Halo Infinite will officially be with us later today (December 8th), and while it's already been confirmed that the campaign won't be getting a pre-load, we at least now know the "approximate" download size for the entire package.
343 Industries says that these download sizes will vary by platform, but if you've already got the multiplayer beta installed, you're looking at around 25.86GB for the campaign and another 3.97GB for today's multiplayer update.
As you can see, those who haven't installed the multiplayer yet will have to make room for about 48.42GB in total, which still isn't bad at all — especially considering Halo: The Master Chief Collection is pushing over 100GB right now.
In fact, we're a little bit surprised just how small these install sizes apparently are. It may well be the result of Microsoft and 343 Industries' compression tools in action — and the good news is that they shouldn't take too long to download.
Happy with these download sizes? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 31
That’s not too bad at all. I’ll try to download it as soon as I can. Once the kids are in bed I’ll be playing all night. Tomorrow is my birthday, so because of Halo, I took it off of work for the first time ever. Elite 2 is charged, headset is charged, beer is cold, I'm ready to go!
I don't think it's particularly surprising about the sizes, it's a last gen game really. Excited to play the campaign!
That's great shouldn't take long to download
I'm assuming the small size of the game is down to current gen file size and storage efficiency rather than it having stripped down assets in order to run well on the last gen? At least I hope that is the case.
Honestly surprised this is so small, was expecting around double the size. Should only take around 3 hours for me to download then.
That's good to know and not as big as i feared, should only take an hour or two to download as well so hopefully i can sink some time into it tonight.
This is good. But also makes me more annoyed about the 100GB+ I needed to play Horizon 5. That is ridiculous.
That's actually pretty small for the campaign. My Series S is relieved.
Cracking mate. Sounds like you’ll have a great day full of Halo greatness!
Happy birthday too 👍
@Odium Happy birthday! Cheers and enjoy!
26 gig for the campaign seems really small but maybe the fact that the game is just one biome might play into that idk. Either way glad this won’t take long to download and I’m looking forward to playing it when I get chance, which probably won’t be tonight sadly
Much smaller than I thought it would be. If memory serves correctly, Halo 5 was about 97gb.
Nice I should get it all setup pretty quickly then. Already knocked out all my MP challenges this week so I'm all set to focus on the campaign!
Being honest I’m glad it is small but not surprised.
It’s last generation really and only one environmental biome and not lots of detail or effects environmentally.
The Xbox fans will claim good compression but it is a small game really on capacity demand.
@FraserG I'm confused. Can we install the Campaign ONLY? No interest in MP.
@themightyant Yeah, I'm not sure to be honest. You would think so, but these details don't suggest as such.
@Bruvas People are so self entitled and love to cry and be toxic and over the top .. especially from the safety of online ...like you and any rational person ..not a big deal atall that you can't pre load..would I prefer it sure but oh well...god forbid if I have to play the game a few hours later...or even a day later(end of the world clearly)
What does the multiplayer patch bring? Only fixes or something new?
That’s a very small download for a game like Halo, especially considering Infinite is more open world and the fact it’ll be more demanding from the hardware it’s playing on due to having more assets and better graphics than previous games in the series. Does anyone know if Infinite is the biggest campaign of the series?
@FraserG Thanks. I assumed as there were separate installers for Campaign and MP they would be entirely separate but i'm not so sure now. Logically it does make some sense to
A) try and tempt people into the MP
B) keep overall file sizes smaller for those who have both.
But is low-key frustrating if they only allow the saving one way. Xbox storage is filling up, every little helps!
So I still have to download the multiplayer first before I can remove it? MCC is a bit of a pain as whilst you can remove parts you don't want, you still have to have that much space free initially
Why is there no option to download the single player campaign only? I’m not interested in MP
For all the people confused, the main reason why is because the multiplayer is the 'base game' and the campaign is 'dlc'.
you can't pre-download dlc but you can a base game.
so you're gonna need the multiplayer (base) so you can get your hands on the campaign (dlc).
much of the assets is actually already in multiplayer so it makes sense.
@Bruvas Passionately trying to make the best game?
By what metric exactly? Trying to push partial blame on consumers for pointing out Halo Infinite 2020 looked awful?
Or what about cutting base features from the game such as game mode selection, level selection, forge, and coop for release?
Or how about launching a Flagship title on a touted 120hz console that can not only not maintain a steady free rate with a resolution that will drop down to 1080p or lower?
And let's not forget the extremely predatory microtransactions with the system set to give you daily challenges you cannot hope to finish without playing all day. But that also happens to coupled with a "Lookie here only $1 to swap it to a different challenge."
Shilling for a company like Microsoft is not a good color. They don't care about you. And just like any other large company, they want your (insert currency here) while getting the maximum increase on their bottom line.
I'm surprised they managed to keep the file sizes reasonable. MS hasn't been very good about using their own file size reduction systems so far.
@__jamiie Yeah, IDK how FH5 is THAT big on Series. Obviously it's all built on 4, and 4 was also huge, so whatever is invovled in the engine must not have changed much. Though there's also the fact that it's a massive real world environment with very little re-used assets through the world at all, and it accounts for 4 seasons, so there may just be a LOT of world texture data and no way around it. Could also be the sheer amount of detailed audio, too, all those sounds for every single car model can't be a small file size. Flight sim is like a hectobyte or something and has to stream assets in real-time from the servers.
@InterceptorAlpha Lol "predatory". It's a free to play game, you do realize they have to actually make money somehow right? And you unlock plenty of challenge swaps as you go as well as them getting replaced one at a time (meaning, you can just ignore that challenge as long as you want). I'm glad they went free to play, so I can enjoy the game while others waste money on cosmetics. I just got the season pass so I can haz rec0n armor, then I'm good to go. No Co-op and no Forge for a bit sucks. But, I'm glad the game itself doesn't suck. I'd rather have a delayed feature, great game than a fully featured, terrible game.
@Bruvas Yes 2042 is a HUGE disappointment. They should've learned from Halo and delayed it. Needs a TON of polish wow. Canceled my pre-order after playing the trial. Only hope for that game is they just brought Vince Zampella in to run it. That tells you they know it's in trouble. Maybe they can fix it in a year like they did with Star Wars BF2 and Zampella is the best in the business, so here's hoping.
48GB, which is considered relatively small these days, I went from an apple IIc with a huge 128KB at that time (1984 or so), to games on my commodore 64 which spanned both sides of a 5.25" floppy which was like a 320KB which was massive for that time, so 48GB is like 390.000+ times the size of that floppy.... incredible how fast this went in a few decades...
@Rural-Bandit @Hurblyburbly thank you both! Happy gaming, my friends.
@nofriendo thank you!
@TheSilverFalcon I wonder if you can order it on a set of 3.5" floppies?
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