Comments 28

Re: Starfield At 30FPS Is A Creative Decision, Says Xbox's Phil Spencer


@MayaMousavi I appreciate what you're saying but I think if you (not YOU personally) put so much stock into frame rate you're setting yourself up for disappointment constantly. I don't understand when frame rate became the be all and end all. If anything it should be the cherry on the cake. Modern warfare 2 ran at 60 but Bad Company 2 ran at 30. I know which was vastly superior.

I'd be willing to bet right now that GTA 6 isn't 60fps, and I'd also be willing to bet that it will be fantastic and be the biggest selling "thing" ever.

Regarding standards, I'm definitely the minority when I say this but we've already lived through the golden age of video games, my standards dropped a while ago haha.

Re: The Best Xbox 360 Games Of All Time


Was only having this conversation recently with my brother, but I think the 360 is secretly the best console of all time for me. Like somebody said earlier in the comments, this was the last gen where publishers took risks, game journalism was still a thing, Ryan Davis was still alive (RIP) and everything about video games was basically better.

Sigh, I'm getting old aren't I? Lol

Re: Poll: How Important Are Achievements To You In Xbox Games?


As somebody who has only recently returned to the Xbox family (I “mained” PS4 this gen) I’ve honestly been using achievements as a massive case of nostalgia.

Being able to log back into my old 360 account and looking at the achievements and the dates of when I unlocked them, it’s been nice haha I replayed Fable 2 recently and looked at when I unlocked the achievements “2009?! Wow, what was I doing in 2009?” So it’s had a new layer recently for me

Other than that, sure I love achievements - I’m not a massive obsessive, I’ve got about 4 platinum trophies and about 2 full 1000’s. I second the notion of achievements that make you play the game in a way you normally wouldn’t, or achievements that are tied to trying a certain move/skill. It’s just a nice little bonus.