Comments 605

Re: Is It Worth Buying An Xbox One In 2021?


I got my one X in November 2019. I obviously don't have the perspective of the newer consoles so I don't know what I'm missing.

I have really enjoyed my time with the Xbox One X and I am really glad I got it, I paid a fraction of the price I would have for a Series X a year later because I used various deals and vouchers to buy it. I've also enjoyed game pass ultimate which I bought 2 and a half years worth for £84.

The console runs a lot faster and smoother than my base PS4, maybe that's because of the better specs or the younger age of the console.

I wouldn't buy the One X full price and I wouldn't pay full price for game pass but for what little I have paid, I feel like it has been good value.

Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021


@unionjackboy haha sweet, normally I just do a few here and there but the recent big point punch cards have made me decide to go all in on them for a while to see how much I can earn each month. Currently on 27,000... Just need another 420,000 and I can use them to order a Series X 😂

Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021


@unionjackboy nice one! Glad it was of some help to you. I played one game of battlefield 1 the other day, it took like half an hour and I was ready to just give up on that quest after that. I'm glad I found that guide though because it allowed me to get the quest in like 20 minutes last night. Probably not worth it for 20 pence worth of points but it contributes to the quest completionist 1000 points so I thought I'd better give it a go!

Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021


@FraserG I found a guide to doing the battlefield 1 quest. I know there is only a day or 2 to go on it. Don't necessarily want to step on anyone's toes by copy and pasting it but it's at this link:

I chose the recommended game mode (rush) from the server list, played one game and identified the best squad and then joined that squad for the next game.

The quest didn't pop initially when I was in the best squad but after going in and out of the game pass app a few times it eventually did

Re: Guide: Games With Mouse & Keyboard Support On Xbox One, Xbox Series X


I used a mouse and keyboard for gears tactics on Xbox one and I couldn't imagine playing it with a controller. I tried the controller briefly at the start but KB+m was just a better fit for me.

It's a shame that certain games with adapted controller schemes don't also include the original mouse and keyboard option such as Two Point Hospital and the Command and Conquer games on 360. It puts me off purchasing them

Re: Deals: All 20+ Games In This Week's Huge Xbox Assassin's Creed Sale


I don't think I've read the word "ass" so much in a single article before!

Edit: I just counted them and there is 102 instances of the word ass in this article, that's got to be a world record right?

Edit 2: I just did a "find in page" search to check and it came up with 110 which includes the article tags at the top of the page and the 3 times it's been mentioned in these comments (2x uses for the word assassins)

Re: Back Compat Enhancement News Is Still On The Way, Confirms Xbox


I just hope for more games to be added. I seem to remember their reasoning for stopping it was so they can focus on the release of the Series consoles and getting the current BC library up to scratch on them. So here's hoping they can start working on making more games available now that they're there with their previous goal

Re: Guide: Easy Achievements For The 10K Microsoft Rewards Challenge


@XBontendo nice one, that's good to know, cheers! I think I'm on the lower end of point earning. I just claim what comes from natural play. I did try and do it hardcore for a few days, doing all the bing searches, looking at recipes on Microsoft. Com etc but I've done these sorts of things in the past (myNintendo, JobSpotter etc) and just for me personally in my experience, the reward isn't really worth the work so I was keen to not get bogged down with getting points religiously. But I think this 10k point one is OK because I get to add a few games to my completed list and earn a tenner at the same time. Just playing through the Walking Dead Season 2 now, Season 1 was really good considering I don't watch the show!

@Braindeed holy crap! That would literally be amazing to just play games and "unlock" next gen. I'm gutted you couldn't get hold of one though, hopefully you can feel like you've offset the cost of the series X because you've bought games/films with points that you would have spent the same money on.

I actually "earned" a PS3 through cokezone about ten years ago. I used to drink tons of diet coke and I put the point codes in the website religiously. I finally got enough points after a year or 2 and there was no PS3 reward to claim. I e mailed them and they told me they didn't do "high value rewards" any more and they sent out an e mail to let us know. I'm notoriously bad at deleting e mails so I checked and hadn't received it and told them so. They said there was an error and I didn't get the e mail and that I could pick any console from a list they gave me! I chose a PS3 and it was posted to me so it worked out well in the end!

Re: Harry Potter Action RPG Hogwarts Legacy Delayed To 2022


I'm not personally disappointed, I still have a huge backlog as well as a lot of game pass to work through in 2021 and this game is definitely not a day one buy for me anyway, I'll wait for a sale. I'm glad it's still coming to Xbox One though. Maybe some quiet revisions to the new consoles and a price drop will have come and gone by the time I buy this game anyway and I will have joined you all in the futuristic world of the Series X/PS5!

Re: Poll: When Was The Last Time You Turned On An Xbox 360?


@ThanosReXXX cheers, I have seen you mention that before actually but hadn't bothered trying it because it is only stopgap (and I don't frequently have a hankering to play 50cent blood on the sand and Lost Via Domus 😂). I was planning to eventually repair it myself but I have never soldered anything before so my confidence level for such a procedure is low!

Re: Xbox Controllers Still Use AA Batteries Because Of A Duracell Deal, Suggests Spokesperson


I use a wired connection because the controller eats batteries like I eat lasagne. When I do use batteries I use Lidl's Aerocell brand which were actually rated as one of the best batteries by UK consumer show watchdog (and from experience, I agree) but they still don't last longer than a day or so of gameplay. Another reason I go wired is because I feel bad for the environment if I am throwing out batteries every other day.

The most annoying bit is the controller turning off rumble when the battery gets low, I don't want to miss out on that sweet rumble which is another reason why I use a wired connection. I should and will one day get a rechargeable battery pack but I just haven't done the research on the best one to get

Re: Steam Is Adding Extended Xbox Controller Support For PC Players


@InterceptorAlpha oh really? I guess I didn't notice if it wasn't used but noticed it in a good way if it was. I'm sure there is a list out there with supported games.

It actually led me to think about the differences in rumble between the Dualshock 4, Xbox One and the Switch's HD rumble. This obviously depends on what games you've played that take advantage of it but I think I settled on Xbox one controller being the best because it has the meaty main rumble of the DS4 with a little bit of the nuance of HD rumble. The only bad thing about the Xbox's rumble is how loud it is (same with the Switch). I like to play games with headphones in bed while my partner is sleeping because we have different sleep patterns and the only controller that won't wake her up is the Dualshock 4. So I'm somewhat limited to PS4 games (with some exceptions) when she's asleep. I don't like to turn the rumble off in games either because I feel like I'm missing some of the experience!

Re: Steam Is Adding Extended Xbox Controller Support For PC Players


The trigger rumble was actually the most surprising thing to me when I first got my xbox and it quickly became my favourite part about the controller (that's unique to Xbox controllers). Forza 4 felt genuinely amazing when the rumble changed as you went over different surfaces. I was kind of looking for a steering wheel for less than £100 for a while that had similar tactile feedback but couldn't ascertain if there was one so I gave up in the end!

Re: IKEA Creates Xbox Series X & PS5 Cutouts For Measuring With


@Kefka2589 the meatballs are the best part about IKEA, in fact it's one of the few places I like to eat out because I'm quite fussy about spending money on food in restaraunts that's not as good as what I could eat at home. Date night is always IKEA (skip the rest of the shop and head to the canteen) or pizza express!

Re: Xbox Adds More Perks For Game Pass Ultimate Members (Dec 2020)


@WesEds it's weird but it worked OK in the end, I have the new day (whoever they are) as playable characters in the game. Sorry I was being flippant, I do know who Xavier woods is at least but I haven't watched wrestling properly since like 1999/2000 so I am a bit ignorant of the newer faces

I think the updates to the game add all this content anyway, you just unlock it (normally) by buying the appropriate pack on the store or by using a perk which normally gives you a code to use in the store. Just not in this case I guess!