Comments 62

Re: Tango Gameworks Announces 'Hi-Fi RUSH', Available Today On Xbox Game Pass


@Would_you_kindly Phil is as hypocritical as Jim Ryan. Before ps5 jim ryan said that new playstation games would be developed exclusively for PS5. its 2 years into the PS5 life cycle and just now are most new games exclusive only for ps5 and not ps4 lol. These are businesses and leadership on both sides has lied to consumers to gain popularity so its completely futile/inflammatory to argue over who is better or worse.

Re: Tango Gameworks Announces 'Hi-Fi RUSH', Available Today On Xbox Game Pass


@Would_you_kindly FF7 Remake not coming to Xbox is a different story because that is a third party studio, Playstation doesn't own Square Enix. No xbox fan expects a playstation owned studio to release games on xbox, so PS fans should have the same expectations vice versa. I probably play my playstation more than my xbox but you gotta think rationally. Phil isn't hypocritical, he's made xbox games the most accessible they have ever been. 15$ a month and you can play any xbox exclusive whether thats on pc, xbox (budget series s or x), or heck even on a samsung tv without a console though the xbox app. Phil has been more generous to PS fans then he's needed to be, allowing previously multi plat IP's like diablo, cod, overwatch, etc still stay on PS even though they are now microsoft owned IP. If you have a xbox series S why are you even complaining you can still play this game LOL.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Wild Predictions For The Xbox Games Showcase?


My wish list mirrors some previous comments
-Marcus fenix collection first three gow games fully remastered
-halo infinite campaign dlc trailer
-gears 6
-fable release date and gameplay trailer
-avowed release date and gameplay trailer
-new killer instinct
-star field gameplay trailer
-Star Wars exclusive? (Ps5 has kotor remake so if Xbox could secure a Star Wars game that would be awesome)
-new bioshock
-everwild gameplay trailer
-hellblade gameplay trailer
-red fall gameplay trailer
-new ori game?
I REALLY WANT A NEW LORD OF THE RINGS GAME!! Maybe a battle for middle earth 3? Or a lord of the rings rpg.

Re: Xbox Has Plans For Two Upcoming Showcases, Says XboxEra


I feel like there are too many showcases for all the major companies (Xbox, Sony, Nintendo) and as a result the quality drops significantly. Realistically Xbox will save its major announcements/trailers for E3 so I would rather just wait for that than be disappointed.

Re: Xbox Exec Admits PlayStation Has Been 'Out In Front' With A 'Certain Kind Of Game'


If Xbox can nail all of its upcoming first party games, I think they could definitely be on par if not slightly ahead of Playstation. New Fable, Gears, Halo, Forza, Perfect dark, Everwild, Avowed, Outerworlds 2 have so much potential, not to mention the Zenimax exclusives. Then hopefully find more studios to revive franchises like Banjo, Viva, and Killer instinct. Sony will always dominate the third person action adventure genre they just have it perfected. But xbox could have a much wider diversity of excellent games.

Re: Halo's MCC Adds New 'Mythic' Armour Sets To Season 8, And Not Everyone Is Happy


I agree with the complaints. These armour sets don’t have halo identity and these really are tacky and just meant to be as ridiculous as possible. That’s what makes halo so unique there’s no other game truly like it and I think that’s what makes some people concerned. How far down this path are they going to go with halo infinite? Is it going to be a bunch of flaming helmet rainbow guns Viking Armour spartans? Where’s the line where it’s not just outlandish cosmetics but cosmetics that were designed to fit within the halo universe. Not to sound like a huge nerd but halo has a MASSIVE legacy and I think 343i should try to preserve the halo image. Bringing in new content is great but at least put in an effort to make it fit in.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Gives His Initial Thoughts On Valve's Steam Deck


@BlueOcean Wondering the same thing about game pass potentially being added to steam os. Thats a make or break for me because I don't have any games on steam so there's not much incentive for me to shell out the money. Also i'm kinda ***** with technology lol I don't want the bother of changing the OS and whatever else would need to be done.

Re: Valve's New Steam Deck Can Be Used As A Handheld Xbox


extremely intrigued by this, can play pc exclusives, ported playstation titles, and gamepass games all on this thing. not to mention emulators and all that. I hope that Valve works with xbox to make a gamepass app accessible without uninstalling the OS. Perfect opportunity for xbox to get game pass onto a handheld device. Phil/xbox team would be crazy not to work with them. With playstation now being more open to porting older titles to pc it could be an great way to bridge the gap between xbox-pc-playstation.

Re: Rumour: Microsoft In Talks For Another Bethesda Level Acquisition


I would not be happy if it was Ubisoft. Ubisoft games are good but they lack that special impact, in otherwords are quite forgettable. With the acquisition of zenimax microsoft is already a heavy hitter in western RPG's. I could die a happy man if microsoft bought sega. Shin megami tensei, persona, sonic, golden axe, crazy taxi, bayonetta, yakuza, warhammer 40k dawn of war + company of heroes. If they are looking to diversify their gamepass offerings I think sega is the way to go.

Re: CD Projekt Has 'Many Plans' For The Future Beyond Cyberpunk


“Relatively clear concept, it MIGHT be a Witcher game”. So basically not clear on concept lol. just poking fun. I really do hope their next game is set in the Witcher universe because the Witcher series is just too good to let die. Witcher 3 is definitely my favourite game of all time hands down.

Re: Talking Point: What Games Do You Want To See Added To Xbox Game Pass In 2021?


@MasterkillerX agreed! I’m holding off on buying yakuza like a dragon because sooner or later it will arrive on game pass given the rest of the titles are already available or coming by the end of this month. Final fantasy 7 remake would be incredible on game pass. I wouldn’t want to spend $80 on an already year old game so it would be perfect if Xbox could snag it for game pass.

Re: Reaction: After Cyberpunk 2077, Halo Infinite's Delay Feels Like A Relief


A delayed game is always better than a rushed game, and the cyberpunk disaster emphasizes this more than ever. I really hope the developers of 343 use this time well to make a polished and true next-gen experience halo! I love my series X, mostly because of the drastically reduced load times, but I have yet to play a game that really showcases next-gen capabilities. I hope halo can be that game.

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