Stop us if you've heard this one before, but it's been rumoured that Xbox might be thinking about adding some more backwards compatible games to the library later this year, possibly to celebrate Xbox's 20th anniversary.
This is according to XboxEra co-founder Shpeshal_Nick, who mentioned back in January that a new batch could be coming in 2021, and now he's suggested that he expects it will be revealed this November:
In further responses, Nick told fans that he believes it would "make the most sense" if the drop coincides with Xbox's 20th anniversary on November 15th, but he doesn't think the list will be overly big.
Xbox fans have been crying out for new backwards compatible titles from the original Xbox and Xbox 360 for a long time now, and the team has suggested it's possibility, although it's getting "harder and harder."
We'll have to wait and see, but hopefully we'll have some good news to share in a month's time.
Are you buying this rumour? What new BC titles do you want on Xbox? Tell us down below.
Comments 64
I really hope this is true, but if true i hope it's not just a one time addition
Gonna sound like a broken record, but fingers crossed for max payne 3
@LX_FENIX Was going to comment the same thing. Hoping that now new generation of consoles are out, Microsoft isn’t going to scrap adding more games to backwards compatibility.
Someone made a comment about this on a forum oooo So many games in my head. This would be amazing news.
Most games that haven't made it to the program must be due to licensing issues, so the list will never grown by a great amount
I expect only a handful of games to be added, due to the software wizards in this department gaining so much experience at this point, then it's game over for this feature. Don't lose perspective on just how good they have done here!
I just want to be able to play LOTR: War in the North without having to hook up my old 360 please
I'd love to see support for Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Elements on the Xbox 360 added, but personally I'd love to see a lot of older PC games — particularly from 2008 to 2018 or so — that haven't had console ports at all ported to Xbox. There were a lot of great games from that era that didn't get the console treatement.
I hope its true but to be honest at this point i will believe it when I see it.
Well I still have a few digital games bought on the 360 that never made the B/C cut so hopefully at least one of them will pop. I expect however if its OG that it will likely be inhouse releases like MechAssault or Blood Wake (which I'm fine with both). Of course, if all of this is actually true.
The recent Suicide Squad films nod to Lollipop Chainsaw has made me want to play that game all over again.
This would be great. I mean, I do remember when Microsoft said it was going to put the BC program on hold for a bit while the company focused on launching the Series X|S and would resume when the time was right.
I hope the time is right! I love discovering titles I might have missed.
I own the 360 version of Chronicles of Riddick but no 360, so I'd appreciate them adding that!
@LX_FENIX I agree. I don't want Microsoft to be doing this just for the 20th anniversary of Xbox. I hope Microsoft are going to continue to do this anyway.
Please add more
SSX Tricky was a year one launch. Would love that.
JSRF pretty please. Would be awesome
It would never happen because of licensing issues...but a dream of mine is either NFL2K5 or Madden 2005.
Tbh, I will be happy with pretty much anything. Let's just get the ball rolling again. Microsoft's BC policy was the main reason I bought Xbox One (even though I already had PS4 - later also Switch) and now the Series.
I just dusted off my old 360 so I can play Tenchu Z and hopefully silent hill downpour, if they made these playback I'd be very happy as the old 360 is very old haha, it's struggling
Tenchu Z please 🤞🤞
Aragami 2 is awesome, but it still can't beat this game.
Path of Neo and Enter the Matrix, just in time for the release of Matrix Resurections on theater.
A man can dream !!
Trying to keep my hype in check....because we'll probably get this
What Xbox fans want: The likeS of Max Payne 3 and others
What we will get: Since its November we will get the Old Call Of Duty games, The Burger king games. And a few other random games
Aliens: Colonial Marines so I can play Bug Hunt dlc 4 player co-op online on xbone
Midtown Madness 3, I would love to revisit
I really really want Timesplitters 2 & 3! Now Free Radical is a thing again. Or remasters while we wait for 4!
Man I hope one of them is The Godfather I love that game or Ultimate alliance 2
@FriendlyOctopus Silent Hill Downpour is already BC mate.
As mentioned by others I'd love to see JSRF make the list as the 360 BC for that game is pretty broken. PGR series too but I guess the car and soundtrack licences would be a nightmare.
I'd really like to see Dark Souls 2 get added too, it's quite a different game than the SotFS version that came to XBO.
Considering this week's 360 sale has several titles not BC and other non-BC titles in other sales past, maybe start there? I mean I'm sure those publishers would make more money if those games could be played on more consoles right?
Hell, add pointless titles if you must like OG Halo 1+2 to really beef up the numbers. Wouldn't mind new sale options on 360. XD
Getting Jet Set Radio Future would make me very happy.
@BrilliantBill No there's quite a few left. Some will likely never make the cut like Forza Motorsport 1-4, Project Gotham Racing 1-4 and the Kinect games but there's some that I think have a chance like Blinx 2.
Deus Ex: Invisible War shouldn't be forgotten. We may want it forgotten, but it shouldn't be. Squeenix should own all the rights, so there shouldn't be rights issues with that.
Hope so , so many games I want to be able to play again from last gen that aren't currently bc
Amazing news, looking forward to it 😁
@RedKnight34 all the COD games are already BC I'm sure. Pretty certain I tried COD2 on my Xbox One X a couple of years ago.
sonic 06 and condemned 2 hopefully
@Shigurui HOLY *****! I had no idea haha, thanks for letting me know
@TheNintenYO suck a great game! I would rebuy that in a heartbeat! I also want Lego Lord of the Rings.
X-Men Legends🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
SSX Tricky. TimeSplitters. Gauntlet Dark Legacy. All of those, now.
EDIT: Yes and X-Men Legends (1 and 2), and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3.
Less BC, More FPS boosts.
The only thing I need on Backwards Compatible is "FUSE", my 360 ate it shortly after I got that game so I didn't get to play it a ton.
But what I did get to play I was very much looking forward to co-op with my gaming bro.
@Residentsteven yaaaas!
Record of Agarest War
Cave shooters
Eternal Sonata
Binary Domain, Binary Domain, Binary Domain, oh and Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
I just want those two.
Mechassault 1 and 2, Blood Wake, Chronicles of Riddick, Dead or Alive 3 are all on the top of my list. I'd hope for some 360 games too, but the list for OG is tiny and could really use some love.
Dark Messiah
Deus Ex Invisible War
Fatal Frame
Max Payne
Project Snowblind
Thief Deadly Shadows
Urban Chaos Riot Response
Singularity, would love to play that again
Simpsons: Hit & Run
OG Conflict Desert Storm and Vietnam pls
@FriendlyOctopus Silent Hill Downpour is currently BC, as is Homecoming and the HD collection. It's just disc only BC for Downpour and Homecoming.
F.E.A.R franchise and Condemned 2
Hoping for these games:
More games I want, but might be difficult/impossible due to licenses:
I would like to see the Simpsons hit and run and also the Simpsons game backward compatibile
@byngo123 Silent Hill Downpour isn't disc only BC. I have a digital copy and it's available as a download in my owned games list on Series S.
@Shigurui It's possible to download and play without disc if you bought it when it was originally available.
But to anyone who wants to play this going forward, they will only be able to use the disc. It's no longer available to purchase on Xbox live, and hasn't been since about 2015.
@byngo123 Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
@Clankylad All three EDF games on the 360 is already BC
So many to choose from. the current black compat list is big, but not compared to the full Xbox/360 catalogue.
Ridge Racer 6
Alpha Protocol, surely? It belongs to Microsoft now, so that one must be a dead cert, same with the Quake games. I'd be willing to bet one of them is Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, too. I would say Arkham Origins, but I'm starting to question myself for as to whether that already is backwards compatible? Speaking of Batman, Gotham City Impostors desperately needs a comeback, such a shame it's so very dead.
Personally, I'm hoping for:
Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
Looney Tunes: ACME Arsenal
Max Payne 1-3
Red Johnson's Chronicles
GTA III and Vice City (although hopefully the remaster rumours are true!)
Red Dead Revolver
SEGA Superstars Tennis
All the TMNT games (won't happen)
All the Spider-Man games (definitely won't happen)
The Godfather
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
Telltale's Wallace and Gromit
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh
Young Justice: Legacy
What I did notice last night was that the My Games section and the store on the 360 no longer displayed the playable on xbox one under the game icons.
C'mon Max Payne trilogy and F.E.A.R. !
@ST-CC I’ve been hoping for these two. Underrated.
Jet Set Radio Future?
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