Comments 213

Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021


In the rewards app there is a State of Decay rewards quest. It requires to activate the punchcard then earn 1 of 3 specific achievements. All I did was reset the map which popped The Forest for the Trees achievement, which wasn't one of the three, and claimed the 500 points on offer. Not sure why it worked but it did.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Throws Shade At PlayStation's Approach To PC Gaming


@gingataisen Sony doesn't own Windows. Nor is Sony worth $1 trillion with almost unlimited resources to sink into a toy. Xbox is insignificant to Microsoft moneywise, Playstation is Sony's breadwinner. Imagine Nintendo with access to Amazon's money and infrastructure. That's the kind of backing Xbox has.

As for Play Anywhere, that is a nice marketing term, but can I really?
It's not like I can download the games I bought off the GoG store to my Xbox and play them, right? I mean they are still PC games, right? No, you have to be locked into their ecosystem. And that is the big battle taking place right now, which ecosystem can dominate everywhere, on everything. Full Spectrum Dominance. Google tried, and failed. They had access to every android device, TV, pc, Google cloud, chrome browser in the world that could have potentially run Stadia. But they dropped the ball.

That's what Xbox wants. That's what Amazon wants. That's where the battle is. And Sony and Nintendo cannot really compete unless they piggyback off of another companies infrastructure. Hell, Amazon and Microsoft are competing with one anther to supply the US Military its warfighting cloud capabilities.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Throws Shade At PlayStation's Approach To PC Gaming


@gingataisen how is Sony forcing you to buy their games twice? Did CDPR force you to buy The Witcher 3 4 times for PC, PS4, Xbox, and Switch? No. Do companies who release remakes force you to buy the same game twice? No. So how is Sony doing it?

What I was getting at is that whatever Phil says seems to be mindlessly praised, but maybe it didn't come across that way. Forgive me, I didn't get much sleep last night. 🙂

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 15th)


Continuing my playthrough of Alan Wake, brilliant game imo, and ended up buying a digital copy so I don't have to rush before it leaves Game Pass.

Also dipped back into The Outer Worlds. I'm a novice when it comes to these first-person WRPGs, so I'd thought I'd wet my toes with this one before tackling the larger ones.

On PS5, most likely some matches of Destruction All-Stars and Rocket League.

Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021


The Plants vs Zombies quest is easy, just jump into multiplayer, pick a side and kill 3 opponents, you don't have to finish the game just quit after the 3 kills. Which is good because the game I was in was very empty.

I didn't have any problems with State of Decay quest, but I did wait a few days to do it after I heard about issues.

The only one I have left is The Evil Within. I'm gonna wait late in the month when I've got more time to play the whole game.