Comments 12

Re: Starfield Has Officially Gone Gold, Xbox & PC Preload Dates Revealed


I bought the Xbox/PC gamepass Constellation Edition. Hoping someone can help with a couple of questions:

1. How will preloading work for buyers of the Constellation Edition? The validation key is inscribed on one of the physical items in the box; will it be shipped to me in time to use it for the preload?

2. I would like to (a) eventually use mods when they become available and (b) play the game on the go. If I keep the Constellation edition and download it via PC gamepass, will I be able to use mods from NexusMods? If so, I could then also play on the go via web browser and “Play Anywhere” on my Steam Deck. Or am I better off buying the digital Steam version (which will definitely work with mods) and playing natively on my Steam Deck?

Re: Starfield Xbox Controller, Headset & Watch Officially Announced


@Spider-Kev Dude: sometimes a rainbow is just a rainbow….

Also: a rainbow has seven colors; the controller only has four.

Also: there’s no rainbow on the watch.

In summary: you’re really searching for something to be triggered about, huh?

P.S.: I’m hyped for this game; ordered all the accessories. (Although I kinda wish there was a rainbow on all of them so I could buy multiple copies just to annoy people like Spider Kev).

Re: Ghostwire: Tokyo Officially Arrives On Xbox Game Pass This April


I got this game on PS5 when it came out despite the mixed reviews, and really enjoyed it! It wasn’t life-changing, but a really good solid game with great gameplay, gorgeous visuals, and a decent narrative. Some of the enemies were a bit repetitive, but that’s the only real criticism I had. Well, that plus the really annoying screeching of the tengus. If you haven’t played the game, this won’t make sense; but if you have, you’ll know how annoying the constant loud grating sound of those things is. Hope they’ve toned that down via the update.

Not sure if there’s enough new content for me to play it again on GamePass; but I’d definitely recommend it for newcomers.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of 'Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty' On Xbox Game Pass?


Spent a few hours playing it on PC game pass. Couldn’t get past the second phase of the first boss. (I did see this tip: But I can’t get the “divine beast” meter to fill up quickly enough before the second phase first boss hands me my ***.) Unlike Elden Ring - where I got my *** handed to me a billion times but kept going - I’m not interested enough to keep grinding at it; will wait for someone to make a mod to change the difficulty.

Re: Space-Combat Shooter 'Chorus' Now Has A Free Demo On Xbox


I bought it on PS5 based on all the hype and have to say I was really just bored by it during the short time I played it. (And the writing and voice acting were bland at best, bad at worst). I may give it another go, though, based on comments that it gets better after the first chapter.