With every "big" game release nowadays there always seems to be the possibility of a leak.
In the case of Halo Infinite, it appears 343 Industries may have made this error itself. According to Halo veteran Joseph Staten, the developer has "unintentionally" included a small number of campaign files in the technical preview build.
He's now warning everyone to be careful online, in order to avoid the spoilers circulating:
As noted, these types of leaks have the potential to ruin the campaign experience. It seems this is no exaggeration, either.
As spotted by The Verge - there's been a plaintext dump on the web with over 800 strings from the game's campaign. They apparently share details of in-game objectives, basic plot descriptions, plot twists - and even the ending.
In other words, be careful what you read from here on out. Halo Infinite arrives later this year. How are you finding the multiplayer technical preview? Leave a comment down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 25
I think everyone knows by now that these aren’t “accidental” leaks.
Sadly, fools have spread them everywhere.
Wow, the incompetence of 343i never fails to amaze!
Four months to go before launch is going to be tough without some idiot posting something somewhere unexpected...
It’s funny how Nintendo rarely has these leaks. Must be thanks to that moustachioed plumber they employ there.
Jokes aside this sucks for the dev team and anyone wanting to stay spoiler free until they play it themselves.
@Mr_Ditkovitch I think if the ending of your game leaks then it's far from intended. This is down to the ever present incompetence that 343i wear like a badge of honour. They couldn't possibly not know that this build would be datamined. Absolute stupidity that these files were left in.
I am normally 343i's biggest critic and I was initially going to defend them as data mining is a universal problem not a 343i one, and I was going to criticise the leak and hype culture.
But then I remembered these are technically two separate games.
How did a F2P stand alone MP game contain campaign files?
@SplooshDmg So then my next question would be;
What's the company doing to these employees to make them want to do that?
The last of us 2 leaks also came with multiple accusations of abuse from naughty dog.
@SplooshDmg @Richnj Pure speculation but maybe it was because of the delay? I can imagine a lot of people being disgruntled if they found out that a game they've been working on for five years, which was ready to come out in just a couple of months, had been delayed by an entire year. Having to go through the entire game and making improvements right when it was supposed to be done would surely upset a good amount of employees.
I couldn’t help myself so I actually tried to find it. Then I saw it was super long plain text and I was “okay this will take forever I’m not reading this.”
I do see a silver lining though. Most people who have read the leaks are saying “ok that’s not too bad.” Still sucks it leaked and that many of us will have our experience lessened as a result. But at least maybe we won’t have to worry about it being an awful story?
Man this sucks, I hate spoilers..
I really hope cortana is the main villain in this really interested in how her character has changed & gone from being friendly to a baddie
Ouch. Sucks for the devs. :/
I'm not going to read the leaks, but I'm guessing the green power ranger gets with the blue girl in the end
Thanks for letting us know so we can avoid them. Can you guys please not report on any of the leaks going forward, I am sure alot of us would really appreciate that
@LordMonkfish I understand why my accusation of "incompetence" is initially harsh, however this isn't 343i's first mistake, nor is it their second. The company, sadly, has a history of failing to deliver and making mistakes. I'll agree with you that to "er" is human and shouldn't be ridiculed so, however when so many mistakes have accumulated as in the case of 343i then I feel that there is clearly something incompetent there. Whether it's the studio itself or MS as you suggest, something is however definitely amiss for so much to go wrong so frequently.
@LordMonkfish "Microsoft have somehow recruited the most incompetent people in the industry to work at their most important studio. And if you’re going to criticise anyone, criticise MS."
Can I put out the friendly reminder that the MS employee responsible for the hiring and running of the studio is 343i studio head Bonnie Ross. She IS 343i. She IS the part of MS that is responsible for 343i and Halo. Everyone at that studio is infinitely more replaceable than she is. You can very well criticise 343i for the failings within 343i.
And me personally, when I talk about a company like a single minded entity, (e.g. 343i, Naughty Dog, Ubisoft, EA, Activision) I'm talking about their owners, their CEOs, their managers, not the lowly artist or engineer.
343 Industries has accomplished many failures, but somehow the people in charge never change. They are invincible.
Seems a little convenient …
Shame for people who want to stay spoiler free but I wonder how many people play these games for the story anyway? I've playes 1-4 and haven't the first clue what goes on in these games anyway. I just play it to shoot those gremlin things!
@pip_muzz Don't get me wrong. 343 has their issues. But let's not pretent that the entire plot of Reach, and ODST were also all leaked months before release.
Hell, with ODST, I was able to watch a full start to finish playthrough of the game 2 months before release.
@InterceptorAlpha https://www.ign.com/articles/2010/08/24/the-history-of-halo-leaks
@Richnj SEE, I thought 3 was leaked. But I didn't trust my memory that far back and couldn't be bothered to look it up. ODST was just memorable for me, and Reach was recent enough to remember.
Halo 2 was just way before I followed anything online. All of my video game news came magazines like Official Xbox Magazine, Edge(which I recent subscribed to again and Holy hell are their prints amazing. The one before last had an entire lenticular cover for Lemnis Gate). I did have some online news through Joystiq and 1Up though.
@StonyKL The story is the whole reason I play Halo. It is also the reason I disliked Halo 4 so much, and to a much lesser regard, Halo 5.
@xMightyMatt14x The plus is, no matter how bad the writing may be, it can't be as bad as a Naughty Dog game!
Chief spends 6 games fighting his way to the Covenant homeworlds, ready to destroy them and save the last vestiges of Earth. Chief makes it to the Covenant homeworlds, then realizes that they're just soldiers too, and he doesn't want to become like them. So he walks away. Fade out to him polishing his Warthog on a desolate planet.
11/10 masterpiece, transcendental storytelling, GOTY, GOTG, GOAT!
@SplooshDmg Was the sandwich in the Series X fridge or the regular fridge? Details matter.
@SplooshDmg But you could feel the chewing motions with the advanced haptics of the Dual Sense. Makes it all worthwhile.
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