Comments 9

Re: Phil Spencer Teases Multiple Games That Weren't Shown In This Year's Xbox Showcase


I think Microsoft smashed it with this showcase. It wasn't perfect, personally as much as I love Atlus - there was a bit too much from them and also I thought Avowed looked disappointing.
But besides that it really showed the pay off is coming. New IPs, old IPs, also more opportunity with what they obviously chose not to show (gears for example).
They must have been super happy with the reaction to the Sony showcase!

Re: Talking Point: Would You Like To See More 'Spin-Offs' From Xbox Game Studios?


I think yes and no.
Microsoft doesn't have that many diverse IPs (yet) to compete with Sony (for example).
And you have certain studios that seem to be stuck as the Halo or Gears studio.
So I'd love to see more creativity - whether through spin offs or new interesting IPs, either is fine. Maybe give them room for a new IP while someone else goes after a spin off?