Comments 94

Re: These Four Games Are Leaving Xbox Game Pass Today (August 31)


Blair Witch is on sale right now for like $13 or so, not sure if it's for everyone or if you have to have Game pass to see the sale or whatever, but it's worth checking if you're interested. I beat it when it came out and went ahead and bought it so I could beat it again, then again I'm a huge Blair Witch fan lol

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 17th)


I'm going heavy on MLB early access so I can practice and not get absolutely annihilated by my brother and friends when they get it on Tuesday lol

Also for some reason me and the fiance are back on State of Decay 2 again, doing a run thru Providence Ridge. Not sure why, no major update lately, just wanted a co op game and that seemed to stand out. It's been fun coming back to after only really playing it at release on two One S systems. Playing between Series X and S now it's so much smoother and performs so much better.

Re: Random: No, Halo Infinite Hasn't Been Delayed Again


you love to see kotaku step in it so blatantly. before this recent paul tassi "coming out" in support of xbox, kotaku has been notoriously anti-xbox. too funny they were so quick to run with a negative story like this. it too longer to write that article than it would have to fact check it first lmao

Re: Reaction: As The PS3 Store Closes, Xbox Reminds Us How 'Critical' Game Preservation Is


@TheFrenchiestFry those Sony people are more than welcome to go pick up an Xbox and enjoy all this backwards compatible goodness with us then!

Legit, an entire generation of articles and sites completely dog-piling on Xbox for literally everything. I am not gonna complain when an xbox fansite finally gets resurrected and starts posting POSITIVE Xbox articles! I'm here for it!

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II Cast Members Working On Secret Project


My fiance and I have been play Battlefront II heavily lately, and the game really did turn around and come into its own. I'd love to see a properly executed sequel, one that launches without the predatory microtransactions and is more feature complete from the start. The base gameplay, shooting mechanics, hero abilities, etc. are all absolutely awesome.

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