Poll: How High Are Your Expectations For Sunday's Xbox Showcase?

The waiting is finally almost over! Xbox will present its 2023 Games Showcase alongside the Starfield Direct this Sunday, and just over 24 hours before the event begins, we're interested to know what your expectation levels are like.

Of course, we're coming into this show knowing that we're going to get a huge blowout of Starfield information which already indicates it's going to be a memorable show, but we're also hoping for some major reveals for the likes of Forza Motorsport, Hellblade 2, Avowed and maybe even Fable at the event.

Looking back at the last couple of years, the Pure Xbox community were clearly very impressed with the Xbox & Bethesda E3 2021 Showcase, with 41% of all votes giving it a "A" rating. As for the 2022 version of the Xbox Games Showcase, the majority vote was for "B" at 30%, although "A" was only slightly behind at 25%.

Below, you can tell us what your expectations are like for the Xbox Games Showcase 2023, as well as what you think you'll be grading it on Sunday night - we'll ask you again immediately after the show has concluded tomorrow!

How high are your expectations for Sunday's Xbox Showcase? Tell us in the poll and comments below.

How High Are Your Expectations? (1,113 votes)

  1. Very high! I expect a great show%
  2. Pretty high, I think it'll be good%
  3. I don't really have any expectations...%
  4. Quite low, but I still expect some good moments%
  5. Very low, I think it'll be a poor show to be honest!%
  6. Other  0.3%

What Do You Think You'll Be Grading It? (849 votes)

  1. A%
  2. B%
  3. C%
  4. D%
  5. E  0.6%
  6. F%