Another 12 Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass Soon (May 16)

Microsoft has unveiled the next set of twelve games that will be removed from Xbox Game Pass in the early part of May 2021, including some pretty major titles such as Alan Wake, DayZ, Final Fantasy IX and others.

Here's the full list of games currently set to leave in early May 2021:

May 6 FIFA 15 (EA Play) Console
May 6 FIFA 16 (EA Play) Console
May 6 FIFA 17 (EA Play) Console
May 6 FIFA 18 (EA Play) Console
May 6 NBA Live 18: The One Edition (EA Play) Console
May 15 Alan Wake Console, PC
May 15 Battlefield Gothic: Armada 2 PC
May 15 Dungeon of the Endless Console, PC
May 15 Final Fantasy IX Console, PC
May 15 Hotline Miami PC
May 15 Plebby Quest: The Crusades PC

As always, Xbox Game Pass members can get a discount of 20% on these titles before they're removed.

Sad to see these games go? Let us know your favourite of these in the comments.

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