Comments 321

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Buying In The Xbox Countdown Sale 2020?


I probably won’t buy much this sale since I bought a lot of games in the black friday sale a couple of weeks ago, and this sale is pretty much the same games at the same prices as then.

But I think I will buy either AC Valhalla or Immortals, or maybe Watch Dogs Legion if they patch the save glitch before the sale ends.

Re: All Optimised For Xbox Series X|S Games Out Now


Some games I hope get optimised for Series S/X:

Code Vein
Dark Souls 1-3
Diablo 3
Dishonored series
Dragon Quest 11
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Gears 1-4
Halo 5
Monster Hunter World
Nier 1 Remake
Nier Automata
Outer Worlds
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Team Sonic Racing
Wasteland 3
Yakuza 0-6

Re: Xbox Black Friday Sale Now Live, 500+ Games Discounted


@gollumb82 If you haven’t used your trial month of Game Pass yet, you can buy 3 years worth of Xbox Live Gold, then upgrade all of it to Game Pass Ultimate using the trial month. All Xbox Live Gold you have stocked up (up to a maximum of 3 years) will be converted to Game Pass Ultimate. You can’t get a better discount than that

Re: Rumour: Free Xbox Live Multiplayer 'Close To Being A Sure Thing'


I almost never play online, but I’ve been subscribed to Gold for over 10 years because of all the great sales you get access to as a Gold member. I wonder what will happen to those sales if the rumours are true and Gold will be phased out. Hopefully, and ideally, they would become available to everybody, but I feel like there is a risk that the deals will be locked behind Game Pass instead of Gold...

Re: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 Announced, Heading To Xbox One


This is fantastic news!
I love the first Curse of the Moon, I even unlocked all of the achievements in it, too.
Haven’t played Ritual of the Night myself yet, but I watched my girlfriend play it and it’s also an amazing game, as long as you’re not playing the Switch version from what I understand.