

Ichiban.......lipstick for men!

Comments 83

Re: Phil Spencer: Sony Uses Revenue From Our Games To Reduce Xbox's 'Survival In The Market'


It would be funny if in the background of all this bickering, Nintendo were developing their next console as a fully featured powerhouse. They have the 3rd parties back in their favour, combine that with their own IP's... if done right could devestate both companies. But it's Nintendo & they won't, or have to. But I'd love to see it, just to see Sony & MS crap themselves haha

Re: Rare's Everwild Is Reportedly 'A Real Mess', Still Being Figured Out


I often wonder why MS ever bought Rare. The only decent thing that's came of it are the smoother versions of Banjo/Tooie, Perfect Dark, & the Killer Instinct reboot (which wasn't even made by them!).
To be fair, at least they are trying something new, rather than remaking one of their old classics......like every 2nd game announcement we get these days.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 24th)


Been playing Gears 5 campaign co-op with my nephew, which has been pretty fun. But oh boy this cast of characters are just atrocious! None of the fun or charm of the original cast, Kait especially needs to bugger off back to the Life Is Strange series, just whiny & irritating non stop๐Ÿ™„ I hope she gets killed off by the end of this one!

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