Comments 67

Re: Microsoft Hits Back At Apple Over Project xCloud's iOS Absence


@Tharsman True. But there it would be noticable that the app connects to a server when it's not supposed to. And yes, you could for one make an app that's an RSS reader that has a default news feed and that feed giving it "new code" after it has been approved. Your app will be removed faster than you can say "not fair" and they will even revoke your developer license for that.

But, I'm trying to give an example here. There are other checks on apps as well. Like, for instance, parental control. Screen time. etc. Which really wouldn't work with a game streaming launcher.

Re: Microsoft Hits Back At Apple Over Project xCloud's iOS Absence


@Tharsman I never said the xCloud client would do that. But others might, I, for one, could easily create an app that would connect to a "game" and execute code downloaded from the server locally on the phone.

Without testing every single game (which this problem implies) Apple could never test that. That to them - and by proxy me - is a security risk.

(I am an app developer, and I have good morals. I would never make an app like that )

Re: Poll: Will You Be Picking Up An Xbox Series X This November?


I will still get the XBOX Series X in november. Even playing XBOX ONE games on it will be an improvement over my current ONE S, and those exclusive games... well we'll get there when they come.

Halo: Infinite wasn't going to be XSX exclusive anyway.

I will not be getting a Series S. Since, like the ONE S, it will be a very limiting experience.

Re: Microsoft Hits Back At Apple Over Project xCloud's iOS Absence


@Tharsman Incorrect. A movie will never interact with your device. A game will. I buy Apple devices because then I know every app I install on it has been checked by Apple that it won't steal my private information or corrupt my device because of some virus.

Apple has a very clear list of rules that applies to all apps on the App Store, they don't play favorites. If they'd allow MS to release a game streaming service, they would have to allow every game streaming service. Including those that will steal all your data.

There is a reason you need to have anti virus software on an Android device.

Re: Apple Reveals Why Project xCloud Isn't Yet Coming To iOS


@Tharsman The point is, GamePass will let you play a game from a list of available games. This is different from stuff like, which uses a remote desktop. (This basically gives you remote access to a desktop, instead of access to a game)

This is to prevent people from making an "app launcher" which launches an app that's not on the App Store / installed on the device. That could be a security risk.

Re: Unlike Xbox, PS4 Controllers Won't Work With PS5 Games


I'm so happy I'm going with the XBOX next gen. I used to buy each console. Nintendo day one, Sony early on and XBOX mid-gen. Next I will buy the XBOX Series X day one, Nintendo whenever they release it. And well... those Sony games.. I'll play Horizon 2 on PC.

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