Comments 156

Re: Xbox 20th Anniversary: Which Xbox Generation Has Been The Best?


I'm really impressed with Xbox for making games more affordable (Game Pass), making sure new Series X games are X1 compatible, letting PC players join-in day one, letting you game anywhere with XCloud, and being the front-runner in accessibility for disabled players (just to name a few). No one gets left out, period. So cool.

Re: Can You Believe It? The Gears Of War Series Is Now 15 Years Old


How time flies. Great series! I remember fellow PC gamers pirating the absolute hell out of the first game, which caused Cliffy B to not put Gears 2 on PC and call out PC gamers out as a bunch of pirates...and then PC gamers have the audacity to stay mad at him still to this day for his remarks, lol.

Anyway, Cliffy B is a genius, period. Great game design that stands the test of time.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (September 25-26)


@Luigi_Skywalker I was exaggerating a bit, admittedly, but it still takes a few dozen hours to get a good loadout in COD, IMHO! And I agree 100% that map knowledge makes the better player, but getting shot in the back because a player spawned right behind you will never not be annoying, and the map design of many levels makes luck too much of a factor (I think more "3-lane maps" and dedicated spawn bases goes a long way to correct this, i.e. Killzone games).

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (September 25-26)


@Luigi_Skywalker The special weapon timers are definitely an "old" design idea, but I think the fact that you can pick up these weapons after you kill the person holding them makes it more balanced. Also, having everyone respawn with the same loadout goes a long way to making the game more fair than COD, where you'd have to play for like over a hundred hours to unlock certain weapons and the good attachments for them.

To each their own, but I'm personally sick of having to spend dozens and dozens of hours unlocking guns and attachments just to get some semblance of fair play online.

Re: Pick One: Are You More Interested In COD Or Battlefield This Year?


The last two COD games have been amazing thanks to Gunfite that that's butchered, the game has lost all of its appeal to me.

Plus, the thought of grinding for MONTHS to unlock all the weapons and attachments in COD and BF just to have some kind of even playing field is not something I'd want to do again, lol.

Re: Killer Instinct's Twitter Bombarded With Requests For New Game (Again)


So frustrating that MS is squandering all of its IPs and basically making us wait untold years between sequels in popular franchises.

None of us are getting any younger, lol. I mean, in the timespan between the last two Halo games, high school grads could complete 4 years of college and then gotten a 2-year masters degree. By the time another KI comes out, it'll be almost an entire decade between release dates at best.

MS has tons of money. It's super annoying to see them release one big game every few years while PlayStation drops big sequels multiple times per year.

Re: Pick One: Which Of These Quake Games Is Your Favourite?


Quake is such a mish-mashed series, lol. I personally like Champions the little hero shooter who's only downside (IMHO) is god forbid you run into a "Quake veteran" in the community forum who will trash the game for its fancy graphics, newfangled gameplay, and everything that makes it not-Quake-3. Yep...those old timer gamers aging disgracefully.

Re: Here's A Look At The Crysis Remastered Trilogy On Xbox Series X, Coming Fall 2021


@The_New_Butler I absolutely HATED Crysis 1 at first when I played in 2008 but ended up enjoying it a lot more when I switched to the hardest difficulty. You have to reeeally make use of your powers and the environment/physics, which means you can't just run through the game with guns blazing.

It really shines at that point, and has given me lots of really unique moments, like using super speed to rush a group of enemies, grab one, speed away into the bushes while being shot at, and then tossing the enemy I grabbed off of a cliff. Or using super strength to jump on top of a shed, punch a hole in the roof, and kill the enemy inside. The sandbox levels are really fun to just mess around in, IMHO. Maybe give it another try?

Re: It Sounds Like A 'Revitalised Edition' Of Quake Is Getting Announced At Quakecon


@SplooshDmg There's definitely something to be said about just making a "good game" without feeling the need to add-in extra features. In fact, I'd argue there's still a lot of ground to cover for gameplay features that seem to be relegated to secondary thoughts in most about better A.I., and more interactable environments? Like Strogg enemies who keep fighting in totally dynamic ways depending on how you blow off their limbs, or having to kill a Shambler by physically blowing apart the architecture to crush it?

These are things we've seen in games before, but on a limited scale and in very staged and predictable ways. I think developing these secondary systems would add complexity without taking away from the simplistic core gameplay.

Re: It Sounds Like A 'Revitalised Edition' Of Quake Is Getting Announced At Quakecon


@SplooshDmg Hmmm, but how can Quake mix-up the Doom 2016 formula, or would it just be more of the same? I feel like advanced movement (strafe jumping, rocket jumps) is the one aspect of traditional Quake gameplay that can be explored, but those certainly wouldn't be selling points for a larger potential audience. The enemies and lore are great, so maybe they could reboot the series as an entirely new genre (turn-based tactical shooter? Horror shooter?).

Re: It Sounds Like A 'Revitalised Edition' Of Quake Is Getting Announced At Quakecon


The biggest barrier to Quake's popularity is the fanbase, IMHO. When I was playing Quake Champions, there was soooooo much complaining and toxicity from original "fans" on the Steam forums and in-game that I'm sure it scared away a lot of new players. Quake Live also has the most unwelcoming community I've ever tried to be a part of. From what I can tell, Quake "fans" want the old games, unmodified in every way, and don't want any new players touching "their" games. It's a community shooting itself in the foot, and head, lol.

Re: Call Of Duty: Vanguard Images And Details Leak, Reveal Reportedly Taking Place Next Week


@Tasuki I'm ashamed to admit that I'm probably gonna get it too, but you didn't need to take it that far, lol.

Money is the only language these horrible corporations understand, so not-buying the game is the only way to say, "Stop harboring a work atmosphere of creepy behavior." I mean, have you ever worked in a job where your employer shanks you in some way or another? Even after you quit, you still want to see them fall. Activision-Blizzard need to face consequences for treating employees like dirt. All us "normal" people are all on the same side. Let's stand together!

Re: EA: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Sales Were 'Well Above Expectations'


@RedShirtRod 100%. God forbid they made a sequel to Andromeda that learned from its mistakes. Instead, we're going to back to Shepard's story, and canonizing the ending of ME3. So dumb.

Imagine investing yourself in a story and books and all that and they just throw it all away. For a story-based series, it just ruins the immersion and what makes a series like ME special, IMHO. I've actually jumped over to Halo for my sci-fi epic fix.

Re: Xbox Has Added Touch Controls To 14 More Game Pass Titles


@Trmn8r I use the browser version on my PC laptop and it works flawlessly! I have no doubt there's something Apple has in-place that throttles the bandwidth or something.

Apple sucks haaard...I'd abandon ship on their phones if sending photos and videos wasn't a compression nightmare between iOS and Android.

Re: Tom Clancy's XDefiant Is A Free-To-Play Shooter Heading To Xbox


You guys got me excited when you said "arena shooter" (i.e. Quake, Unreal, Lawbreakers), but really this is a "hero shooter." Get your terms straight!

Looks a little bland, otherwise. I've got the feeling it will come down to just shooting each other TDM-style instead of using each class's abilities to complete objectives or something more strategic (i.e. Lawbreakers, Overwatch, R6S).

Re: Former Call Of Duty Boss Says Players 'Don’t Realise How Much Work' Goes Into The Series


@InterceptorAlpha Maybe he means Ubisoft? Regardless, I don't mind it when companies re-use assets as a template for a new just bothers me when they don't ADD to the template. In the case of COD, it doesn't feel like they've added anything new since bullet-penetration in 2007. No noticeable improvements to A.I. or physics or destructibility or interactivity, etc.

Re: Rumour: Warner Bros Interested In Selling TT Games, NetherRealm


I love Xbox as a platform, but I gotta say...they reeeeally waste their acquisitions. They buy up a studio or IP and then maybe make one game and call it good (ie. all the Rare IPs). Even now, we get just ONE installment of their biggest IPs every 4 to 5 years (mainline Gears and Halo). I get quality over quantity, and that it takes longer than ever before to make a game, but this is Microsoft we're talking about. More funding, more man power, shorter development cycles please!