and didn't buy games, it's been a tad poor for sure.
Having a PS5 and a series X with PS Premium and Ultimate then I have had a greater pool of games.
Getting Ultimate for £22 every 3 months and Premium for 20ish percent off for the year has definitely softened the blow cost wise.
I have still bought games outright on both systems, played them at a leisurely pace and then sold them on for about a tenner less than I payed for them.
So for me personally, it hasn't been the best, no, on EITHER console for their top tier subscription.
I’m gonna add my 2 cents with risk of being labeled a fanboy. I think the value of Game Pass is highly subjective.
It really depends on which games you prefer.
If, for example, you wanted to play Tekken 8, Helldivers 2, Final Fantasy Rebirth, Dave the diver, Astro Bot, Animal Well or Dragons Dogma 2 this year. Well then Game Pass didn't bring you closer to that goal. What i’m trying to say is, its only the best value in gaming, if you care about the games that are on it.
It’s definitely not a one size fits all, but if your taste matches the library, then it can be great deal. If the types of games and franchises on it don’t appeal to you, the value is gonna be lower.
@fraserg Just in: For the King 2 December 12
Also saw Carrion Jan 1, 2025!
This year has definitely been the year the Xbox bubble has burst for me.
I’ve been an ultimate tier subscriber for 3 years but I’m not getting the value from it any more.
As I’ve said before I’ve cancelled game pass and am currently in the honeymoon phase with PC gaming.
@LogicStrikesAgain When people talk about its great value, it's because it features every first-party game from the biggest publisher (with Zenimax and ABK included), some expensive third-party games (like Persona 3 Reload) on day one and some more third-party games a year after release or so. It's the best value objectively, but of course it's missing Sony's games if that's what you really mean. However, Sony (and Nintendo) don't offer their new games on any of their subscriptions and that's a huge difference.
It’s been solid.
Few lean months, few good months. Pretty much what you get from any subscription.
Last couple of months have been very good.
Biggest disappointment is how long it is taking to get many of the back catalogue games out from Abk - but they are starting to show.
@Banjo- “It’s the best value objectively”
I understand you find it the best value in gaming. But i don't agree with saying its objectively the best value for everyone.
While its certainly a big benefit that some titles come day one, and definitely great if you enjoy those games. But what if someone isnt interested in playing Hellblade and Call of Duty, but want to play Dragons Dogma and Tekken? Games that aren't available on Game Pass. Its value would be significantly less to them.
Im not saying it cant be a good deal. But when it comes to value, it’s definitely very subjective and depends on peoples preference for games.
@LogicStrikesAgain Objectively because on Game Pass you get every game from the biggest publisher (over 40 studios) on top of third-party games. You only get old games from Sony on their subscriptions and the same or different third-party games. Not having access to Sony's new games is the key difference. I understand what you mean, each one has different preferences and you might prefer to get the third-party games offered on PS Plus and not mind getting the older Sony games instead of the new and expensive ones, but that's why Game Pass is better value overall, because it has more new games. Obviously, each gamer is different and some are happy playing just one game whether it's new or old, but we're talking about why so many people think that Game Pass is the best deal, because new games are more expensive.
@Banjo- You’re comparing it to PS Plus. Which is a different discussion on its own, and definitely interesting to get into as well.
Im just talking about Game Pass on its own. While its definitely a huge benefit to get all those titles from Zenimax and ABK. It really depends if you are into those games.
You can’t play Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate, Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter 6 (I can go on ofcourse, just basically every title that isn't on Game Pass)
@LogicStrikesAgain Yes and there are many players that only play Sea of Thieves or Fortnite or Call of Duty or EA Sports FC or EA Sports Madden or GTA or Minecraft. Your reasoning can get you into endless conversations because, obviously, not all players like the same games and not every game is included in Game Pass. It's like you were saying that the supermarket with the greatest (largest) assortment does not include every product.
Xbox only had five studios in 2017: Rare, Mojang, Turn 10, 343 Industries and The Coalition. Now they have over 40 studios and all of their games are on Game Pass or Game Pass Ultimate on day one, on top of some new and some old third-party games. Sony has way fewer studios, their new games are not included in any of their subscriptions and there are some new and some old third-party games there as well.
@Banjo- Im talking about the subjective value of the offerings and whether it speaks to you or not. Doesn’t matter how many studios are behind it, you still have to be interested in those games.
What i think you mean is that it’s the most cost effective way to try lots of games including new ones, if i understand you correctly?
However that argument falters if you are not interested in most of the games offered by Game Pass. If you pay for your subscription and then still have to separately pay for all the games you want that aren't on the service, it negates all benefits. Making the deal less attractive for some.
I had a great year with it. Hellblade II, P3R, BO6, Diablo IV, (more) Starfield, Dungeons of Hinterberg, Cocoon, Sea of Stars, and rounding it off with Indy on Monday until the new year.
Best thing about it though, is I can just switch it off when I buy a game (like FF pixel remasters, Death Stranding, Elden Ring) and switch it back on when something cool is on there.
Great year, and hoping it gets better again next year.
@LogicStrikesAgain it's always gonna be subjective in terms of the games people like, but objectively it's certainly the best value proposition in gaming.
Like, when GTA6 comes out I'll drop it like a stone because that's all I'll play for a few months. But then I'll pick it back up again when E-day or Fable rolls around.
The choice is the thing I like the most. Whether or not it's good for the future of gaming I'll never be sure, but happy to make the most of it while it lasts!
@Banjo- “It's like you were saying that the supermarket with the greatest assortment does not include every product.”
If the products I want and need aren’t available there, how would it be of value to me to keep my subscription to this supermarket? See how this can be subjective?
But I dont see how this analogy fits with what im saying. This is not what I mean, thats like saying Xbox has the best games(assortiment) of all, which I disagree with.
Maybe i can give you a better analogy. Say you can have a subscription to Starbucks, but you dont like their coffee at all. Is it the best deal? Clearly not for you. You would be better off just buying your coffee elsewhere, rather than paying for a subscription for something you don't care for.
In that same vein, the value of Game Pass depends entirely on if you want to play those games. There are many great games that aren't on Game Pass. And this is where it becomes subjective. It might be a good deal for some, but not for everyone.
Im not saying it cant be a great deal, but you will have to be interested in their library for that to be true.
@Coletrain The best value proposition in terms of cost, you mean? For that to be true you would have to be satisfied with their game offerings. Cause if you would still need to buy games separately, that aren't on the service, it would negate all the cost savings from the subscription. In this case, the value is only there, if the game offerings matches your taste.
@Banjo- Well, its just my opinion. We can leave it at that. I think i understand what you’re trying to say. We’re just seeing it from different angles, I guess.
A pretty lousy year, I’ll probably just let my subscription lapse in October’25. The beginning of next year does look better though.
This year on GP I've played (that I didnt already own):
-Amnesia: Rebirth
-Close to the Sun
-Dead Island 2
-Hellblade 2
-High on Life
-Indiana Jones (will play day one)
-Octopath Traveler 2
-Peppa Pig
-Quake 4
-Sea of Thieves
-Still Wakes the Deep
-Warhammer 40k: Boltgun
-Warhammer 40k: Datktide
-Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
-Wolfenstein: Youngblood
-WWZ: Aftermath
-Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Pretty good year for Game Pass for me, but certainly not the best it's ever been.
Age of mythology and figuring out how to pay half price makes gp worth it for me.
@LogicStrikesAgain yes best cost Vs quality proposition I.e., value.
You might not like the games on there (although it's really hard to imagine that there aren't things that would satisfy any gamer), but it's really easy to come away paying a hell of a lot less than you would buying the same amount of games that you play. So objectively, it's great value.
If SUBJECTIVELY there's nothing to your tastes, then you just don't pay the sub, but there's still no other gaming sub that offers the same value proposition.
@Coletrain I don't know what to tell ya, i feel like we’re talking in circles. I’ll just have to refer you to my first comment: “It’s definitely not a one size fits all, but if your taste matches the library, then it can be great deal. If the types of games and franchises on it don’t appeal to you, the value is gonna be lower.”
Im not saying its a bad deal. Its a great deal for a lot of people. I’m only saying its subjective, which i don't think is very controversial when talking about entertainment. End of the day, its all about taste.
What i understand from what your saying is you feel like its the best value in terms of what you are getting and how much it would cost if you bought those games right?
Im saying something slightly different. Im comparing it to games you want to buy that aren't on game pass. Lets say for example you want to play the top 15 best games on Metacritic for this year, there’s only one on Game Pass.
For that person, Game Pass will hold less value. Thats why i say that the value is subjective. Im not comparing it to PS Plus, what you and @Banjo- seem to be doing. Im just discussing the value of such services on its own.
@Banjo- @Coletrain Since you guys are interested in comparing it to PS Plus though, I do want to bring up this point. Since both of you seem to take purely the perspective of cost of games value vs subjective interest value.
You could argue that PS Plus has greater value, since it offers a library of around 800 games compared to around 400 from Game Pass. If you had to buy those games outright, you’d likely be paying more for the 800 games. Therefore PS Plus gives more value?
Or you could agree with me, saying that the value is subjective. And it depends on whether the titles on these services interests you or not.
@LogicStrikesAgain if you go down the ps plus value rabbit hole it loses credence because game pass does day one games. A bunch of 5-20 quid games won't be the same cost value as a smaller bunch of 50-70 quid ones. You'd be there for weeks counting what each game cost at the time it entered the service.
The worth of the games on the service might be subjective to you, but the value the service offers isn't arguable. Even if you started looking at metascores, there are tonnes of 80-90 games on there, so that's objective value as well.
Unless a service comes out that has Elden ring, baldurs gate 3, or any other 90+ metacritic collection then it is objectively the best value in gaming.
@Coletrain The worth is definitely subjective to me, and im guessing to a lot of people. I don't think you want to compare Metacritic scores on Game Pass and PS Plus. Playstation games tend to score higher than Xbox games.
You might not have seen the games that are available on PS Plus for a while, cause saying the average is around 5-20 $ compared to Game Pass 50-70 $ is a bit of a stretch. PS Plus also regularly adds third party games in the $40 to $60 range.
Apart from a minority of new first and third party titles, most of Game Pass is indie territory. Which in no way puts the average at 50-70. For it to even get to an average of $70 it would need to have many games on there that are priced way beyond $70, seeing as the majority of indie games bring the average down, so this makes no sense.
The real issue here is that the value of the service isn't just about the cost of the games, but its about want you want to play.
@Coletrain “but the value the service offers isn't arguable”
I do think the value is arguable, and depends on personal circumstances. This is not like you're buying shampoo or something, where the value is more about functionality. This is a matter of taste.
For example, you cant just say Netflix or Disney+ is the best value, because its totally dependant of what you want to see. If nothing on Netflix interests you, and all your favourite shows are on Disney+, then Netflix will be of less value to you.
Its hard to make a sweeping statement about objectivity when there are many factors in play.
With all these types of services it comes down to what fits your taste best. Its all subjective.
@LogicStrikesAgain no no, the intrinsic value of the games on any service are subjective, we can agree there. Tastes are different for everyone.
The objective value of game pass is better than any other similar service. Things it has in common with PS+: wide variety of games, cloud gaming. Things it does to create MORE value: PC game pass, day 1 first party games.
It's objectively the best value proposition in gaming. Whether or not a subscription service in itself holds any value to you as a consumer, now that's totally and unequivocally subjective. That depends on how many hours you can even play each week, if the different perks are relevant to you etc. the netflix Vs Disney plus example doesn't work because they do the same thing, just using their own studios. That value is completely subjective.
Anyway, Saturday night, on to more fun things. Might just go play some games mate 🤣 that's what we all have in common eh!
@Coletrain “Whether or not a subscription service in itself holds any value to you as a consumer, now that's totally and unequivocally subjective.”
Glad we’re finally on the same page then! 😂
“Anyway, Saturday night, on to more fun things. Might just go play some games mate 🤣 that's what we all have in common eh!”
Cant argue with you there! 😄👍🏼
I think you are mistaken to use the word objectively when whether you think the games going onto Game Pass are good is entirely subjective, @Banjo-. I think that is what @LogicStrikesAgain is getting at.
It's not simply a question of whether the games are good, it's also a question of whether they are games that interest you.
Objectively, yes, there are good games on there. Subjectively, nothing appeals to me though, which makes the Service less enticing...
@Fiendish-Beaver @Banjo- Yes, exactly! I just want to make clear for the record, im not saying Game Pass is a bad deal. And i think I’ve said that a few times in the past comments. Taste just really matters when it comes to entertainment. The same can be said for PS Plus. Im not trying to knock on these services or anything.
For me personally, the games coming from Xbox right now aren't enticing enough for my taste to subscribe. Im waiting if Fable might change that.
Great year for gaming for me but my least used year for game pass (subscriber since Halo Wars 2 whenever that was). I have played more non Gamepass games this year than I have in many years. I know Remnant 2 was added at some point but I had already bought that at launch.
I have had the game pass ultimate all year, but when I look at which game pass game I play, it was only black ops 6, it could also be that I buy a lot of games in general, so yes it was a good year, I think so. I didn't buy black ops 6 for once, normally I buy every cod game.
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