Tango Gameworks has officially announced its brand-new project in the form of Hi-Fi RUSH, and the big surprise is that the game is available today on Xbox Game Pass for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC!
As you can see from the launch trailer above, this is an action game "where everything you do syncs to the beat", and it feels like it has a bit of a Jet Set Radio, Sunset Overdrive and even Metal Hellsinger vibe to it in some ways.
You can check out more information below, courtesy of the official Xbox website.
"As wannabe rockstar Chai, you’ll fight back against a sinister robotics enhancement conglomerate using rhythm-amplified combat where everything – from the motion in the environment to the blows of combat – is synced to the music. Raise your guitar high and feel the beat in this utterly all-new title from Tango Gameworks, the team behind The Evil Within® and Ghostwire®: Tokyo."
Surprised by this? Let us know if you'll be playing it down in the comments below.
Comments 116
Hold on a minute tango Gameworks first game after being acquired is exclusive to Xbox ? What happened to not wanting to take away games from other platforms ... The hypocrisy 🤣🤣
It looks really good! I'm glad Microsoft is diversifying it's exclusives. I have so many friends who loved the 360 for Xbox Arcade and various Sega games but they've moved over to PlayStation since. Microsoft need to win back those gamers who like stuff other than shooters and PC type titles.
This looks awesome can't wait to play
This looks great. The highlight of the show. Will be downloading and playing. Main character reminded me of Peter Quill from guardians of the Galaxy 😄
This looks pretty good, but I'll wait for reviews since I don't have Game Pass.
Tango stole the show, IMO. Not only does this game look damned cool (I love me some good cell shading) but it shadow drops today!
@Would_you_kindly It's also on PC platforms like Steam and Epic so it's not xbox exclusive, just not on Playstation.
looked fun but this is the 3rd xbox exclusive that i would have bought that isn't a physical release.
really starting to feel like i have wasted money on my series x now
I thought we were done with shadow drops.
@PringleMuffin I meant console exclusive & it's not on Nintendo either...
@Would_you_kindly it might be a timed exclusive.
Pun very much intended, in case that is in doubt
Looks very interesting, definitely will check it out at some point. These are the types of games I hope we see more off from all those studios that were bought.
@Would_you_kindly what game have they taken away? This game was never released on any other console.
This looks absolutely fantastic! It reminds me of Sunset Overdrive.
@Would_you_kindly It's a new IP so it doesn't make sense releasing it on PS5 and Switch
@Fenbops no but it would've been multiplatform had Microsoft not acquired them I think that's pretty obvious
@Would_you_kindly Well, maybe PS gamers can go play Forspoken?!? Maybe??
@Tharsman Tango definitely carried the show.
Looks cool, now to keep my eye on gamepass for the ability to download. Hopefully I can boot it up after work.
@BlackMayge I just hope it sells better than Sunset Overdrive 😭(or gets played a ton on GamePass)
@Would_you_kindly the game looks a little too taxing for the switch hardware. Playstation would have paid to keep it off xbox.
@Solidchief well yeah I know that I just find it funny how Phil Spencer acts like he hates exclusives & wants to release everything on every platform possible but then does the exact opposite
@Somebody I dunno doesn't look very graphically demanding to me kinda like those persona games that just released
@Would_you_kindly Pretty sure they specified not making pre-existing IPs like DOOM or Minecraft exclusives. Complaining that this is an exclusive is on par with complaining that Xenoblade Chronicles is a Nintendo-exclusive after they bought Monolith Soft - really, really stupid.
@Would_you_kindly Weird, i don’t remember this coming to or being announced for PlayStation. I think you are remembering something incorrectly, because I’m pretty sure Xbox didn’t take this away from PS.
@MrList Series X was worth it to me just for the extra storage space. But the having the disc drive is a big deal if you wanna play a lot of delisted games, like the original Halo games or the Forza Motorsports.
Hold on a minute tango Gameworks first game after being acquired is exclusive to Xbox ? What happened to not wanting to take away games from other platforms ... The hypocrisy 🤣🤣
I know, right? At least Microsoft fecking own the studio, unlike Sony who outright stopped games like FF7R and FF16 from being on Xbox from third a party studio like Squeenix.
You Sony cheerleaders moved beyond hilarity and hypocrisy now, what's the matter, no AAA games to play on PS5?😅
@Would_you_kindly I agree with you about Phil , he’s too nice and talks a lot of poo, but there’s nothing wrong with Xbox releasing games exclusive to their console when they own the Dev. Be realistic.
Forspoken is playstation exclusive and they didn’t even make the game, you may wanna go over to push and have a moan about that.
This looks amazing, definitely the star of the show for me. Looking forward to diving into it tomorrow. Now bring back the BC program so I can play Rock Band Blitz on my XSX!
@Would_you_kindly And Minecraft Legends still coming to PlayStation. What are you getting at
@Mince Ghostwire Tokyo has a 77% grade on metacritic. It’s much better than a Meh….
@Hypnotoad107 final fantasy 7 remake was never announced for Xbox yet it's always being mentioned as taken from Xbox ...
@Would_you_kindly Xbox funded this game so in no way did they take it away from PS gamers. If Tango was still multiplatform, this game probably would not have got made at all, especially with how Zenimax’s financial situation wasn’t the best at time of acquisition.
But I think you know all that and you’re just trying really hard to make a point.
Anyway if it had released on PS, you know Sony would have paid for timed exclusivity.
This looks great shame it’s a series exclusive as I don’t have one yet but cloud gaming might pull through.
So... when does it actually drop on Game pass? Because its not available yet.
@Fenbops I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it , it's basic business I'm purely pointing out Phil Spencer's hypocrisy when he tried to be the nice guy gamer when in reality he's just a corporate guy with good pr
@Would_you_kindly We don’t even know if the game would had been in development if it wasn’t for Microsoft… Plenty of developers have stated that these smaller one off title only existed cause of Microsoft funding.
This game looks right up my alley
@NarutosBiggestFan I’m the video they said, I think, something along the lines “in a few hours, later tonight”
@Would_you_kindly I know I agree with you on that. No one should take uncle Phil’s word as gospel. I also don’t expect Xbox to share their new IP’s just because Phil vaguely says otherwise or not.
Also I’m not sure if you’re trolling or just blind saying this ‘looks like those persona games that just released’. 🤣
@Would_you_kindly seriously wondering why you are commenting on this forum and not on pushsquare.
If Xbox want exclusives they can have exclusives just like Sony and Nintendo do.
What’s up with these Sony fan boys, business is business go play a game.
@Friendly because I just watched the developer_direct on the chance they might announce something I was interested in & I found the news that this game would be exclusive to Xbox kind of ironic given Microsoft are currently trying to acquire Activision blizzard which has some IPs I care about that I don't want to see removed from playstation & Nintendo consoles
I really hope a disc version comes as well. This looks like an absolute gem.
@Would_you_kindly What can I say, people that demand other console’s funded exclusives are dumb.
@Friendly Just ignore him. Hes only here to rile up people. He doesn't like phil, its plain as day an thats ok but he isn't going to learn that not everybody needs to have his mindset.
He keeps trying to pull the weirdest logic that just never makes any sense at any point.
Literally expecting a company to not have its studios make exclusive reasons to buy their hardware is really stretching it as is. Comparing it to 3rd party contracts is also really reaching too.
Got some jet set radio/sunset overdrive/sega dreamcast vibes from this. Man I loved the dreamcast
@Hypnotoad107 so you've never complained about final fantasy ?
@Dezzy70 it’s been that way for ages. ‘Xbox has no games’. Then Xbox announce a new exclusive and they moan. Uncle Phil doesn’t help with some of the garbage he comes out with though.
It's impressive that "similar to pentiment in scope" and "being announced soon" are the only leaks that hit this game in its entire developement.
seriously wondering why you are commenting on this forum and not on pushsquare
That's probably because there's a daily limit on the Sony loving that even PushSquare can tolerate, the dude has likely exceeded his daily quota, hence why he's here 😅.
"...and it feels like it has a bit of a Jet Set Radio, Sunset Overdrive"
That's all I needed to hear!
This game looks like it could be great, I'll be downloading this as soon as I can
@Somebody It’s a pleasant surprise. I’m down for more middle road, budget conscious AA games over the resource and crunch intensive AAA games that use cookie cutter mechanics to appeal to the most basic b**** gamer and recoup costs.
More like this and Pentiment please!
Being honest Uncle Phil should stick to the positive stuff and get on micro managing the studios and team he has.
He has been on to many interviews lately about bad stuff and ABK etc. leave it Phil and just come out for the good stuff.
Being honest I’m glad he wasn’t on the presentation tonight. The presentation was spot on and perfect.
This actually looks really solid to me. Can’t wait to try it out… after I finish the other four games I started this year. Hope I get to it before Redfall. Looking forward to your review @FraserG (if it’s your turn for the review)!
This reminds me of the Sega Saturn launch in America when they surprised everyone at E3 and announced the Sega Saturn would launch that day and was on store shelves now.
This will keep the reviews busy in the UK over night 😂
@somnambulance It probably won't be me, but we're going to try and get some early hands-on impressions out tomorrow!
@FraserG I've just had a go through Xcloud (can't install on PC yet) and it's great fun, kind of like Crypt of the Necrodancer but you time your attacks to the beat and it looks fantastic, early days but I can see this being very well received
Edit, can install on PC now
@FraserG That’ll be faster than I can get my hands on impressions, so I’ll check it out tomorrow. Looks up my alley for sure. Love anything that reminds me of JSRF.
Is this a single player game or online multiplayer?
If its single player then il deffo be downlaoding this tomorrow, if multiplayer then its a pass as I'm burnt out on online games and live service crap.
@UltimateOtaku91 it's single player
@Would_you_kindly for clarity, when xbox/phil have mentioned not taking games away from gamers, they're referring to the already established ip's. Like playstion have a bee in their bonnet about taking cod away from other platforms but the point is they arent taking that away, equally they're not taking away Minecraft as its already established nor are they taking away eso. however they will continue to grow their library of games
@UltimateOtaku91 Single player. It looks like a mix between late-era Sega, and weird era 3DS, and I love it. GOTY right here. But you don't get to play. You spent seventy dollars on Forspoken for who knows what reason. You need to get your money's worth. Off you you now.
@Dreamcaster9999 Except that announcement was the announcement that killed Sega hardware.
This reminds me that I still would like to give Sunset Overdrive a try...
This looks really cool though, very nice surprise and I'll certainly be downloading it today.
@NEStalgia that's where you're wrong 😜 I actually rented Forspoken off BoomerangRenatals (UK) along with Dragon Ball Z kakarot for £16 this month, so not such a waste of money but even still it's not a bad game 😢
This game looks good though, digging the art style but I still think Redfall looks better.
@Would_you_kindly Xbox studio, exclusive Xbox and pc like all should!!!
@PringleMuffin PC is 100% Microsoft, try again
@UltimateOtaku91 LOL, well at least you don't have to walk in shame if you merely rented it! Even if you somehow managed to like it
@fox99 no it isn't, there are multiple store fronts that have nothing to do with Microsoft and you can use Linux instead of Windows
@MrList I wouldn't go that far. You are still getting to play the best versions of the games available on Xbox. Some games on the Series S aren't even as good as they were on the Xbox One X. Not knocking the Series S, but you still did fine getting the Series X even if you don't get to use the drive as much as you thought you would.
Sunset Overdrive X Lollipop Chainsaw X Jet Set Radio X No More Heroes X Viewtiful Joe
And I love it!
@NEStalgia I’ve noticed the people enjoying Forspoken are the same people who’ve made themselves believe all PlayStation exclusives are good 😜
I’ve downloaded Hi-Fi rush, I’ll give it a go tomorrow, something to look forward to. I’m too tired now and I’ve just finished the first castle on P4G. That’s enough for one evening.
@Would_you_kindly Dude, why are you here? What exactly are you trying to prove? Why the constant trolling? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Do you feel that inadequate? Do you actually own an xbox? Seriously, you need to go to GTFOH.
Maaan, it looks so dope. Quality content here.
@Would_you_kindly the first 2 games after bathesda aquisition is timed exclsuives for sony...
Hi there fellow gamers;
This game completely stole the show for me personally.
A brand new action cel shaded full of style game.
It really reminds me of old school games like Jet Set Radio.
And from Tango no less.... Was not expecting this one at all.
What a great surprise. And it launches TODAY! On GamePass!!!
Well done Microsoft and Tango. Very well done.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
@Would_you_kindly He doesn't do the exact opposite. Xbox exclusives are available in more ways and on more platforms than PlayStation exclusives. That's a simple fact.
Cool shadow drop. Will try it for sure.
@Fenbops Mostly I've seen people that wanted to be excited for it convincing themselves they are, and even among those that say they like it, they "like" it as $70 filler between better releases.
Plus a few people like ultimateotaku that just have bad taste, and somehow thought the demo was good and were like "yas, I need this amazingly passive aggressive gameplay with platforming that makes Sonic Boom look well designed and Twilight level writing in my library nao!"
Honest truth, I enjoyed the Balan Wonderworld demo more than Forspoken. Not saying it was good. Just saying it was less ungood.
@cburg just because you don't like my opinion doesn't mean it's trolling 👍🏻 & I do have an Xbox one S that I use to play some backwards compatible Xbox 360 games & gears of war & halo.
@Gamingforlife because they signed a contract with Sony before the acquisition, I'm certain they'dve been Xbox exclusive if they'dve acquired them sooner
@ghostmutt14 I highly recommend Sunset Overdrive, especially since it's on Game Pass. But it was a ridiculous ride of a gamenthat I love jumping back into just to smash some OD (aka zombies)
@NEStalgia If me liking Forspoken bothers you to this degree then this review will go down a treat.
It looks fun but the Director previously directed Evil Within 2, which was a bold, and confident 3rd person narrative action game. Xbox needs more of those so I hope TEW3 is on its way.
@Would_you_kindly why shouldn't they? Does sony drop their games on xbox? What about spiderman? Do they even let third party games release on xbox like with strret fighter v final fantasy project eve silent hill? Dont start this sony is as dirty as it gets and that's why im cheering for xbox.... Sony is that a**** in highscool that think he can do anything and think they run with it.... You just want to kick his a** someday
Seeing name, hmm. Sees artstyle. Hmmmmmmm. Sees other games it could be similar to. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Sunset Overdrive or Jet Set Radio experience somewhat with it's own ideas on Xbox say no more. A rhythm element hmm. Gives me Inside My Radio, Hellsinger, Crypt of the Necrodancer or to make it Shinji Mikami overseeing related, Bayonetta 3's rhythm boss moment was weird but in there. I'm all for devs going nuts with ideas if there worth while.
I was only interested a little bit in Forza Motorsport (more excited for it then GT7 that's for sure but I'm skeptical still if the campaign structure isn't appealing I'm going to be disappointed but hopefully not as much as I dispise GT7 then I did GT5 & GT6 that I do replay because they weren't as harmful) so to have more to use my Xbox with by all means. I use my Xbox One on and off but like in the beginning barely used it (Sunset Overdrive I wasn't into at first but I eventually came around to it again and binged it) and barely used the Series X at all this gen I'm busy using my old gen consoles instead comfortably whether PS2 to 360/Wii U era console and handhelds or PS4/Switch not interested in using the PS5/Series X family have in the living room at all.
I liked the direction Sunset Overdrive did things then Spiderman it just didn't do it for me (The story and core game I hated so much. I only cared for about 1-5% of the game and that was only side content. The puzzles were fun I don't skip them, some side missions used the mechanics/scenarios presented well and used even the Ratchet 2016 lasers in a better way then just stealth in the game but for an obstacle course and I was happy with that team using assets from another game in a more interesting way but that was it) Sunset had far more engaging things to do of side missions then the handful in Spiderman I 'actually' liked and the story missions were fine enough, tower defence moments were cool, the grinding top and bottom was great, guns were great.
If this has some movement/platforming focus, sure the odd ok story moments but fun side missions that make we actually use the mechanics not be bored with same old for double digit hours not caring and getting bored of the same thing over and over then I'll think about it (it's why I hate RPGs talk and combat and boring things going on for 20 to 100 hours pass, it's why I find most open worlds boring the core mechanics get boring), if it's boring gameplay then well not interested but at least happy to see other strange and different games on Xbox.
RPGs, most open worlds and shooters aren't my thing right now so what most of Xbox is offering isn't really appealing to me. I need the more strange and out there games to make me want to use my Xbox.
Sunset Overdrive and ReCore I used my Xbox One for quite a lot, Forza Motorsport (not Horizon or other open world racing games I don't care for them) I do on and off whenever in a racing mood to play 5 and 7 (not played 6) and Rare Replay. Halo and Gears were 'fine' not as compelling as the 360 era. I don't know what to think of Perfect Dark as I didn't get into them that much. Most of the time my 360/One become a third party machine and I don't want/need two consoles to be that (yes my PS4 has become that these days I'm no up for first party Sony games right now the ones I cared about are gone so time to use it as a third party console only use case these days).
They are my I keep my Xbox One around for games every other third party is a bonus if I find a copy of it available not necessary I can get it on other platforms.
@Would_you_kindly FF7 Remake not coming to Xbox is a different story because that is a third party studio, Playstation doesn't own Square Enix. No xbox fan expects a playstation owned studio to release games on xbox, so PS fans should have the same expectations vice versa. I probably play my playstation more than my xbox but you gotta think rationally. Phil isn't hypocritical, he's made xbox games the most accessible they have ever been. 15$ a month and you can play any xbox exclusive whether thats on pc, xbox (budget series s or x), or heck even on a samsung tv without a console though the xbox app. Phil has been more generous to PS fans then he's needed to be, allowing previously multi plat IP's like diablo, cod, overwatch, etc still stay on PS even though they are now microsoft owned IP. If you have a xbox series S why are you even complaining you can still play this game LOL.
@Gamingforlife everyone thinks I was complaining about it but I wasn't it's Microsoft's right to release the games they paid for on whatever platform they want just like it is Sony's I just find the things Phil Spencer says hypocritical
@Wilshiire those games you mentioned aren't Microsoft owned IPs they've not bought Activision yet
@Would_you_kindly But you are a troll and try to stir up needless controversy constantly. Enough already. Time to grow up.
@shoeses They won't take away existing Bethesda games from PS and Switch. So something like Skyrim, Wolfenstein 2, DOOM Eternal won't be removed from the PS and Switch stores.
Only future new Bethesda games will be Xbox only. Elder Scrolls 6 i think is a Xbox and PC only game.
Finished the first boss. This game is fun as hell, very charming and slick, and very accessible for even me, a person with terrible rhythm.
These are the titles I like seeing from Xbox. This gives me heavy vibes of an exclusive they'd have had for the original Xbox, and I mean that as VERY high praise. Between this and Pentiment, I am very, very excited to see what their other developers are cooking, because these passion projects from small teams have been the best thing from Xbox these past few years.
Double Fine ESPECIALLY has my interest, just what are they up to? And will it shadow drop 👀
This was easily the highlight of the show! Devil May Cry meets Dance Dance Revolution with a Sunset Overdrive vibe? What an easy win!
@Would_you_kindly Phil is as hypocritical as Jim Ryan. Before ps5 jim ryan said that new playstation games would be developed exclusively for PS5. its 2 years into the PS5 life cycle and just now are most new games exclusive only for ps5 and not ps4 lol. These are businesses and leadership on both sides has lied to consumers to gain popularity so its completely futile/inflammatory to argue over who is better or worse.
I'm playing it now. It's fantastic. It's really, really good. And it's a video game ass video game. Music, animation, writing and voice acting are all phenomenal. Gameplay is varied and compelling and beautifully paced. What a gem to drop out of the sky!
Man, if there are ponies crying over this being Xbox console exclusive, they going to have an aneurysm after the ABK deal goes through…
Their first game was Tokyo Ghostwire since being acquired and it was PS5 exclusive. (And it still is exclusive today)
Second, the game is not exclusive to XB. It ships on Windows Store, Steam, and Epic Games store too. Probably can play on Android and iOS via cloud streaming if you wanted to.
Third, Phil gave clear criteria on games they would ship on other consoles. And those were games that already had an existing community and were not predominantly SP experiences.
This game is fantastic. Way better than any combat oriented rhythm game I’ve ever played. Unbelievable that this was a shadow drop today. And if you don’t have GamePass, $30 seems like a bargain. Loving it!
Wanted to keep playing more if I didn’t have to work in the morning!
Got to try the game. Not as much as I should have because I'm Yakuza binging and can't peel myself away but dang this game is a blast! It's niche with the rhythm thing and I have terrible rhythm, but it's just so fun. It weirdly has a classic ratchet and clank thing going for it, a Nintendo-like feel, a classic XB feel, but more importantly it feels like a Saturn or Dreamcast game. That's high praise the B-sides are some of the best games. Always have been.
I haven't fought a boss to a NiN track since quake. What else can be said really?
@Tharsman Nah, ABK doesn't make anything this good anymore
@Korgon now you've done it, you know who will have to play it if it's compared to DDR.. 😆. Best not mention NiN though...
@UltimateOtaku91 I am in awe of that review.... That is pure magic. Screw the cuff, that website is where the real magic (or magic mushrooms?) is. Just... Wow. And now we see why only select sites were allowed review codes early. I wonder if square paid him or if their "associates" abducted his family prior to rating that one of the best games of all time after opening the review saying he hasn't played any of the other ps exclusives of the past generation but loved ffxv 😂
Redfall looks boring and I can see ppl playing for a week or two and then the fanbase will move on. It reeks of Back 4 Blood.
I bet you the content is going dry up really quick.
HI Fi Rush looks sick, definitely downloading.
Also please more exclusives, gives consoles a identity, because if their is no identity. What's the point of making different consoles, why not just pool the best ppl to make a dope ass console...
Like the Dreamcast 😏
@Would_you_kindly My god, you are way too dedicated into this.
Not only does username check out.
Bringing in some truth and logic that its going fall on deaf ears because they want to bitch at each other for the giggles and likes.
@carlos82 Yes it is, storefronts mean nothing, there are also storefront in Ios, Macos etc, and it's still Apple. Don't even mention linux, that useless crap has nothing to do with a windows pc. So yeah, Xbox is 100% console and pc. You can wipe your tears now
@fox99 so you really don't know what you're talking about
@Would_you_kindly “so you've never complained about final fantasy ?”
No. I have a PS5, because console warring is dumb. If there are games on a platform I want to play, instead of complaining about exclusivity, I just buy the platform.
@cburg Reason I ignored/blocked them long ago.
ABK, especially under XBox, is still likely to bring us more Crash and Spyro games, maybe even more Tony Hawk games, and who knows, we might even get a new Prototype or finally get Starcraft Ghost. Can you imagine the rage foaming up if Starcraft Ghost is resurected as an XBox console exclusive?
@KaijuKaiser not to be a troll, but other than Call of Duty, I would not expect ABK under XBox to share new games with PlayStation.
Exclusives are part of this industry and are the reason I have basically every console connected to my TV right now. And by "basically every console" I mean a PS3, PS5, Wii U, Switch, XB360 and XSX (on my primary gaming room) and a PS4, XSS and extra Switch dock on a secondary room.
The gameplay video on youtube seems good, I think I'll download it tonight and play it tomorrow 😃
@Tharsman Yeah, ABK under MS would theoretically bring back a lot of dormant IP. ABK on its own....they seem bent on erasing one IP at a time. Not too concerned about Crash, my hate-love-hate relationship with ND starts with Crash lol, but Starcraft Ghost might be more iconic than Half-Life 3!
I'm sure they would gladly put this on the PS5 if Sony would make Spider-Man a multi console game
Good thing Microsoft can afford very expensive lawyers
@NEStalgia can you imagine StarCraft Ghost but made by The Coalition? 🤤
@Tharsman I can imagine StarCraft Ghost made by Intelligent Systems easier than one made by Blizzard at this point
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